Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for March 05, 2024

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    brwydave Premium Member 4 months ago

    Illegals have to be very careful. Dealing with our law enforcement and judicial systems might mean expulsion, so they are more law abiding than us native borns.

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  4 months ago

    Al badwyn : New Henry Payne

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    baroden Premium Member 4 months ago

    Goodwyn, everyday you remind me more and more of the ancient uncle sitting in the corner swatting at everyone younger than you with your ratty old cane. Take your meds and go to sleep. Your hate-filled time has come and gone.

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  4. Braveheart
    Free or Not? Premium Member 4 months ago

    More Good Truth telling by Goodwyn! Here are some other ones:

    New rapists

    New killers

    New pedos

    New human traffickers

    So much “NEWSPEAk” COMING FROM Big Brother Biden - BUILD BACK BADDER!

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    Victory  4 months ago

    Speaking of presidents and “new”

    New York rape case

    New York fraud case

    New York charity case

    New York trump university case

    New york civil case

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    think it through  4 months ago

    Those are the new names trump gave to his supporters.

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    rs0204 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Why does Oklahoma want to create a database of women who have had an abortion? Why does the OK Government want to track these women? Oklahoma already makes a woman carry her rapist or incest pregnancy to term, no matter how old the girl is. But if you go outside the state of OK, have a procedure, and come back, you have to report your name to the State of OK wants to put your name on their Government database.


    You know, in the 1930s, Jews had to register with the State in Germany. Gosh knows, nothing terrible happened to them after that, right?

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    rs0204 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Guess what? Slaves were paid for their labor! In Florida, the State legislature passed a law that Florida children have to be taught in school that Slaves were paid! According to the Florida Governor, we already knew that a Slave was being taught valuable work skills, but pay? Wow!

    What a great deal – Room, board, pay, back-breaking work, whippings, being-owned – those slaves had it great! Thank you Florida Legislature for setting the record straight.

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    davidthoms1  4 months ago

    Goodwyn’s fantasy alternate reality id diverging further from the truth daily!

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    Teto85 Premium Member 4 months ago

    What a pile of malarkey.

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    Ontman  4 months ago

    Just when you think Goodwyn could not be more ridiculous with his lies, he scrawls this.

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    mxy  4 months ago

    Reading some of the comments here makes me think of the scene in No Country for Old Men where Carson Wells asks Anton Chigure, “Do you have any idea how crazy you are?”.

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    superposition  4 months ago

    These — out of the norm — outliers are handy when trying to justify Q/MAGA beliefs …

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    Newenglandah  4 months ago

    Mr. Goodwyn’s racism is showing.

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    ChristopherBurns  4 months ago

    So Mr. Goodwynn, When did the White House approve of any of those? OK, I get this is satire.

    However, what Democrat approves of theft, drug use or (and I find this one really bizarre) exposing themselves?

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    Havel  4 months ago

    If only Congress could pass some legislation to help solve the problem…

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    Benaiah67  4 months ago

    TownHall Article – 3/5 – Americans are increasingly concerned about the massive influx of illegal immigrations crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, so much so that it’s become the top voter concern in a recent Gallup survey. But what they don’t know is that the country is not just being “invaded” by land. With the help of the federal government, hundreds of thousands of individuals hoping to cross into the U.S. (with no legal right to be here) are being assisted by the Biden administration.

    According to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the Center for Immigration Studies, U.S. Customs and Border Protection approved “secretive flights” for 320,000 inadmissible aliens last year. The individuals were pre-approved on the CBP One app and flew into 43 U.S. airports, though the government refuses to identify which one

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    Zuhl's Wife  4 months ago

    Meanwhile, Mr. Goodwyn’s MAGA Demi-God is comparing migrants to Hannibal Lechter, and is totally ignoring the inconvenient FACT that he ordered his MAGA cowards to scuttle the first strongly conservative bi-partisan bill to fix the border in 40 years./

    You vile, inhuman MAGA monsters do not have the right to whine, anivel, and point fingers at a President who is trying the best he can through Republican malfeasance and obstruction.

    “And the languages! Those rapists, murderers criminals, and escapees from insane asylum speak languages nobody heard and nobody ever speaks!”

    so tell us, Mr. Goodwyn, are they speaking Simian? Your sycophantic mission is to dehumanize millions of people, so you must have something believable to regurgitate.

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  19. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    The republican House has left the border open.

    Putin loving republican traitors falsely accuse Biden.

    The republican House is holding the USA budget hostage for Trump and Putin.

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    Al Fresco, the Librarian  4 months ago

    Sun guy reminds me of the famous poster featuring Portland mayor Bud Clark’s “Expose Yourself to Art” poster where is flashing a female nude statue. Classic.

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    preacherman Premium Member 4 months ago

    We seem to forget that most of the illegals have left behind their countries, communities, families, language, culture to go to an uncertain future. But, they spend their savings on the trip with the hope of a better life. While a few may be crooks, perhaps 5%. the remaining 95% are hard working people whose labors will benefit our nation. Our nation of immigrants needs more immigrants to make us strong.

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 4 months ago

    There’s a reason SCOTUS has a 15% approval rating, the RNC is going bankrupt, and less than 38 million Americans are registered as “Republican”.

    The majority of U.S. citizens have a moral code that doesn’t blow whichever way the wind blows or give into threats of violence.

    “Christians” who don’t understand the meaning of Matthew 7:12: 12 “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

    will have the fate listed in Matthew 7:21-23:

    21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons, and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ "

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 4 months ago

    The “Golden Rule” crosses religions and philosophies.

    There are a lot of people who think they and their religion are the “best” and others should be forced to follow their rules without compassion or consideration. They think they deserve some special consideration, not given to others.

    They may believe that they are “good”, but in truth they are the evildoers, precisely because they think others don’t deserve the same compassion and consideration as them.

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    Rich Douglas  4 months ago

    No, it’s not racist at all to compare migrants with thieves, drug dealers, and perverts. Of course not.

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    Ivan the Terrible   4 months ago

    Welcome to Biden’s candy shop!

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