Mike Luckovich for March 06, 2024

  1. Ddwiz avatar
    DD Wiz Premium Member 4 months ago


    • Inherited worst unemployment and crashed economy in a hundred years and turned it around into unprecedented economic growth and success.

    • Most jobs created of any first term president

    • Lower drug prices

    • Lowest prolonged unemployment in 60 years

    • Bringing inflation down

    • Wage growth exceeds inflation

    • Capping credit card late fees and limiting junk fees in other businesses

    • Student loan forgiveness

    • Record stock market highs

    • Reduced annual budget deficit every year

    • Passed first bi-partisan gun legislation in thirty years

    • Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

    • First African American woman on Supreme Court

    • Strengthened relations with NATO and other allies

    • Delivered BIPARTISAN BORDER BILL before Trump ordered it blocked and obstructed so he could keep his top wedge issue unsolved and run on a problem that exists solely because of Trump.

    Achieved all of this despite unprecedented Republican obstruction and despite having literally the narrowest possible Senate majority (50-50 in his first two years) and a vice president who set the all-time record for most tie-breaking votes in all of U.S. history.



    • No border wall; Mexico didn’t pay for anything,

    • Infrastructure week never happened

    • Promised beautiful healthcare better than Obamacare; delivered NOTHING

    • Tax cuts for billionaires and corporate welfare led to record deficits

    • Failure in handling the pandemic led to record unemployment, crashed economy and skyrocketing inflation

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 4 months ago

    Tell that to all Americans who have been killed by illegal immigrants.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 4 months ago

    They love to take credit for the fixes done by others to repair the damage they did in the first place.

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    knutdl  4 months ago

    Biden is our savior. Biden for president!

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    GiantShetlandPony  4 months ago

    Yup, Repubs like to take credit for everything they voted against.

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  6. Myfreckledface
    VegaAlopex  4 months ago

    The problem is that there are so many low-information voters out of touch with reality. They don’t “feel” the prosperity of reverse Reaganomics. I don’t either, but I know better.

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    aristoclesplato9  4 months ago

    Most of the job growth has gone to illegals of from the COVID rebound. Inflation, even low inflation, on top of high prices is still a problem for Americans since wages have not caught up. And illegals keep wages low for middle and lower class Americans. Of course the stock market is up as corporate profits rise with cheap illegal labor.

    Sure Biden cherry picks stats to try and look good. But Americans have illegals as their number one concern and is tied to all their misery. And on that front Biden is in horrible shape.

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    happyinvenice23  4 months ago

    Good morning Mike L., DD, Thank you both for bringing these Facts to everyone’s attention, It’s known as the Winners Vs. Losers, I’ll stay with Joe a hard working Winner and great Leader!

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  9. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 4 months ago

    Prices remain high and keep on being raised while wages are not keeping pace. This is occurring all over the world, it’s not a unique U.S. issue. There is not any fix that the U.S. government can institute short of wage and price controls.

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    tpcox928  4 months ago

    Do not confuse MAGA-GOP with facts; it makes their brains hurt. They are like my Starter Wife: Never let facts get in the way of an opinion.

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    The five pillars of Liberal Faith. Hysteria. Denial of Reality. Thought Control. Name Calling. Projection of Guilt.

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    The Nodding Head  4 months ago

    The nine pillars of Republican AKA MAGA faith: Ignorance + Fear + Grievance + Anger + Hatred + Cruelty + Mistrust + Disrespect + Incivility

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    My First Premium Member 4 months ago

    A State of the Union Drinking Game – Whenever Biden goes off script and ends a sentence with “Anyway”, everyone must drink. You’re going to have a headache Friday a.m. but the fun will be worth it.

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    Breeana  4 months ago

    Trump tariffs Trump’s tariffs are equivalent to one of the largest tax increases in the U.S. in decades.  Studies have found that Trump’s tariffs reduced real income in the United States, as well as adversely affecting U.S. GDP.  Some studies also concluded that the tariffs adversely affected Republican candidates in elections.[  EFFECT OF TRUMP’S TAX CUTS  Though policymakers let many of the Bush tax cuts for high-income households expire in 2013, the 2017 Trump tax cuts again lowered individual income tax rates (including the top rate) and weakened the estate tax, so that it applied only to the wealthiest estates: those worth more than $11 million per person . In addition, the Trump Tax Cuts Are Primarily Responsible for the Increasing Debt Ratio

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  15. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  4 months ago

    Not that our resident trolls will understand this, but a tariff is a TAX, collected at points of entry and paid by consumers. Traitor Trump’s handlers are proposing huge increases on tariff s—in other words, huge tax increases.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 4 months ago

    It’s right in the Republican manual. Chapter 2, Deny democrats everything but if something does slip by and turns out good. Claim responsibility.

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    Godfreydaniel  4 months ago

    And how the hel can the trolls not notice Traitor Trump’s obvious and worsening brain damage from syphilis? Freezing up like Moscow Mitch and thinking Argentina is a person? (Or confusing one of his many rape victims with his second wife?)

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    eclairewl Premium Member 4 months ago

    I have never read such brilliant comments like DD Wiz’s today. Thank you for your ongoing effort to bring knowledge and facts to this space. I stand in awe.

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    BB71  4 months ago

    I can`t think of one thing that Joe has done right in the last three years. Why would anybody vote for him?

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  20. Marx lennon
    charliekane  4 months ago

    Not sure what Mikey J. is referrin’ to. Donnie Feleone hopped on the train just as the recovery under Obama (slowed by Republican resistance) was hitting full speed. Ol’ Donnie rode that ‘til the pandemic hiccup ground things to a halt. Under Joe the train is back up to speed. Donnie’s WWE American doom show isn’t reality, it’s just BS entertainment. Sad that so many believe in it.

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    IndyW  4 months ago

    My dad always said, figures don’t lie, but liars figure. Appears he was right.

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    piper_gilbert  4 months ago

    What is Trump bringing you Trumpers, besides validation for your hate?

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  23. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    The incompetent and lazy republican House is holding the border open for Trump and has been holding the USA budget hostage for Trump and Putin since October.

    Lying traitor republicans constant blame Biden for the Republicans House’s inactions.

    The current Republican House has done nothing for the American people.

    Someone should point out to Mike Johnson that the bible says life begins at first breath and sometimes abortion is permissible, since its the only book the ignorant and malignantly negligent Republican House Leader claims to have ever read.

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    Mark DeMist Premium Member 4 months ago

    The entire GOP and Lard-O-Lago act like they’ve all hit triples but they were born on third base.

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  25. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  4 months ago

    ‘Genius work of the Republicans’: Analysts say GOP helped Biden by delaying State of Union

    House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) may have thought he was flexing his newfound power by delaying President Joe Biden his State of the Union Address before Congress until March — but, in fact, he might have just handed the president a huge gift, suggested MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

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    Addled Brain  4 months ago

    How long will it be before Republicans take credit for the success of the Affordable Care Act ?

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    librarylady59  4 months ago

    Are we surprised the republicans take credit for which they did NOT vote? Doesn’t that behavior just go under the heading of “Lies We Tell”?

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