It would be like Equifax, Experian or TransUnion complaining about another company selling our personal information which they (the credit bureaus) collected without our consent.
Can an AI machine create art by looking at a block of stone, see what statue is already inside it, and then reveal that statue by removing only what is extraneous?
Kinda like Apple accusing Microsoft of stealing the GUI operating system and the mouse for Windows from them, when they both owe Xerox’s Think Tank for it.
FreihEitner Premium Member 11 months ago
It would be like Equifax, Experian or TransUnion complaining about another company selling our personal information which they (the credit bureaus) collected without our consent.
Firebat 11 months ago
Out of the mouth of innocents. Brewster may be childlike but he hit on the nail this time.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 11 months ago
I’d be jealous too.
Imagine 11 months ago
Isn’t that the whole purpose of generative AI?
phritzg Premium Member 11 months ago
Can an AI machine create art by looking at a block of stone, see what statue is already inside it, and then reveal that statue by removing only what is extraneous?
Mike Baldwin creator 11 months ago
Now It’s really just an issue of who can steal faster.
cuzinron47 11 months ago
That could be the solution to the problem, AI wars.
Bilan 11 months ago
Since Generative AI takes art from others to create a new one, does it mean that Generative AI has been around for several decades, in Hollywood?
eb110americana 11 months ago
Kinda like Apple accusing Microsoft of stealing the GUI operating system and the mouse for Windows from them, when they both owe Xerox’s Think Tank for it.
norphos 11 months ago
Who is this Al guy and why is he causing so much trouble? :D
eddi-TBH 11 months ago
Even Brewster gets it.