La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for April 28, 2024

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    kinich79  11 months ago

    Shouldn’t the X-files FBI agents or the Man in Black should make an appearance.

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    bluecat  11 months ago

    Gravity waves, dark matter, aliens: still looking for ways to study them directly, while we study data on other things to notice their impacts instead.

    We’ve included minority (and minoritized) populations on the list. It is like if the world still included radio waves or aerodynamics on the list.

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    PoodleGroomer  11 months ago

    Chancla or chihuahua power?

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    zwilnik64  11 months ago

    Likely the movies with the largest audience (and more than 30% cast of American minorities) come from Bollywood. Or China.

    But Lalo is specifically talking Hollywood, I guess.

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  5. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  11 months ago

    You have to be careful with statistics like this. It sounds like Latinos really like to watch movies the way they are.

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  6. Winter
    overtop  11 months ago

    Obviously they never saw queen of the South, Breaking Bad, Lopez v Lopez, Grizelda, 2023’s One Day at a Time etc. etc.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member 11 months ago

    Nobody who really dislikes put-downy stereotypes should be using the name of actual human beings as a putdown.

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  8. Shadylithand front dagger at ready
    ShadyLithand Premium Member 11 months ago

    As a white guy. I feel it sucks too. Maybe it is being a military brat and a vet. But I have learned a lot from other cultures and races. Some about our difference. Also, about our sameness. I read both of your strips. Sometimes I relate. Baldo his dad reminds me of mine. Mexikid is another comic. His family settled it Northern California. He grew up in the same timeline I did. So I come away with reminders of my past. As well as understand someone elses.

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