Al Goodwyn Editorial Cartoons by Al Goodwyn for April 03, 2024

  1. 2005 christmas pictures 037
    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    You can fool all the people some of the time…

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    Oooooh… time for some anti-Harris misogyny, eh? The pandering to the fundies has sowed the wind, and will soon reap the whirlwind after ticking off the women of America.

    They’re getting desperate, and so are their media shills, counting on the stupidity of the American public.

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    In an address to a joint session of Congress on Dec 26th, 1941, Churchill said “What kind of people do they think we are, that will not resist the dictators who seek to destroy us?”

    What would the grandfathers of that time, who served and fought in the service of our country, think of their MAGA grandsons who so willfully succumb to a mortal threat to our nation? Shame.

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  4. Sunimage
    Sun  3 months ago

    Democrats could secure the border, but they won’t.

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  5. Sunimage
    Sun  3 months ago

    Vote Republican 2024

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    Zuhl's Wife  3 months ago

    And the speech continued, “Do they not realize that we shall persevere against them?”

    Indeed, we shall. We have meager resources, my husband and I, but we give what we can.

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    Patjade  3 months ago

    When they have nothing, always go with the border threat since Republicans won’t do anything about it when they are in charge or under orders from the Fraudfather.

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    baroden Premium Member 3 months ago

    That moment when you expose your xenophobia and racism in a silly cartoon. Hitler would have loved you, Goodwyn.

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    Dangerguy  3 months ago

    Clearly the guy doesn’t understand why people are voting for “uncommitted.”

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    The Nodding Head  3 months ago

    Goodwyn is bankrupt of ideas.

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  11. Cigar smoker
    Jack7528  3 months ago

    Love it! Has she ever gone to the border yet. I mean where they are crossing?

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  12. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  3 months ago

    But … but … You said that Kama Lama Ding Dong went to Latin America to root out all the problems that are causing people to run away from Cuba and Venezuela and toward the United States! You said that those were workers’ paradises!

    Maybe you said “gangstas’ paradises” instead. I probably just misheard you.

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  13. Wtp
    superposition  3 months ago

    Fear-mongering has turned those unarmed individuals/families fleeing [for their lives] from South/Central American gangs/tyrants into armed aggressors in an irrationally fabricated crisis. The real crisis is not having enough hearings to deport those who are not eligible to stay … but that would require a functional collaborative Congress which our broken opposing party political system does not condone.

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    Ontman  3 months ago

    Goodwyn hates the Vice President. Could it be that she is a strong Black woman in authority?

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    DC Swamp  3 months ago

    According to a recent Harvard Caps-Harris poll, immigration was the top concern among voters, followed by inflation.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 3 months ago

    The BIPARTISAN bill was rejected by the Repubs in the House because Trump ordered them to so that President Biden wouldn’t get a “win”. Trump and the Repubs want to whine about the issue but they don’t want to do anything about it. Several of the House Repubs that voted against the bill even worked on it.

    This fits the Republican history. Nixon scuttled the peace talks in Vietnam to win the election. Reagan’s team sabotaged the talks between President Carter and Iran so that Carter wouldn’t get a “win” before the election. Then Reagan’s team committed treason with Iran-Contra.

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    Nantucket Premium Member 3 months ago

    The HR2 bill that was promoted by the Repubs ONLY is mainly about building a wall, which is NOT an effective solution according to border and security experts. They’ve lied to themselves and others about Trump building the wall, most of what was built was to replace existing walls. Trump made the refugee situation worse when he cut off the funding to the Central American countries that was helping to combat their violence. This funding was started because of all of the U.S. interference in CA supporting brutal dictators.

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    Kurtass Premium Member 3 months ago

    The biggest national security threat is donny trump. He still has highly classified documents in his possession.

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    piper_gilbert  3 months ago

    The Speaker is very committed to Orange Jesus. Trump’s open border.

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    artegal  3 months ago

    Speaking of being committed, she needs to be.

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    ncorgbl  3 months ago

    Illegal immigration is back down to the levels under Obama after spiking up under tRump. Those who can only lie to mislead Americans purposely confuse ‘migrant’, ‘immigrant’ and ‘asylum seekers’, all legal by our law, with ‘illegal immigrant’. Congress makes the law.

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    cfkelley  3 months ago

    Who put the Kam in the Kamalama Ding Dong?

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    lsnrchrd.1 Premium Member 3 months ago

    Won’t someone PLEASE inform the lady behind the newspaper seated in the chair that the US official directly responsible for border issues — our border czar(sic) — is not the Vice President of the United States. There is a cabinet official, the Director of Homeland Security, whose direct responsibility is all issues related to United States borders.

    Given the plethora of news items about border issues for over a decade, but particularly in recent months since a certain Republican who is a candidate for POTUS in the election scheduled for November of this year has made US immigration policy one of his primary campaign issues, if not the issue at the very top of his issue list, I am very surprised that anyone who follows current events via newspaper, or even only paying attention to far right wing media / influencers, could possibly make this stupendous error at this point in the 2024 POTUS election cycle.

    This issue is so central to the campaign strategy for a certain former guy that GOP HoR Congresspersons have gone so far as to launch and conduct impeachment proceedings against the aforementioned cabinet official. The Director of Homeland Security is an office is not a position candidates compete for anywhere, on any ballot, in any US election federal, state, or local, by the way.

    I feel sorry for that lady in the chair up there. She is obviously too ignorant about immigration issues for her opinion of them to be worth more than, oh, a f a r t in a high wind. Her arrow is aimed at the wrong target.

    House Republicans will deliver two articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas to the Senate on April 10, Speaker Mike Johnson announced Thursday. … The articles accuse Mayorkas of “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” in enforcing border policy and “breach public trust.”

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    stevesabe  3 months ago

    yes vote for the biggler orange clown(POS) who can’t run 5 casino’s, trump water,vodka,steaksand many others, and you want him to run the USA ??? why?

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    ragsarooni Premium Member 3 months ago

    You could not pay me enuf to vote the Party of the Orange one‼️

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  26. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 3 months ago

    Once again:

    Republicans want to CLOSE THE BORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Except they don’t.


    They have NO policy or policies they have proposed or passed (Republicans control the House). NONE.

    When Trump was elected, they proposed NO legislation.


    Instead, they constantly scream that the border is OPEN whenever a Democrat is president, and claim it’s all under control when a Republican is president. (It’s OKAY If A Republican Does It). They do not pass, or even propose legislation. The ONLY solution they believe in, is The Wall, that they believe Mexico will pay for.

    It is again, government by bumper sticker.


    What they DO, is to hire illegals at all levels of business, AND invoke massive amounts of H-1B visas, and other H-1 visas to import ‘legals’ who nobody tracks.

    Their analysis consists solely of tracking crimes committed by illegals and screaming that none of that would have happened without the porous border.


    Is there anyone who believes there are no illegals at Mar-a-lago?

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 3 months ago

    The V.P. is somewhere laughing…the border czar has know idea what his job is….and their boss is somewhere in the White Hoise…..?

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