Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for June 14, 2024

  1. Ernest071231
    Ernest_CT  9 months ago

    Sleep well, ladies.

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    littlejohn Premium Member 9 months ago

    What do you call a cat sleeping in your dresser drawer?

    A bureau cat.

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    littlejohn Premium Member 9 months ago

    Guy goes into a pet store

    So a guy decides he wants to buy the world’s most unique pet. He goes to the pet store.

    He looks at a cat and a dog. Not unique enough.

    He looks at a hamster and a guinea pig. Please.

    The pet store guy shows him a porpoise in a tank. He says “what’s unique about that” and the pet store guy says “this one will live forever”.

    So he buys two.

    He takes them home and puts them in his bathtub.

    He feeds them. He tries feeding them fish, shrimp, waffles, everything. They won’t eat anything.

    So he goes back to the pet store, and says “they won’t eat anything I give them” and the pet store guy says “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, the only thing they will eat is mynah birds.”

    He says “mynah birds. Really?” and the pet store guy says “yep”.

    So he buys a couple mynah birds and takes them home.

    When he gets home, there’s a lion sleeping on his front step. Yes, a lion.

    He thinks, that’s a little strange, but I’ve got these mynahs and I’ve got to feed my pets. So he steps over the sleeping lion and takes the mynahs inside.

    Just then, a cop jumps out of the bushes and arrests him.

    He says “come on! What’s the charge”

    And the cop says

    “transporting mynahs across a sedate lion for immortal porpoises”

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  4. Gdlgqvkev6scahfsxsgsm7 1200 80
    Humanist  9 months ago

    How sweet.

    Drabble and Rose is Rose have the same premise accidentally on the same day I feel I’m living in a parallel universe.

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  5. A78c357b 8cfd 4ba7 a070 703b64309e2a
    Gizmo Cat  9 months ago

    This is almost my cat and me every day. Difference is, she sleeps on my lap and I read or browse the internet.

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  6. Unnamed  1
    Doctor Toon  9 months ago

    We call it hide and sleep in our house

    If there isn’t a cat in the bed when we get there, one will eventually join us

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  7. Boston
    MS72  9 months ago

    We’ve finished walks and breakfast. It’s nap time.

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    ladykat Premium Member 9 months ago

    One of my cats loves to nap on me if I lie down.

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  9. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member 9 months ago

    I contracted CoViD on Tuesday. (I knew I should have boosted last week.)

    Anyway, my two cats have taken turns sleeping in the chair beside my bed each night, to make sure I wake up to feed them.

    Cats know when we’re sick.

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    fourteenpeeves  9 months ago

    If you sleep, that’s the"okay sign" for the cat to sleep

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