The only reason to care about its origin is to take attention away from the way the Republicans completely handled it poorly – starting with the orange colon polyp destroyed the pandemic playbook set up by the previous administration.
I REALLY don’t understand people’s OBSESSION with WHERE the covid-19 coronaviruses originated – if it turns out that it originated in a laboratory in Communist China, what are they going to do? Boycott all products made in China? Burn all their Apple i-phones? Stop shopping at Walmart and Target?
Our economies are so interconnected these days it is almost impossible to effectively “harm” a country by “boycotting” their products – and let’s not even consider the complete IDIOCY of “hurting” them by enacting “tariffs” on those goods – that only signals a complete LACK of understanding of what a “tariff” is and what it does…
mokspr Premium Member 6 months ago
This is starting to get batty!
IndyW 6 months ago
Daltongang Premium Member 6 months ago
In tomorrow episode a bottle of Clorox and a syringe will be introduced.
halvincobbes Premium Member 6 months ago
The only reason to care about its origin is to take attention away from the way the Republicans completely handled it poorly – starting with the orange colon polyp destroyed the pandemic playbook set up by the previous administration.
n32816 6 months ago
Four years later and still fodder for the masses’ entertainment.
wellis1947 Premium Member 6 months ago
I REALLY don’t understand people’s OBSESSION with WHERE the covid-19 coronaviruses originated – if it turns out that it originated in a laboratory in Communist China, what are they going to do? Boycott all products made in China? Burn all their Apple i-phones? Stop shopping at Walmart and Target?
Our economies are so interconnected these days it is almost impossible to effectively “harm” a country by “boycotting” their products – and let’s not even consider the complete IDIOCY of “hurting” them by enacting “tariffs” on those goods – that only signals a complete LACK of understanding of what a “tariff” is and what it does…
skolinger1 6 months ago
That was funny!