Gary Varvel for June 28, 2024

  1. 0023
    GentlemanBill  5 days ago

    If that debate ran another 30 minutes, they would have had to towel the drool off Biden. Disgusting.

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    DC Swamp  5 days ago

    It’s now clear to many Democrats what most of us have known for years, Weekend at Bernie’s Joe needs to be put out pasture. They can’t call Joe’s implosion a “cheap fake.”

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  3. Celtic tree of life
    mourdac Premium Member 5 days ago

    Amazing how some folk in the U.S. feel a sexual predator who’s morally and ethically bankrupt, cheated on taxes, stole U.S. documents, fomented an insurrection, tried to steal votes in states, lied, tried to hide inappropriate relations outside of his marriage, was responsible for prolonging a pandemic killing hundreds of thousands, and knows less than a 6th grader about U.S. government is actually fit to lead the U.S.

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    GroupiesOfPutin  5 days ago

    Joe Biden won the debate. Trump won the lieathon.

    It took Trump about two rounds of questions to see that, not only was CNN not going to fact check what he said, they weren’t going to do anything to make him respond to the question he had been asked. After that, the night was over.

    CNN didn’t pick the topics. Trump did. Then lied about them.

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  5. Wile e coyote
    Totalloser Premium Member 5 days ago

    All I heard was during the debate was one guy saying “Get off My Lawn”, and the other “This room is too Cold”

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 5 days ago

    Proves another republican lie.. Joe was NOT on drugs

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    nodjt  5 days ago

    Gary’s wet dream.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member 5 days ago

    Joe was not up to par for sure.. but trump was still trump, like at his rallies full of lies. So long as Joe is breathing.. he is a safer president.

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  9. Blm
    1BlackLivesMatter Premium Member 5 days ago

    Does anyone think Biden will still be the candidate in November?

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    Patrick Murphy Premium Member 5 days ago

    Trump didn’t have to beat joe. joe beat joe all by himself. The so-called leader of the country.

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    Retrac Premium Member 5 days ago

    As I have been predicting: the DNC will make their August convention a Nominating Convention. After the debate performance, there is no question.

    Who will debate Trump next time? Kamala? That circus will cost more advertising revenue. The Democrats need more campaign $.

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    dlw54650 Premium Member 5 days ago

    What a bunch of jackals! Obviously, mistakes were made at the beginning of the Biden-Trump debate, but after the first commercial break, President Biden began to look more like his normal self.

    President Joseph Biden has been working every day for the people of the United States, flying back and forth between points all over the world, including war zones, and the United States.

    If you have been watching his actual speeches, unfiltered, you would have noticed that he has been coughing during his speeches recently.

    President Biden had caught an upper respiratory illness and was tested for COVID (which showed a negative test result). Nothing was mentioned about this illness, but anyone who saw him walk out onto the stage knew he didn’t look like his normal self. Instead of rescheduling the debate, he showed up because he didn’t want to disappoint his supporters.

    The debate was focused on refuting Donald Trump’s lies with data instead of speaking to the viewers’ feelings directly, as many pundits had advised, but even Republicans knew that Donald Trump was not the winner of the debate.

    President Biden didn’t lose the debate on substance but the public, including me, wanted President Biden to “mop the floor” with Donald Trump.

    However, the U.S. presidency is not about fighting. It is about diplomacy. On that score, President Biden has shown us time after time, that he can get things done for the American people, the nation, and the world. He has had record accomplishments most times with either one or both of his hands “tied behind his back” by his adversaries.

    President Biden has never been a show horse. He is a work horse. Instead of holding him to standards of a Hollywood star, voters should pay attention to Biden’s very real accomplishments and the plans he has stated repeatedly that he wants to accomplish in his next term.

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    FredBurr  5 days ago

    Trump was Trump, no surprises. Biden, likewise, was Biden. No surprises to anyone who’d been paying attention the last 3 1/2 years. My wife says the moderators won the debate. I have to admit I was surprised they were so even-handed and serious, especially for CNN. If Biden and Harris are the best the Democrats have to offer us, the Party’s over. (If only the Administration hadn’t brought all of these court actions against Trump, and the lame-stream media hadn’t been savaging Trump over them, we might have had a better GOP candidate. But here we are. And I’m angry with all of the Democrat operatives, politicians, and media savants who told us for the last 3 1/2 years how ‘sharp’ and ‘hard working’ Biden has been.)

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    ncorgbl  5 days ago

    tRump only laid a glove on tRump. This debate was about optics, and Biden looked bad. But it was his own and his staff’s fault, nothing tRump did. tRump lied all through the debate, the porn star, the economy, the border, everything and that was obvious. tRump outed tRump.

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  15. Unnamed
    Another Take  5 days ago

    Gary’s right that Trump couldn’t score any hits on a night when Joe was far from peak performance. That’s pretty sad in itself.

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    Ontman  5 days ago

    Varvel loves his loser MAGA god.

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    steveandeileen  5 days ago

    The only place I’ve seen an actual debate is Oxford University. Muricans just have shouting matches.

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    think it through  5 days ago

    Trump only made one comment that wasn’t a lie when he admitted that during his administration ‘’We had h20’’.

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    Benaiah67  5 days ago

    CNN’s Erin Burnett on Joe Biden’s debate performance: “He goes through six days of preparation at camp David… They know the rules. He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time.”

    He knew the questions ahead of time – hhhmmm – where I come from we call that cheating.

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    rmike7842  5 days ago

    Oh, they have the right to gloat. It was a race to the bottom and Biden won. It really wasn’t as bad as I had expected from either side.

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    readfred  5 days ago

    I hate to admit it, but Biden didn’t look at all well. Still, just because of that, trump is not a viable alternative (unless you don’t care about the USA becoming a dictatorship). Any sane person should still vote Democratic!

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  22. Odin
    Holden Awn  5 days ago

    If there had been a ref, he should have stepped in and stopped that fight.

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  23. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  5 days ago

    Trump looked unhinged, and Biden looked old. It was hard to watch.

    Biden’s brain was clogged with numbers that he couldn’t sort out trying to defend his record (and stay to the question that was asked). He should have been better prepared with jabs of his own. As far as the issue of climate/environment, he should have reminded us of Trump’s pledge to decimate safety and anti-pollution requirements if oil companies would add $1 billion to his campaign coffers. He could have easily answered the “accusation” that he hadn’t fired anyone in his administration by just stating that he only fires people who aren’t capable, and then ask why Trump had to fire so many so often. There were many such opportunities that flew over his head.

    That said, Trump refused to answer any questions directly, even when he was reminded of the question he was asked. His delivery was a constant stream of made-up statistics and fantasies about how wonderfully his term went, which was to be expected. He embodied his and his party’s reliance on projection when he accused Biden of being the biggest liar ever.

    I will give Mr. Trump credit for being able to say “Everything that Biden has done is terrible, and everything that I did was right” in so many different ways. Still: serial liar, serial sex offender, serial tax cheat, lover of tyrants, spreader of hate and discontent, director of chaos…..I’d vote for a limburger sandwich that was left in a Nevada desert for two weeks before I’d vote for Trump. I’m not the only one.

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  24. Anti communist
    DefundFakeMedia  5 days ago

    Ha ha ha. Spot on. Let the gaslighting begin.

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    Northgalus2002  5 days ago

    Will the Democrats try and pick another nominee in the Democratic Convention next month? Of course they can. But I am not jumping on the “anyone but Joe” bandwagon just yet. Biden wasn’t on his A game at the debate, but he can still come back from this. While serial liar DJT spewed his made up statistics and dog whistles. No matter who is the Democratic nominee in November, I would be voting for that nominee. As Jimmy Kimmel said last night, “Just because you think Alfred’s too old to run the Batcave doesn’t mean you should vote for The Joker!”

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    Joe1962 Premium Member 5 days ago

    A lot of conservative news networks and online websites, have been saying this for last 3 years! y’all did not want to listen.

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  27. Rabbit hat
    s49nav  5 days ago

    Best comment on the Internet so far:

    “Joe is like a web browser with 25 tabs open. 23 are frozen and he doesn’t know where the music is coming from!”

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    librarylady59  5 days ago

    President Biden will pick himself up and prove he is the smarter, kinder, better educated man.

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    Kracklin Rosie - “Tolo Dan Nan Galad” Premium Member 5 days ago

    The left here is in full spin mode after the debate, but it matters not. The world watched as Biden mumbled and had several brain freeze moments. It’s the Democrat pundits and politicians who are in a panic over Joe’s performance and that’s telling. President Trump performed well but the spotlight wasn’t on him it was on Biden and he faded early. Biden was doing number ones and twos repeatedly all over the stage snd it didn’t play well. The main talk amongst the Democrats today is who will replace Joe at their convention.

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    Retrac Premium Member 5 days ago

    BTW, we shouldn’t consider our $ donations to the DNC a bribe any longer.

    With Biden at the helm our donations become a Tax.

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  31. Yin yang
    Havel  5 days ago

    Many things can be true at the same time. Here’s what I found to be true after watching the “debate”. 1) Biden performed poorly; his job yesterday was to convince people that the memes about him and his age were wrong. He failed at this. Whether that’s irreparable or not is certainly a question to consider. I’d argue not, because it’s rare that you get a chance to overcome a bad “first impression” (I know he’s been around, but many Americans wanted a reason not to vote for Trump.) And appearance does matter, whether justified or not (see Nixon and his 1960 debate performance, radio vs. TV). 2) Trump lied repeatedly. This is waved away with a “well it’s just Trump being Trump”. Why is that OK? Why is the standard so low? 3) Trump refused to answer questions put to him. Certainly many political debaters do that. But why shouldn’t we know what he thinks it means to deport millions? Why is it OK to have variance in rules for women’s health concerns? What will his “opponents” be charged with? Why is your economy “perfect” and the best in history when no economic data says that? 3) Trump was just nasty. This was m’wife’s assessment after viewing 7-10 minutes (and talking over the candidates and moderators). She is correct. Again, why is this acceptable? What justifies talking that way to anyone?

    It’s sad that our choice is between an angry, ignorant, grifting old man and a frequently confused old man who should have been arguing about their golf “prowess” in the sauna at the club not while seeking citizens’ votes.

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  32. Odin
    Holden Awn  5 days ago

    I posted many days ago that my unfortunate choice appears to be between an old man who is morally bankrupt and an old man who is mentally bankrupt. Taking the policy positions of their respective party sponsors into consideration, I need to adjudge who did the best job in office to make a choice. if Joe won’t drop out, as it appears, he owes it to the country to ditch Kamala and select a viable and competent VP because if he wins , it’s clear he won’t make it 4 more years.

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    gccowboy27  5 days ago

    One of Varvel’s best cartoons.

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  34. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  5 days ago

    Fascist liar Trump was untouched by the moderators.

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    2AndFour  4 days ago

    Biden is the only guy can effectively TKO himself. Remember that Biden said it himself: “He beat medicare”. Trump is a true hero who decided to lose an hour of his life just to listen to a rambling idiot. Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

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