Unfortunately I fall in the homely but sarcastic (used to be sweet until enough women let me know I wasn’t attractive) area. Worked for me though. Been married for 31 years now. She tells me I’m attractive (I think she’s lying but that’s ok).
Not me, I never wanted to be around a guy that spent more time in front of a mirror or used more hair care products than me. For the record, it takes me less than 5 minutes to wash my face, do my make-up, and brush my hair in the morning.
Gizmo Cat 7 months ago
I actually choose the homely but sweet guy and he’s become very handsome and gorgeous over the years. Attraction is a strange phenomenon.
Billavi Premium Member 7 months ago
It’s good that L.A. Rose is a pseudonym for several women, or this comic would be considered misogynistic.
rodney 7 months ago
Unfortunately I fall in the homely but sarcastic (used to be sweet until enough women let me know I wasn’t attractive) area. Worked for me though. Been married for 31 years now. She tells me I’m attractive (I think she’s lying but that’s ok).
klbdds 7 months ago
The strongest genes for the survival of the next generation.
ajr58(1) 7 months ago
That’s ok. The rest of us guys score the second, and better, marriages
pchemcat 7 months ago
Not me, I never wanted to be around a guy that spent more time in front of a mirror or used more hair care products than me. For the record, it takes me less than 5 minutes to wash my face, do my make-up, and brush my hair in the morning.
sobrown51 7 months ago
How about a handsome but modest guy? That’s what my wife did.