The Two Steps from Hell performers include about 4 people whomping away on drums, and a gal with one of those shaker/rattlers. Kind of funny. But I really enjoy the music and watching them perform.
Then there is a video of some guy (I think it is a guy) in a mask and hood, drumming like crazy, essentially trying to do all that those other 4 guys are doing. By comparison, they look relaxed, he is more like the guy in the cartoon. It is definitely fun to watch. He does a very good job, so far as I can tell.
Clowes Hall (pronounced “Klooz”) was renowned for its terrible acoustics when first opened. So there were various attempts to resolve that problem. One of the gambits was to install “clouds,” plywood like panels suspended from the ceiling to better reflect and disperse the sound instead of allowing it to dissipate. The situation improved over the years, and I guess the result is tolerable now. Anyway, I remember one concert we attended when Haydn’s “Triangle Symphony” was on the program. We were in the nosebleed balcony. It was impossible to clearly hear the orchestra. But when the percussionist played the triangle solo, the sound was so penetrating that I felt like I was having a straightened coat hanger shoved through my ears.
sergioandrade Premium Member 6 months ago
More cowbell.
Baslim the Beggar Premium Member 6 months ago
It’s so true!
The Two Steps from Hell performers include about 4 people whomping away on drums, and a gal with one of those shaker/rattlers. Kind of funny. But I really enjoy the music and watching them perform.
Then there is a video of some guy (I think it is a guy) in a mask and hood, drumming like crazy, essentially trying to do all that those other 4 guys are doing. By comparison, they look relaxed, he is more like the guy in the cartoon. It is definitely fun to watch. He does a very good job, so far as I can tell.
gammaguy 6 months ago
Not only two kinds. E.g., I play bones and bodhran… but rarely.
A# 466 6 months ago
Clowes Hall (pronounced “Klooz”) was renowned for its terrible acoustics when first opened. So there were various attempts to resolve that problem. One of the gambits was to install “clouds,” plywood like panels suspended from the ceiling to better reflect and disperse the sound instead of allowing it to dissipate. The situation improved over the years, and I guess the result is tolerable now. Anyway, I remember one concert we attended when Haydn’s “Triangle Symphony” was on the program. We were in the nosebleed balcony. It was impossible to clearly hear the orchestra. But when the percussionist played the triangle solo, the sound was so penetrating that I felt like I was having a straightened coat hanger shoved through my ears.
jel354 6 months ago
What that performer’s angle?
Zebrastripes 6 months ago
julie.mason1 Premium Member 6 months ago
He wants to play his ding-a-ling so Berry much
wildlandwaters 6 months ago
that’s AC/DC, right??… I could be wrong, but it looks like they’re playin’ Highway to Hell…
Jml58 6 months ago
Ting ting ting.
Impkins Premium Member 6 months ago
Artis the Spoonman. :)
LJZ Premium Member 6 months ago
MT Wallet 6 months ago
“Topsy Part 2” by Cozy Cole.