That drug is now available under two names, one for the original diabetes treatment, and the other strictly for weight loss. It’s very expensive in either case but insurance will cover it for diabetes. It’s over $1000 per dose.
I’m one of those people who were put on it for diabetes…and I suffered all the other side effects! Yes, my sugar went down and I lost weight. But I also suffer from ear problems and vertigo, and the drug made the vertigo worse. And the running to the bathroom! Constantly going! And finally, when my side kept hurting, I quit taking it. Be careful! Make sure you know of all the possible side effects! I missed too much work, and lost my job due to it all!
Doctor Toon 4 months ago
When my weight drops below 170 pounds I eat two donuts a day until it’s up closer to 175
People who have trouble losing weight don’t appreciate it when I mention that
GoComicsGo! 4 months ago
Good to see the boys.
pschearer Premium Member 4 months ago
By coincidence, yesterday my doctor prescribed “that weird new medication”. I’ve never done needles before. Should be interesting.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member 4 months ago
Problem being so many getting it for weight loss, diabetics are having a hard time getting it for their condition.
david_42 4 months ago
My wife has decided to stop baking on weekends for a bit. She’s too good at it for her own good.
P51Strega 4 months ago
That drug is now available under two names, one for the original diabetes treatment, and the other strictly for weight loss. It’s very expensive in either case but insurance will cover it for diabetes. It’s over $1000 per dose.
jscarff57 Premium Member 4 months ago
God forbid them getting their patoots off the bench and moving a little, and maybe they wouldn’t need a medication to do something you can do yourself
cuzinron47 4 months ago
“Do you rub it in?” “Yes, any chance I get.”
Robert Miller Premium Member 4 months ago
I’m one of those people who were put on it for diabetes…and I suffered all the other side effects! Yes, my sugar went down and I lost weight. But I also suffer from ear problems and vertigo, and the drug made the vertigo worse. And the running to the bathroom! Constantly going! And finally, when my side kept hurting, I quit taking it. Be careful! Make sure you know of all the possible side effects! I missed too much work, and lost my job due to it all!
Mad Sci 4 months ago
The disease Viagra is famous for treating was originally a side effect for the heart condition it was intended for.