Kamala Harris has an amazing, incredible record and policy platform to run on as I spelled out in great detail in yesterday’s comment section.
Democrats are right to focus on that extraordinary record and emphasize the positive.
Sure, no one is perfect, and no Democrat has ever claimed any of our preferred political candidates — even those with extraordinary achievements — was perfect, from FDR, LBJ, Kennedy, Clinton, Obama, Biden or now Kamala. Jimmy Carter was practically a saint, but wouldn’t even call him perfect or without flaw.
But it is a political campaign. Why would Democrats focus on the negative rather than the positive, since there is so much of it?
Everyone has faults but compared to Crooked Donny, Kamala Harris is a candidate for sainthood. Jimmy Carter is also a man of few faults but a victim of circumstances during his presidency.
Since Stantis is a fan of Chase Oliver, the Libertarian candidate for president (at least, the candidate of those Libertarians who haven’t gone full MAGA yet), why doesn’t he lead by example and tell us all about Oliver’s faults?
Stantis continues to imply that whatever Biden’s, now Harris’, faults are, they are absolutely just as bad as Trump’s sexual assaults, his idolization of Putin, his frauds, his 34 felonies, his theft of top secret classified documents, and especially his Treason.
Like every magat, Stantis believes that all Trump’s crimes are trivial and should be totally overlooked.
All humans are imperfect. The question is who is the more likely candidate to rise above their faults? Trump keeps doubling down, consistently revealing his ignorance, lying, misogyny and casual understanding of reality. There was no evidence of his inability to do in his first term. Why should there be any expectation that he’d do so if elected for another four years?
I’m just going for the candidate that will keep my cost of living low, put America first, and keep my grandkids from going to war and my great-grandkids from having to pay for other countries wars and livelihood.
Projection! This is exactly how the Trump cult has always thought about their dear leader! I have compared them to the three monkeys for more than eight years now!
I’m certain Harris has faults, everyone does. But she does not have a rape judgement against her, nor 34 felony charge convictions with more on the way, as tRump does. It should not be a contest.
Perfection doesn’t exist. Kamala definitely has faults. But considering who her opponent is, his faults outweigh hers like a sumo wrestler outweighs a newborn infant.
sergioandrade Premium Member 6 months ago
I’m voting for Kamala but mostly because she isn’t Trump.
DD Wiz 6 months ago
Kamala Harris has an amazing, incredible record and policy platform to run on as I spelled out in great detail in yesterday’s comment section.
Democrats are right to focus on that extraordinary record and emphasize the positive.
Sure, no one is perfect, and no Democrat has ever claimed any of our preferred political candidates — even those with extraordinary achievements — was perfect, from FDR, LBJ, Kennedy, Clinton, Obama, Biden or now Kamala. Jimmy Carter was practically a saint, but wouldn’t even call him perfect or without flaw.
But it is a political campaign. Why would Democrats focus on the negative rather than the positive, since there is so much of it?
syzygy47 6 months ago
Everyone has faults but compared to Crooked Donny, Kamala Harris is a candidate for sainthood. Jimmy Carter is also a man of few faults but a victim of circumstances during his presidency.
The dude from FL Premium Member 6 months ago
The only contractor that trump has ever paid was Stormy Daniels
Sanspareil 6 months ago
Even San Andreus had faults!
Christopher Shea 6 months ago
Since Stantis is a fan of Chase Oliver, the Libertarian candidate for president (at least, the candidate of those Libertarians who haven’t gone full MAGA yet), why doesn’t he lead by example and tell us all about Oliver’s faults?
braindead Premium Member 6 months ago
Stantis continues to imply that whatever Biden’s, now Harris’, faults are, they are absolutely just as bad as Trump’s sexual assaults, his idolization of Putin, his frauds, his 34 felonies, his theft of top secret classified documents, and especially his Treason.
Like every magat, Stantis believes that all Trump’s crimes are trivial and should be totally overlooked.
ImDaRealAni 6 months ago
Does anyone on the right acknowledge the 34 felonies?
William Robbins Premium Member 6 months ago
If Stantis spends more time attacking dems, we have to assume that he wants Trump to win.
Havel 6 months ago
All humans are imperfect. The question is who is the more likely candidate to rise above their faults? Trump keeps doubling down, consistently revealing his ignorance, lying, misogyny and casual understanding of reality. There was no evidence of his inability to do in his first term. Why should there be any expectation that he’d do so if elected for another four years?
moonfrogger 6 months ago
I’m just going for the candidate that will keep my cost of living low, put America first, and keep my grandkids from going to war and my great-grandkids from having to pay for other countries wars and livelihood.
rossevrymn 6 months ago
You can find a Stanti local piece at facebookdotcomslashscottdotstantis .
smithsilverstrea 6 months ago
You left out do no evil.
oldchas 6 months ago
Compared to ……
Ignatz Premium Member 6 months ago
EVERYbody has faults, Scott. But Trump has no VIRTUES.
davidthoms1 6 months ago
Projection! This is exactly how the Trump cult has always thought about their dear leader! I have compared them to the three monkeys for more than eight years now!
Darsan54 Premium Member 6 months ago
A little hypocritical seeing as that is how ALL Republicans have dealt with Trump.
river45 6 months ago
If Stantis is this worried about Harris, image how Trump feels.
ncorgbl 6 months ago
I’m certain Harris has faults, everyone does. But she does not have a rape judgement against her, nor 34 felony charge convictions with more on the way, as tRump does. It should not be a contest.
walkingmancomics 6 months ago
y’know? ALL the derogatory stuff being bandied about about Kamala and I’ll STILL vote for her against he who we’re embarrassed to call “45”.
ahganom 6 months ago
Kinda like what happens when you ask MAGA types about their candidate’s faults.
Sun 6 months ago
Hiden Kamala Harris is also known as Copy-cat Kamala Harris.
cipactli77 6 months ago
Tulski Gabbardova.
christelisbetty 6 months ago
Someone wake me when Stantis comes back to reality.
Decius Premium Member 6 months ago
It’s absolutely adorable that Stanis thinks he can both-sides Harris and Trump.
Sun 6 months ago
The best that Kamala Harris can do is Communism.
Salty dog Premium Member 6 months ago
We are voting for the convicted felon
olds_cool63 6 months ago
Sure, she has faults….she’s a Demoncrat! She’d have even more if she were a Repugnicant!
TwilightFaze 6 months ago
Perfection doesn’t exist. Kamala definitely has faults. But considering who her opponent is, his faults outweigh hers like a sumo wrestler outweighs a newborn infant.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 6 months ago
She isn’t Trump.Anything else can wait until December