Sure, you might say that blogging about comics is “pretty easy all things considered” and “not a real job,” but have you considered the untold psychic damage I take every day, for your amusement, as any number of insane comics details burrow permanently into my brain? For instance, years from now, when my mind has turned to soup and I have forgotten the name and face of everyone I ever loved, I guarantee that if you visit me in whatever facility I’m warehoused in and whisper “Chief Meowrice” into my ear, the correct neuron sequence will fire and my mind’s eye will be presented with the image of this horrible french cat advertising pitchman. If I’m lucky, the experience will kill me.
I was watching one of those video shows. I think. The cat meowed and a person showed the sign the cat had been reading. Proving that the cat knew how to read.
Robert Heinlein described it as a cat can devour the food you give it at breakfast, then at dinner it will sniff, and give you a look that says: “You would DARE offer THIS to a cat?”
angelolady Premium Member 6 months ago
Oh no…..
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 6 months ago
I think JPuzzle hurt Mee Meow’s feelings with his endless unrelenting insultations of the Chef and the “meeces”. (she Really digs those guys !)
GaryCooper 6 months ago
Uh-oh. Is Me-Meow in some kind of trouble?
BlitzMcD 6 months ago
Uh oh. Is the kitty doomed already?
oakie817 6 months ago
oh cool – mee-meow can be in a commercial with the singing mice!!
seismic-2 Premium Member 6 months ago
Funny, but we didn’t see Walt coming down the stairs when she told him that his breakfast was ready, either…
Uncle $crooge 6 months ago
From today’s Comics Curmudgeon":
Sure, you might say that blogging about comics is “pretty easy all things considered” and “not a real job,” but have you considered the untold psychic damage I take every day, for your amusement, as any number of insane comics details burrow permanently into my brain? For instance, years from now, when my mind has turned to soup and I have forgotten the name and face of everyone I ever loved, I guarantee that if you visit me in whatever facility I’m warehoused in and whisper “Chief Meowrice” into my ear, the correct neuron sequence will fire and my mind’s eye will be presented with the image of this horrible french cat advertising pitchman. If I’m lucky, the experience will kill me.
MT Wallet 6 months ago
I was watching one of those video shows. I think. The cat meowed and a person showed the sign the cat had been reading. Proving that the cat knew how to read.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 6 months ago
Looks unappetizing. I wouldn’t eat it, even if I were a starving senior citizen
Ed Brault Premium Member 6 months ago
Robert Heinlein described it as a cat can devour the food you give it at breakfast, then at dinner it will sniff, and give you a look that says: “You would DARE offer THIS to a cat?”
dfschiff 6 months ago
Perfect cat behavior!