The Buckets by Greg Cravens for September 27, 2024

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    cracker65  5 months ago

    People are pigs

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    ddl297  5 months ago

    At our local, an employee caught a preteen with his mouth under the ketchup dispenser, slurping away! Ugh! The kid’s mom was all, “What?”

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  3. Gameguy49
    Gameguy49 Premium Member 5 months ago

    I was one of three customers at a Burger King in Great Falls MT that had to wait for our orders while the staff kept the drive-thru flowing smoothly. After 15 minutes I said to the guy next to me “This place takes the fast out of fast food”. My order took another ten minutes, the guy beside me put his in before me and was still waiting when I left.

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    Just-me  5 months ago

    In my teen years I worked at a Ponderosa Steakhouse as a busboy/dishwasher. I watched people deliberately smear condiments on the tables and chairs. The tops of the salt and or pepper shakers were unscrewed for the next unsuspecting customer. When I bussed the table, part of my job in addition to cleaning the table was to make sure the tops on the salt and pepper shakers were screwed down. It wasn’t kids doing this, it was adults.

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  5. Whatever  5 months ago

    I just realized: it’s been years since I’d been to a fast food restaurant (except the IKEA restaurant). I don’t remember there everything being bolted down. But then here in Germany you had to pay for the little sacks of condiments and got your cup filled at the counter – no refills.

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    serial232  5 months ago

    As I recall, the high chairs at the counter were bolted to the floor and the other seats were booths and there was no way that you could move those. Of course, there was no self serve on the soda or other drinks and if you wanted catsup it was in a holder on the table. I also remember how clowns would unscrew the top of salt shakers, so that it fell off and poured all the salt on the food. I got used to always making sure the caps were screwed down tight.

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    Mike Baldwin creator 5 months ago

    Would you like pliers with that?

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    cuzinron47  5 months ago

    People will start bringing wrenches with them.

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    Gen.Flashman  5 months ago

    Fast food dining areas are designed to be unappealing/uncomfortable so to encourage you to eat and leave and not hang around that goes double for teenage boys.

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    dogday Premium Member 5 months ago

    No, believe it or not, there was a time when people would have been ashamed to have left a place like that. I used to work in a BK when I was a kid (OK, different world) and it NEVER looked like that.

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  11. Dragonfire
    95  5 months ago

    You can tell where trash has been by the mess they leave behind.

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