Francis by Patrick J. Marrin for December 09, 2024

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    kaffekup   3 months ago

    I don’t know about the Pope, but I suspect all the men who want to control women’s bodies are afraid of them.

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    FreyjaRN Premium Member 3 months ago

    Friendship does that. Hubby and I were friends before we started dating.

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    jimmjonzz Premium Member 3 months ago

    These three remind me that before original sin there was original innocence.

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    walstib Premium Member 3 months ago

    History lesson: “The solemnity of the Immaculate Conception was established by Pope Pius IX in 1854 with the papal encyclical Ineffabilis Deus. In this encyclical, Pius IX defined the long-held belief by the Catholic Church that Mary was conceived free from original sin”. It’s a Holy Day of Obligation on Dec 8, but it gets squishy when it falls on a Sunday, like this year. So our Archbishop encourages we should still observe it today Dec 9, but we’re not required to because we went to Sunday Mass the day before. Those kinds of rules make me sigh, but whatever.

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    dflak  3 months ago

    American men are so afraid of women that they would rather have a criminal for president than one of them.

    I feel ashamed on behalf of my gender. I really thought that we were more mature than pimply-faced middle schoolers.

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    dflak  3 months ago

    One of the interesting things I found out about Islam is that they go ga-ga over Mary more than the Catholics. It may be a cultural thing.

    slam and Judaism are Middle Eastern religions. Catholicism has been a Western European (white) religion since it was coopted by Constantine and the Roman Empire. I need to find out what the Orthodox (Byzantine) Church’s views are.

    My grandparents came from what is, today, south east Poland (It was Austria-Hungry then). They were Roman Catholic. Although we celebrated Easer according to the Roman Calendar, we did so with many of the Orthodox traditions.

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member 3 months ago

    Nothing like friendship……..

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    aerilim  3 months ago

    For me the figure of Mary represents the feminine side of God. I’m pretty sure God is not a man. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is no mystery at all. There’s the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. In order to have a son there must be a mother. The Holy Ghost is just the feminine side of God. The men who wrote the bible knew this but it was not in their nature to accept the role of anything feminine because of the original sin suposely commited by Eve. The way Mary was conceived was thru the Holy Ghost intervention. All things feminine including the way fruits are concieve is thru the Holy Ghost intervention. Without it this planet would be sterile and no live would be able to exist. Just a humble opinion..

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