Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 26, 2024

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    Hello Everyone  1 day ago

    Ah, Connecting with your teenager…

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    cracker65  1 day ago

    This could be happening right now. Our society is so Fd.

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    snsurone76  1 day ago

    Isn’t this around the time Mike and Alex visited a coffee shop where everyone was packing heat? I can remember that arc.

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    snsurone76  1 day ago

    Can’t understand how a father and daughter can look exactly alike—yet Mike is handsome and Alex is ugly! Must be the noses.

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    Johnny Q Premium Member 1 day ago

    Of course, those safety-minded parents are making the streets less safe for other people…

    I remember a cartoon in PRIVATE EYE magazine showing a dozen parents driving their kids to school in huge SUVS, all of them saying in unison: “He can’t walk to school, the streets are too dangerous!”

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    reverendike  1 day ago

    She didn’t ticket any Canyoneros?

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    TwilightFaze  about 24 hours ago

    Ohhhhhhhhh, it’s a good thing he didn’t read over your shoulder or talk out loud. NO parent would allow that to continue if they knew that was happening.

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  8. Familyreunion2009
    Pocosdad  about 22 hours ago

    Ford Excursion, otherwise known as the Ford Zip Code.

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    The Wolf In Your Midst  about 22 hours ago

    The true American mindset: “I have a gun, and that makes me right.”

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    ChuckAnziulewicz  about 22 hours ago

    Is this a repeat? Back around 2002 there was a website, , where you could get these SUV tickets. You could also get square stickers that read, “ONE LESS SUV” that you could put on your smaller, more environmentally friendly vehicle. But the website has been defunct for a LONG time.

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    Gen.Flashman  about 21 hours ago

    The real culperts are the $75k pickups that you need a step ladder to get into.

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    babka Premium Member about 20 hours ago

    gosh, we’re actually being allowed to weigh in on weighty issues. Should we exercise “free speech” for the nonce, the nonce being the interval in the dwindling days before inauguration of the South African billionaires? Or continue the self-censure of pen & tongue which may have destroyed our “freedom” whilst postponing our (1) censure (2) capture. how will we communicate with other generations across the generation chasms? but I digress. must hide knuckles lest someone rap them.

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  13. Panda 2024
    Redd Panda  about 20 hours ago

    Cambridge, Massachusetts is considering an ordinance to ban autos and bring Rickshaws to town. It would be nice in the Summer, but a little cool for this time of year.

    True Fact; you may not drive a heavy truck through Cambridge, late at night or early Morning. Cops will give you a ticket.

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    grocks  about 20 hours ago

    Last panel almost made me choke on my toast. Funny, insightful, and sad all at once.

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    Govi Premium Member about 19 hours ago

    I thought that Ford should have kept going in the “E” alliterations of model names: the Ford Extreme, the Ford Excessive, and, of course, the Ford Egregious.

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    MitchellTimin  about 18 hours ago

    This should be happening right now!

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    drivingfuriously Premium Member about 18 hours ago

    Alex doesn’t know anything about the business of transportation. Maybe she should buy some books on the advent of automobiles. Learn about the manufacturing and marketing, and why some car companies are now defunct, or will be soon.

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    mistercatworks  about 17 hours ago

    Yeah, those guys are pretty funny. Just brandishing can get you put away for years, far from your treasured vehicle.

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  19. Huntersthompson
    Foto Geek  about 16 hours ago

    I have mixed feelings on the topic. I have a PHEV (Prius) for driving around town, almost always in EV mode. I also have a Subaru Forester, actually my second Subaru Forester, the first having been totalled by a 500 pound deer. We use the Subaru for trips, we live in the mountains of Oregon and we need the all wheel drive capability and the higher profile kept us safe when the deer could easily have come through the windshield of a lower profile car. So no regrets on either choice. If you need it, you need it. No need to be ashamed of keeping yourself and your family safe.

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    lnrokr55  about 16 hours ago

    Hey Alex, don’t fight the future, they’ll just start calling them something else, crossover comes to mind ! ;-)

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    IWannaBeLerxst  about 11 hours ago

    Where I live, if you did what Alex does, you’d have a .38-caliber hole in your forehead, without a single word spoken. Deep, DEEP ‘red’.

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