Aunty Acid by Ged Backland for February 04, 2025

  1. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member 6 days ago


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  2. Blunebottle
    blunebottle  6 days ago


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  3. 2006 afl collingwood
    nosirrom  5 days ago

    If the Earth was flat, I’d be able to see Russia from my house.

    Yes, I know that it was a SNL spoof.

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  4. Man with x ray glasses
    The Reader Premium Member 5 days ago

    Theory disproved!

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    jmworacle  5 days ago

    That’s for sure.

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  6. Img 0448  2018 01 29 23 33 16 utc
    pheets  5 days ago

    Flat-earthers have a heck of a view from their yard I would imagine, on a clear day.. or is weather an issue for them, too?

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  7. Pa231400
    Yakety Sax  5 days ago

    That Tipped Over Into “Wait, What?!” Territory

    An old lady wanders in during a slow afternoon and places a pile of pennies on the counter.

    Customer: “Can I exchange these pennies for a quarter?”

    It’s slow, so I figure why not? I counted the pennies and handed her the quarter.

    Customer: Smiles. “Thanks, dear!”

    And then she dropped the quarter into the tip jar and left with a skip.

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  8. 250
    ladykat Premium Member 5 days ago

    Truth. The tops of my bookcases have been pretty much cleaned off by my cats.

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  9. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 5 days ago

    Flat Earther’s and conspiracy theoriest losing their minds in Three……………Two……………..One………………KA-BOOM!!!

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  10. Img 5203
    rockyridge1977  5 days ago

    If the Earth were flat, then shadows would be the same length, regardless of location. This would mean that the sun is hitting all places on Earth at the same angle, resulting in the same shadow……….and 6 more weeks of bad weather!!!!!

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  11. Missing large
    dflak  5 days ago

    The Earth is flat. Ask anyone in Eastern New Mexico.

    The Earth is flat almost all of the time. I do not consider the curvature of the Earth when I put up a shelf or drive my car or for that matter do just about anything in my normal day.

    This brings up a criticism of the Bible where a well cover is described as being so many cubits around and so many cubits across. The Greeks were smart enough to know that only one of these dimensions is sufficient. If you do the math, the Hebrew definition of Pi is exactly 3.

    This prompted some State Legislatures to decree that Pi was. by law, 3. In their states, wagon wheels were hexagonal.

    However, this might be one instance where the Bible could be literally true. IF the well’s cover was bowed out into a third dimension. In other words, it was a dome. The diameter would be longer than if the well cover were flat.

    My geek nephew and I had this discussion. He figured that the radius of curvature was 30 degrees. Since space is warped in the vicinity of black holes, there may be places in the universe where Pi is 3.

    Since Pi is often part of the equations that describe physical phenomena, then maybe this explains why the areas around black holes are so weird.

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  12. Test
    Ainsley Ashby >>> Globetrotter creator 5 days ago

    Nothing but facts on this page.

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  13. 52235711 609503869514283 2056609200942874624 n
    oakie9531  5 days ago

    this one’s older than me

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  14. Stinker
    cuzinron47  5 days ago

    Nice graphics Ged, but this is a pretty old one.

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    Smeagol  5 days ago

    I asked Erathostenes if the earth is flat, he said Only the Shadows know.

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    pearlyqim  5 days ago

    HAHAHA! I have a family member who thinks the earth is flat. She is nuts! This is perfect for her! :-)

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    jmliles5288  5 days ago

    I had dental surgery yesterday so I’m home enjoying a liquid diet and Percocet. One of my cats was annoyed that he was having to share the bed past the usual time so he started knocking things off my nightstand until I got up. At which point, he parked himself in the middle of the bed, quite proud of himself.

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