Unfortunately that demand for speed applies to roads and highways too. I live in a small town – about 10k – and even here people drive way to fast for the amount of pedestrian traffic. Orange traffic lights seem to mean “step on it or you might have to spend 2 minutes at a red light” as if that 2 minutes would make that much difference in their lives. Ok, rant over.
The sun just came out and is it ever bright reflecting off all that snow on top of the ice on the lake. Sure makes it easy to see the ice fishing hut villages out there. I hope you are enjoying this fine Sunday.
kendavis09 10 days ago
It’s like say, “Business is booming. We just blew the place up.”
moosemin 9 days ago
God, how I hate the 21st century!
Will_Scarlet 9 days ago
As Calvin’s Dad says, “If we wanted more leisure we’d invent machines that did things LESS efficiently.”
hendelca Premium Member 9 days ago
Unfortunately that demand for speed applies to roads and highways too. I live in a small town – about 10k – and even here people drive way to fast for the amount of pedestrian traffic. Orange traffic lights seem to mean “step on it or you might have to spend 2 minutes at a red light” as if that 2 minutes would make that much difference in their lives. Ok, rant over.
The sun just came out and is it ever bright reflecting off all that snow on top of the ice on the lake. Sure makes it easy to see the ice fishing hut villages out there. I hope you are enjoying this fine Sunday.
rgcviper 9 days ago
This one’s a little too true, in my book. Spooky …
HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.
markkahler52 9 days ago
Then: We need things to make life easier! Now: Life is more complicated than EVER!!
lindz.coop Premium Member 9 days ago
Too may choices for everything…and too much demand for productivity.