Prickly City by Scott Stantis for December 31, 2024

  1. Sunimage
    Sun  2 months ago

    in limbo

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 2 months ago

    Hope Stantis is enjoying his vacation.

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  3. 1djojn
    RobinHood  2 months ago

    Cape Horn

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  4. Ignatz
    Ignatz Premium Member 2 months ago

    This is actually Christmas Season, Scott. I would think a conservative would know that.

    (And this year, it’s also Hanukkah.)

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  5. Missing large
    dotbup  2 months ago

    Enjoy the last few days, for next month and years the chaos monkeys are back, in fact they already started.

    maga’s been pining for a civil war and they’ll get it but it won’t be the one they were (stupidly) hoping for. Nope, this one will be because they bought some BS (again) and were taken for a bunch of fools (again) and it will be quite a shock to them to realize that billionaires could give two flips (probably less) about them.

    Welcome to reality dipsticks. Vivek told white people they are the real DEI hires and they’ve been mad as hens. Musk told maga they are too stupid to comprehend how it works and they need to “be removed root and stem”. No wonder the cons in congress love him.

    “If you believed what we said about Dark MAGA and eating the dawgs and cats and Amerikkka First, you’re too stupid to work for us broligarchs.”

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    ctolson  2 months ago

    Well, at least we know Winslow’s not running around naked. Howling at the moon????

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  7. Lifi
    rossevrymn  2 months ago

    Concerning the 29 December Joel Pett, I mean that just about says it all from that angle, right?:

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  8. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member 2 months ago

    Remember when Hillary proposed job training for people in coal country?

    Remember how insulted magats were?

    And what Their Messiah promised them instead?


    Maybe this time, they will get lucky and get Obamacare repealed.

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  9. Saurichia
    Saurischia  2 months ago

    I recommend that all of us on the right and the left read one of the following books by Robert Reich: Saving Capitalism and/or The System. While he served as Labor Secretary in a Democratic administration, I find his writing to be fairly neutral. After all my deep dives into several books, I found that he explains how the system really works in a easy to understand summary manner. He also has a substack where he explains things in a very understandable way. The things he explains I saw happening to my small town in upstate New York and in the semiconductor industry in the Bay Area (aka Silicon Valley which is quite a misnomer these days). We should all be working together to fix the system instead of fighting with each other over issues made up by the oligarchy to divide us.

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  10. Image001
    dogday Premium Member 2 months ago

    Years ago I worked in Engineering Procurement for the re-integrating Bell system. A lot of our engineers had accumulated a LOT of vacation — so much so that at least one was gone from before Thanksgiving until the beginning of the New Year. It was OK, though. We were often under the gun to provide material in impossibly short time periods EXCEPT….I had one supervisor sigh patiently when I went to her with a procurement problem once; she said to me, “It’s Friday afternoon after 2 o’clock. Nobody CARES.” She was right. Basically, weren’t nuthin’ gonna happen anyway, so just chill. And BOY was that true from before Thanksgiving to the new year. People were either out-of=their-minds crazy to get stuff or they just disappeared. Mostly just disappeared.

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  11. Missing large
    sjekteloper  2 months ago

    Unsupervised coyotes is why my cats disappear.

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  12. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  2 months ago

    Vance is busy writing his new book—"HEY,HEY!—-I’M OVER HERE!!

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