It seems to be more willful than simple ignorance. Almost no one in the 18th and 19th century believed that the Earth was flat. In the 20th century, people were skeptical of what politicians said, especially during campaign speeches. Today they believe every lie their favorite tells, no matter how much proof there is against the lie. They will lie to themselves, saying that all the proof to the contrary is the lie and their little tin god is the only one telling the “truth.” In the 20th century there was a Russian propaganda “News Paper” called ‘Pravda’ because ‘Pravda means Truth’. It has evolved into X and Facebook and Fox News.
cracker65 2 days ago
Now they are just plain stupid.
david_42 2 days ago
cpiller Premium Member 2 days ago
Ignorance can be cured. Rampant, active, determined stupidity cannot. Guess which one is in charge?
John Lamb Premium Member 2 days ago
It seems to be more willful than simple ignorance. Almost no one in the 18th and 19th century believed that the Earth was flat. In the 20th century, people were skeptical of what politicians said, especially during campaign speeches. Today they believe every lie their favorite tells, no matter how much proof there is against the lie. They will lie to themselves, saying that all the proof to the contrary is the lie and their little tin god is the only one telling the “truth.” In the 20th century there was a Russian propaganda “News Paper” called ‘Pravda’ because ‘Pravda means Truth’. It has evolved into X and Facebook and Fox News.
sincavage05 1 day ago
Lying is officially approved by META and his idol.
eddi-TBH 1 day ago
Militantly misinformed.