Prickly City by Scott Stantis for January 29, 2025

  1. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 1 month ago

    San Vicente

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  2. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 1 month ago

    “Seize the time
 Live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again.”

    Jean Luc-Picard

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  3. Unnamed
    The dude from FL  Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Project 2025 is beginning, 9 days in!

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  4. Edb4beaa 19ab 437d a460 cf4fba2a5e74
    syzygy47  about 1 month ago

    Nope. Not on Carmen. You have to be blithely indifferent to morality and common sense to not be disturbed at electing a president with no redeeming character, intent on embracing our enemies, alienating our allies, afflicting the lowest and comforting the comfortable.

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  5. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member about 1 month ago

    The magats have been strangely silent about all the moves by Their Messiah.

    Virtually no comments at all about 1589 violent felons being pardoned.

    No magat mentions the pardon of the world’s biggest drug dealer.

    Total blackout of the Secretary of Drunk.

    No celebration of the illegal firings.

    And do the magats even KNOW that it is Congress who passes budgets and determines where money is to be spent?


    Have the magats heard of project 2025 yet?

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  6. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 1 month ago

    Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

    Matthew 6:34

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  7. Gdlgqvkev6scahfsxsgsm7 1200 80
    Humanist  about 1 month ago

    Democrat voters can be as xenophobic and rude as Republicans, Democrats cyberbully and censor people all the time who disagree with them.

    Having opinions that don’t agree with Democrats is becoming like a blasphemy.

    Look at Reddit, they eradicated all conservative opinions and banned nearly half users of the website for having conservative opinions like criticizing Islam, abortion, illegal immigration and I was banned from Reddit like millions of users for having conservative opinions.

    I remember I said on Reddit I want to visit a USA state with less foreign born population (to avoid homophobia and because I’m ex-Muslim)

    a bootlicking Democrat told me perhaps you shouldn’t come to the USA and he claimed that USA states with more US born population are more homophobic than states with high foreign born population because of Republican voters.

    I know not all foreign population are homophobic and US born population can be homophobic but I don’t want to live in places where Muslim terrorists killed gays or Muslims to force me to convert back to Islam, My SO told me that a Muslim student said that he would kill his son if he was gay, I never heard of Christian terrorist shooting gay men in bar.

    Who does he think he is, this bootlicking Democrat that he think he owns the USA and can say who can visit it or who can’t ? why do I need to have his opinion so that he tell me come to visit the USA? not only I want to visit the USA I want also to live in the USA all of my life even if I support restrictions on immigration from dangerous Muslim countries and I want to vote for Republicans, he has no right to tell me that.

    I’m also foreign born and I don’t want people like him to lick our boots, he can’t read a letter from Quran and hadiths without misleading translation and yet he thinks that US born population are more homophobic than foreign born population which include Muslims.

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  8. 0023
    GentlemanBill  about 1 month ago

    It is

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  9. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 1 month ago

    Today’s Clay Bennett accurately describes the environment many insecure people want with this country.

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  10. Sunimage
    Sun  about 1 month ago

    Thankfully Democrats have been booted out from their totalitarian control so that America and American Workers can now move forward.

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  11. Logo
    TwilightFaze  about 1 month ago

    It’s half-true. While the laws and such can dictate the direction of the future, it’s also on us to hold on to hope on how to improve things despite the destruction. Mine is knowing Trump will be outta there in 4 years.

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  12. Missing large
    dotbup  about 1 month ago

    Scientists say artificial intelligence (AI) has crossed a critical “red line” and has replicated itself. In a new study, researchers from China showed that two popular large language models (LLMs) could clone themselves.

    “Successful self-replication under no human assistance is the essential step for AI to outsmart [humans], and is an early signal for rogue AIs,” the researchers wrote in the study, published Dec. 2024 to the database arXiv.

    In the study, researchers from Fudan University used LLMs from Meta and Alibaba to determine whether a self-replicating AI could multiply beyond control. Across 10 trials, the two AI models created separate and functioning replicas of themselves in 50% and 90% of cases, respectively — suggesting AI may already have the capacity to go rogue.

    Don’t forget that trump revoked the “AI safety” executive order 14110, it’s an AI free-for-all!

    I’m trying to decide if I’d rather be ruled by evil smart machines instead of evil stupid people, still unsure
 What if they’re cons 
evil stupid machines?

    In just over a week trump and his minions are unraveling everything that holds this country together as a functioning democracy. “Move fast and break things” is exactly what terrorists do.

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  13. Furious dancing
    drbethdance  about 1 month ago

    “The day after Trump’s bombshell [pause on federal grants and loans], and just four hours before the funding was set to cease, Karoline Leavitt, the 27-year-old White House press secretary, strode onto the podium to give her first briefing. It quickly became apparent that she had NO CLUE about the crisis her boss had created.

    “Are you guaranteeing here,” asked David Sanger of the New York Times, “that no individual now on Medicaid would see a cutoff because of the pause?”

    Replied the press secretary: “I’ll check back on that and get back to you.”

    In just eight days on the job, Trump has taken a wrecking ball to the federal government, and he and his aides apparently couldn’t be bothered to give any thought to the damage and chaos that would ensue. It’s not just the spending freeze. It’s the willy-nilly, and probably illegal, firing of federal employees, the federal hiring freeze, the moratorium on foreign aid, the threats and bullying unleashed on allies, and the moves to muzzle government agencies to eliminate accountability. The sheer volume of executive orders and actions stunned critics into silence. But, as the scene in the briefing room illustrated on Tuesday, reality is already beginning to catch up with Trump." [Washington Post, 1/29/25]

    From a friend of mine: “I think the first DEI hire to go in the new admin will be the press secretary.”

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  14. Lifi
    rossevrymn  about 1 month ago

    Scott, with all sincerity, with a concern for your mind and soul, might I suggest Stephen Pinker’s, “Enlightenment Now”?

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  15. Missing large
    ctolson  about 1 month ago

    Carmen’s got DJT’s fack checked look down pat.

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  16. 1djojn
    RobinHood  about 1 month ago
    The Extreme left has been so loud for so long, saying nothing, just spreading fear and hate. They can’t except the truth their very actions lost them the election, and that America has turned the volume down. Time to adapt or wither on history’s trash heap.
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  17. Missing large
    [Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce]  about 1 month ago

    Donald Chump

    Pete Bad Breath

    Elon Mush Head

    You’re allowed to rename things?Count me in

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  18. Mh 465796339 863108746036623 6589731031279380187 n
    Radish...   about 1 month ago

    Kansas TB Outbreak Is Reportedly Largest Recorded In US History

    If bird flu moves to humans we are in deep trouble.

    The insane Trump admin stopped all medical reporting, disease and death is your future under republican fascists.

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  19. Sunimage
    Sun  about 1 month ago

^ – If only Joe Biden and his administration had done something to prevent the bird flu from spreading when he was still in office, but neither he nor they had. It is entirely Joe Biden’s fault.

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  20. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Yes Carmen, it’s totally on you.

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  21. 1
    ncorgbl  about 1 month ago

    According to poll aggregator 538, tRump’s initial approval rating is at +7 percentage points, lower than any other newly elected president since the Second World War.Only tRump himself experienced a lower early approval rating, of +3.2, in 2017.

    By comparison, his predecessor Joe Biden had an approval rating of +21.8 in 2021, while Barack Obama enjoyed a score of +46.9 in 2009. John F Kennedy’s approval rating sat at +66 following his election in 1960.

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  22. 20250124 121401
    Font Lady Premium Member about 1 month ago

    Is gas under $2/gal yet?

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  23. Missing large
    Whoknew  about 1 month ago

    Oh yes it is, little Scottie. Yes it is. And about your political cartoon, that’s on you too.

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  24. Saurichia
    Saurischia  about 1 month ago

    There is nothing conservative about the far right wing. They are reactionary extremists. And, so funny about the whining about being “cancelled.” These are the people who threaten violence on those that don’t agree with them.

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  25. Screenshot 20250222 140958 gallery
    Number Slx  about 1 month ago

    I see elements of ‘Calvin & Hobbes’.

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