Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for February 12, 2025

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    snsurone76  about 5 hours ago

    Or Paul Winchell, Jerry Mahoney, and Knucklehead Smiff, Ah, memories!!

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    snsurone76  about 5 hours ago

    Mutt & Jeff are from an era when cartoon characters had only four fingers per hand and wore gloves 24/7.

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  3. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 3 hours ago

    Don’t tell me… the Homeowners Association has found enough violations at the Old Comics Home, they’re threatening to evict everybody.

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    We’re running a bit late, but I didn’t want to keep Walt stuck in Merrie Olde England for two days in a row. The classic comics update for the 12th:

    And it turns out Walt and Phyllis are touring something of the country, heading for the resorts of the southwest part of the country. Although they don’t seem to have found the luxury hotels just yet. It’s the Depression all over the world.

    Old Reliable dumps Rick in the cemetary, but he’s still able to crawl out of the death zone and make it back to Doc for some medical care. Looks like another plan is needed to deal with this reliably unrideable horse.

    So Queen Vallorie takes in Chapter 7 of “The Lone Wolf”, and our Submarine captain is about to go over the falls. Can Pauline save them next week?? Livwright is salivating over breaking the story of finding the Queen… but what’s the story here??

    Oh no I di’nt? Oh YES I DID! ….. “Mary Poppins” came out a decade before this strip ran, so I feel the gag is fair game again. Walt gets help from a neighbor, and is able to return the favor immediately.

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  4. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  about 2 hours ago

    Well, like I have heard it said, grass doesn’t grow on a busy street, but also an empty barn does not need a roof!

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