Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 12, 2009
Slackmeyer: Can you believe this? I'm not on the schedule at all! Mark: Well, you are dead, Dad. Slackmeyer: But not even in a flashback! Where's the respect? ... I need a date. Boy: Ow! What was that for? Sam: Guess. Boss: Sorry, no jobs. Zipper: Whew! Rev. Sloan: Oh, my God... intelligent design! Elmont: And this grate is mine, capiche? Flower: Now what? Zonker: Bloom! B.D.: He's an idiot, but I need a kicker. Rep: He's in! Voices: NO! Toggle: Two downloads off Facebook! Bassist: Yes! Alex: Ohmigod, Stig! Best lick. Ever. Mike: "Dear Mike: will papers cut color?" Obama: No, no, no! Ray: The mission? It is what it is. Jeff: What explosion? J.J.: From what? Zeke: Odd jobs. It's time. Flower: Now what? Zonker: Bloom! Roland: "About to sneeze. Thoughts?" Rick: "I got nothing." Joanie: I'm married to a blogger. Gramma: I'm fixin' to die, son. Mike: I don't think so, Mom! Duke: Love it! 1. Makr begins an on-air appeal. 2. Sam discovers boys. 3. Zipper audits the real world. 4: Reverend Sloan's iPhone epiphany. 5. Elmont mentors the new homeless. 6. Zonker mentors a dahlia. 7. Inside Walden admissions. 8. The GOP finds its voice again. 0. Leo's band takes off. 10. Alex turns fangirl. 11. The ol' mail silo. 12. Obama auditions icons. 13. Ray, rotation five. 14. Jeff's very bad day. 15. Zeke retires. 16. Analog rage continues. 17. Zonker mentions a dahlia. (reruns) 18. Roland tweet week. 19. Rick comes to terms with blogging. 20. Joanie comes to terms with Rick. 21. The widow D cries out for attention. Circle your favorites now so you don't forget to read 'em!
Joe_Minotaur over 15 years ago
Too much info to deal with. Must wait for coffee to finish.
Doug_tuttle over 15 years ago
O icon, blackberry running seven or 8 programs at once.
OmqR-IV.0 over 15 years ago
Oooh! An icon audition, cool.
Kingoswald Premium Member over 15 years ago
Canât wait! LOL
Thomas R. Williams over 15 years ago
Love the smell of metafiction in the morning!
JonD17 over 15 years ago
yyyguy over 15 years ago
@plus4: havenât both #15 and #18 appeared in the dailies? i would think itâs at least possible, since we are well into summer.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Great strip today. Bloom already.
TheWildSow over 15 years ago
I thought Uncle Stupidhead Chucklebutt (luv that new name!) already âretiredâ from âodd jobs.â
Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago
fbjsr - Youâve got a point, to get five rotations youâd probably have to volunteer. But lets not forget who were talking about here. Most soldiers feel that this kind of thing, forget about the politics, is their job. They feel compelled to deploy. Not because it gives them a chance to commit violence. They feel compelled to go for a large number of reasons. Patriotism, loyalty to their comrades, loyalty to their unit. A deep feeling of responsibility. Knowing that if they donât go someone less qualified will have to. Knowing that the skills they have may keep other soldiers alive.
I respect your father and his sacrifice. But some might say he had it easy in other ways. Your father only had to leave home once. Soldiers today have to keep going back and back and back into war zones. Knowing what it is like, knowing what theyâll have to do. Imagine having been through something like Fallujah, and then knowing youâll have to go back. And your Dad never had to deal with anyone treating his war as wrong, unpopular or even trivial. It isnt fair to compare WW2 vets with the soldiers of today. Their wars are completely different. At least the enemy in your fathers day wore a uniform. Both WW2 vets and todays soldiers have been asked to make terrible sacrifices. They have all done more than enough to earn our respect and gratitude.
JonD17 over 15 years ago
Check the rotation/extension count in Iraq. 5 may be a stretch, but most of them have been there way too long. Just as a quick example, the 18th MP Division started its 3rd rotation in 2007
jimpow over 15 years ago
WHOOAH & Semper Fi !!
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 15 years ago
If not the GOP, then who?
I love the stove pipe hat, but it looks like its outâŠ
And, as far as I am concerned, making a US soldier serve one rotation in Iraq is a war crimeâŠ
jestrfyl over 15 years ago
This is why I like gocomics - my local paper always drops the first 2 panels in the Sunday comics.
JonD17 over 15 years ago
Fbjsr, minor technicality; scratch the word rotation and pen in extended tour. Many have been there for 5 years. Some have volunteered, but most have not . is it not the same. On top of that most are National guard or reserve, who have not had proper training, let alone much training at all. This is the last I have to say and the closest I come to a political rant. Iâm a 2 tour (extended) Viet Nam vet myself, ah yes Dypak, by my choice, not forced like many of today. Fbsjr and all others in similar situation, may God be with your son, daughter, loved one or yourself, whom are about to set out on the most noble sacrifice.
RonBerg13 Premium Member over 15 years ago
I protested in my day, when I could. The old bones donât take much to standing or marching much these days, so I blog, write letters, and make phone calls. But my stance comes from my Army service during the Vietnam âwarâ. The biggest lesson I took from that was that the USA has ABSOLUTELY NO BUSINESS doing nation building anywhere in the world at any time.
If a people want freedom, theyâll eventually go for it.
Maybe we can help them then, maybe, but limit it to materiel and training.
marge201 over 15 years ago
I love Garry Trudeau and Uncle Stupidhead Chucklebutt!!!
pbarnrob over 15 years ago
No. 18: Hold it in! Hold it in! (I wanna see his head explodeâŠ)