Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 18, 2009

  1. 03bill ps
    billydub  over 15 years ago

    Trudeau is getting a little snide for a Good Liberal…

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    keenanthelibrarian  over 15 years ago

    Yes we can … oh, I’m sure it’s possible.

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    Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Looks like the blackberry icon is going to win!

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    babka Premium Member over 15 years ago

    The Hope Machine is Obama. How do you reboot the complex military industrial Insanity and praise the rich former CIA head (father of a war criminal) helping him shill thousand points of light voluntarism as the Little Engine That Could gizmo enlivening the Oprah sound-bite break keeps short-circuiting the real solution?

    “You wish to speak to a human being?”

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    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    Obama isn’t perfect - unless you compare him to what came before him, of course.

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    WaitingMan  over 15 years ago

    I’m a hard-core liberal who didn’t vote for Obama because he was too conservative. It’s good to see other liberals catching up with what I realized a year ago.

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    Fred_Basset_fan  over 15 years ago

    Garry is a fake liberal. Remember a couple of weeks ago, he trashed 9/11 truth and it was never part of the plot and he never incorporated anything funny in it.

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    SClark55  over 15 years ago

    I’ve been following Doonesbury for 30 years, and Garry’s a liberal, but he’s also smart enough to see thru this charlatan in the Oval Office. I wouldn’t be too surprised though if he moved a little to the right someday. My question is, why do the folks on the left so often speak of the cost in dollars instead of people? I want us to continue and to win in Afghanistan, but I don’t count the cost in dollars. I guess if you can count the cost in dollars, rather than finding the quickest and most direct route to victory - which would save lives - it’s ok to sit around for 2-3 months to decide how to proceed.

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    Yukoneric  over 15 years ago

    Anything’s possible. Pay them off as the Italians did.

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    ray32648  over 15 years ago

    Bingo, Joe!

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    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Gary isnt a liberal or a conservative. He is an American. He doesnt want whats right for the Democrats or the Republicans. He wants what is right for the country. Of course he has to base his judgement on his own opinion. And many consider his opinion to be liberal, so he’s cast that way. Like Dr. Toon said, Gary satirizes anyone and everyone that needs it. That’s the purpose of good journalism, to comment on things in a non-biased way.

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    jimpow  over 15 years ago

    Afganistan: Population about 28 million (about 2.5 times LA County) Anual GDP about $22 billion Annual GDP per capita about $800

    Give every man, woman, and child two years’ GDP (about $2,000 each) equals about $50 billion and get the hell out. It would be a lot cheaper and our troops wouldn’t be in danger.

    Frankly, the Afgans aren’t worth the sweat off my “brow.”

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    tcambeul  over 15 years ago

    weinberg, does such an animal exist?

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    Alabama Al  over 15 years ago

    Garry Trudeau has often been accused by our more rightist citizens as being “biased”. Like a comic strip is suppose to be a news report? Trudeau at least can satirize left-of-center politicians when he feels the jussification arises, and is therefore more “balanced” than any “conservative” strip I’ve ever seen.

    In contrast, can anyone – anyone – point to a “Mallard Fillmore” offering in which any “conservative” politician is satirized? (With the possible exception of “Mallard” criticizing them for not being conservative enough.)

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    bashar327  over 15 years ago

    Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran…. the problem with any of those countries, is one of societal values shaped over generations. Getting them to even start thinking or valuing what we feel is important would take…. at the least… a generation to begin, unless you wanted to take a shortcut and were willing to wipe out anyone over 7 or 8 years old and raise the children left behind with what you value. That’s not a opinion on what should or should not be done, right or wrong, but what I see as an…. well…. inconvenient truth.

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  16. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Bruce Tinsley has only one talent, liberal bashing. Usually he uses the old. “the think differently than I do so they are stupid” tactic. cfortunato and Alabama Al are both right, Mallard Fillmore is nowhere near as fair as Doonesbury.

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    JayKay22  over 15 years ago


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