The Flying McCoys by Glenn McCoy and Gary McCoy for September 30, 2009
Another tie! Me be glad when they invent paper and scissors so we don't have to play rock-rock-rock.,NULL,NULL,MPayton,2009-10-08 10:03:10.197,0x0000000000317A63 194561,Petey: Are you dancing on the manhole again? Alice: Yeah! Petey: I don't see why you do it. What's the attraction? ... It's just a sewer lid. Alice: Petey has no artistic vision. Dill: Want me to go run over his foot?,,NULL,NULL,MPayton,2009-10-08 10:36:14.130,0x0000000000317A75 194356,Alice: Ha ha! The answer was right there all along! Staring me in the face! It's so obvious! And now I see! Now I SEE! And I'm the only one who knows! Ha ha ha! Dad: Alice
Edcole1961 over 15 years ago
I hope Gary Larsen’s lawyer doesn’t read this.
vlechtja over 15 years ago
How about rock (douses fire), fire (burns wheel) and wheel (carries rock away).
Ray_C over 15 years ago
It looks like it’ll be rock, rock, rock around the clock, guys.
HARVIN over 15 years ago
How about I drop an eight pound sledge hammer on top of your skull?
Guilden_NL over 15 years ago
…meanwhile, do you want to buy some insurance?
ChukLitl Premium Member over 15 years ago
Was Larson’s “rock breaks stick, stick digs dirt, dirt covers rock?” Maybe that was Frank & Ernest.