Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for April 24, 2009
Mr. Fuzzywinkle Dumpling Truffle the Third: I don't get it. They're nursing a bird back to health in there, and yet they eat chickens all the time. And they won't let us eat that fish in the bowl, yet they feed other fish to us every day. I'm starting to think the world is a much stranger place than I realized. Cat: Yes it is, Mr. Fuzzywinkle Dumpling Truffle the Third. Yes it is.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
margueritem over 15 years ago
Where is Mr. Tubbsbottl? I miss him.
CaptainColorado over 15 years ago
margeritem: I was just thinking the same thing. Mr. Tubbsbotti, where are you?
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Wow, I thought of him today, wondering where he has been.
McGehee over 15 years ago
If that’s what Carmen names her cats, I can see why they don’t have kids.
JonD17 over 15 years ago
Marg and Cpt Colorado, I was also wondering. hope all is well in his realm. Was looking thru some old stuff this morning and realized it’s been a long time since we’ve heard from him.
alondra over 15 years ago
We’re all on the same page. I was also wondering about Mr. Tubbsbottl just yesterday. He always had the most interesting comments. I hope he’s back soon.
Love the cats’ conversation.
greeneyedtxn over 15 years ago
didn’t Mr. Tubbsbotti say that he and the Mrs. were going on a month vacation? That was about 2 weeks ago. I thought at the time - WOW wish I could have a month of vacation. And Cleo– Cats can talk just like Dogs can talk………….
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
I can’t think of any cat I’ve known with so elaborate a name (not counting show cats).
My cats over the years have always had one main name with many variations. Thus “Elsa” (named for the famous lioness of “Born Free”) was also El, Elsie, Ellie, E-girl, and just E. “Juggernaut” (so named because he was unstoppable as a kitten) was Jug, J.R. Naut, Mr. Naut, J.R., Jaybird, and just Jay. “Merlin” (named for such magical powers as the ability to instantly disappear) was Merl, Merlie, Lee-mer, and Merlie Lemur (from his Buddha-like pose that resembled a National Geographic photo of a Madagascar lemur sunning itself).
But my GF’s recently deceased (sad, so sad!) sweetheart of a Manx was just Max.
So I’m a cat person and proud of it!
leslynmoore over 15 years ago
Cats, I am with you - it’s a strange world indeed! I love the name - Fuzzywinkle Dumpling Truffle, the Third - wow! sounds Regal + edible. My daughter has a cat who was bred for show but was sold as a pet because one of her paws was not perfectly laced. She named her “Chocolat-Truffles
kirbey over 15 years ago
I think it was “The Far Side” one time had Dog or Cats Introducing themselves with their huge long involved names and finishing with but the humans call me Spot, or something like that. Very funny and I saved that one for years framed over the Dogs dishes.
deadheadzan over 15 years ago
I have a Birman whose registered name is Whipped Cream and Mocha and I call her Mocha. She is a sweetie.
SidSnomann over 15 years ago
I ‘inherited’ my ex-wife’s Burmese. She had named her Sandra. No name for a cat…it quickly became Sammer shortened over time to Sam. Sam was something special and I know she will be waiting for me when I cross over.
donkeymom over 15 years ago
My cats all have plain names and then they all get nicknames. Abby, Scout and Holly are Bright Eyes, Soft Paws and Trouble.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Greeneyedtxn, I remember Yukoner saying that they were going on a month vacation, but I didn’t see the post from Mr. Tubsbotti.
cleokaya over 15 years ago
Greeneyedtxn, I know cats can talk, but I didn’t think they could in Poncho’s world.
Miserichord over 15 years ago
Cats only talk to other cats. Why should they waste effort on inferior species?