Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for June 24, 2011
Dad: "Let's give Brad time to find a job before we start moving people around, ok?" Mom: "Ok. I guess that makes sense" Dad: "You're kind of eager to have the boys move back in here, aren't you? As I recall, you enjoyed it when TJ lived here before" Dad: "Should I be worried?" Mom: "TJ's a terrific cook. So, yes. You'd better wow me with your wisk"
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
We are talking about culinary skills, aren’t we, Nancy?
rayannina over 13 years ago
Yes, we are.
sfbobby over 13 years ago
I think TJ is gay, whiuch is not a bad thing.
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Yeah, Frank, you’d better get cookin’…… if you know what I mean. Might be time to turn up the flames.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
In his mild-mannered way, Frank has been the voice of reason the last couple of days. He may be smarter than I have been giving him credit for up to now….
sologdin over 13 years ago
What “wisk” means here? Good cooking?
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
As I have not seen Frank do much in the way of cooking…
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
It seems that Greg backed off the idea that TJ had extra bucks to pay. That was a dumb idea. And Nancy has at least decided to let Brad continue to live in the house for the month he has already paid for. I guess all the expenses of moving the furniture into storage, running rental ads, and upseting everybody elses lives will have to wait a week or so.
Channain over 13 years ago
Welcome to the first 48 hours of a layoff. Rationalization, justification, panic and the ever present “why me” all swirling around a drain until someone either puts the plug back in or turns on the water.
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
(GASP!) Frank DeGroot FINALLY developing a BACKBONE?!? This is a GREAT Day! let the BELLS ring out and…., Hey Frank? Any MORE Coffee?
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
I know that this is a “family strip”, but for Frank there really should be only one interpretation of the last panel. Nothing to do with kitchen appliances or cooking. Nancy is asking him to whisk her away someplace and wow her. If the kids aren’t around, then even the kitchen would do just fine.Then no one will even think of TJ.Greg does these very subtle double entendres from time to time. Happens on the Simpsons as well, kids can watch that show, but adults laugh for a different reason.
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
Glad you said that about wisk/whisk. I was thinking that it was an American spelling, thanks for setting me right.
Squoop over 13 years ago
LOL! Excellent.
Davison77 over 13 years ago
Do I see a Nancy TJ thing coming? A May-December romance.
Pipe Tobacco over 13 years ago
I am waiting for the panels that eventually have Brad telling Toni he was laid off. That will probably provide the most significant “monkey wrench” in the current thinking for the DeGroot parents. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Will Toni be sad for Brad and accepting? Will Toni be upset at Brad for not letting her know first? Will Toni hear about this in front of the DeGroot parents…. and if so, might she offer for Brad to “room” with her? I think that last potential idea would go over like a lead balloon with the DeGroot parents… but it is unfortunately all too common a scenario with younger kids these days, so it is in the realm of possibilities.
wicky over 13 years ago
Send Nancy packing to the womens shelter.
gregevans creator over 13 years ago
How could I make TWO goofs in ONE week?! I explain in my blog at
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
Don’t worry. I can assure you that Evans won’t even consider an actual situation involving Nancy and TJ. However, he will use incredibly convoluted situations to set up lame slapstick jokes, and the fan club will pretend that hilarity has ensued.
Rakkav over 13 years ago
I knew what she meant, but the spelling was flying right under my radar and I couldn’t figure out why it didn’t make sense.
falcon_370f over 13 years ago
If service jobs didn’t pay so little, TJ could easily make a living as a professional chef.
Bill the Butcher over 13 years ago
Did anyone read Josh Fruhlinger’s idea at the Curmudgeon that TJ is actually a mental projection of Brad’s? I actually considered the idea seriously for a moment. It would explain so many things in this comic.
lightenup Premium Member over 13 years ago
Thanks for the link, Greg. I’m a Luannfan, but definitely not a Luannalayzer. :-)
TELawrence over 13 years ago
It seems to me that Nancy is beginning to feel the Empty Nest syndrome; Brad moved out, and Luann is growing up. The prospect of having more children underfoot gives her a sense of security. As I recall, after TJ explained his situation (Mom gone, Dad on the run) Nancy felt very motherly toward him. So, to her mind, there are many reasons she wants the kids back.
doverdan over 13 years ago
Now Toni must emerge!
Will she whisk Brad away from Nancy?
Will she need to? There are events that may lurk.
arbyisme over 13 years ago
After all these years together Frank is not worried one bit about Nancy straying and is just teasing her. Nancy, in a heartbeat, gives it right back at Frank teasing him. Really like this couple.
SebastianD over 13 years ago
Go Cougs!
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago
…being the great country we live in,Brad should have some unemployment that he is entitled to collect..that should help.Also,becoming a fireman shows that Brad is a hard,brave worker.With hard work and any luck at all he should be able to find a reasonable good job.Mom and Dad still think of Brad negatively…Brad may not find a job he loves right away..but he will find a job…
doverdan over 13 years ago
If you look up whisking in The Urban Dictionary (of slang) you will find definition #1 to be: “The act of having sex in the kitchen.” Sorry to report this but that is the most common slang meaning of it.
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
@davison77? who is may & who is december?
Rakkav over 13 years ago
From their behavior, neither boy is gay and don’t even get me started on the Big Lie Principle being employed otherwise.
Bbwadmirer over 13 years ago
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
piggy_at_war about 12 years ago
Frank I am sure she is not cheating on you.
Le'Roy Hawkins about 6 years ago