Pickles by Brian Crane for November 24, 2009

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    Llewellenbruce  over 15 years ago

    Earl did’nt get a chance to get a word in edgewise in today’s script.

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    cleokaya  over 15 years ago

    If I don’t have any to spare, then why should I care?

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    firstwife  over 15 years ago

    He already said all that was necessary. ‘Nope’ Life is mellower when you don’t worry about what people think.

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    ejcapulet  over 15 years ago

    They also add 20+ pounds to your perceived weight.

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    kreole  over 15 years ago

    I found out after I got divorced, when I went to the grocery store kind of unkempt, girls hit on me. Maybe that’s code to girls that I must be single and available. Maybe Earl’s wife knows this….she doesn’t want competition from a younger floozie!

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    poppy1313  over 15 years ago

    Opal lighten up. So what… he not going in somewhere for a job interview.

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    cdward  over 15 years ago

    ejcapulet, somehow I don’t think Earl cares about that, either.

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    GJ_Jehosaphat  over 15 years ago

    I wear my sweat pants to exercise class - don’t really care what other people think! I’m comfortable and ready to get them sweaty dancing to oldie disco music;-))

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    baggybut  over 15 years ago

    that outfit Opal has on is not the geatest.

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    DolphinGirl78  over 15 years ago

    I wear my comfy clothes as much as I possibly can… If it weren’t for my job, I would wear them all the time, and I’m newly single too… I don’t care… :)

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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    Why should he care what strangers think? It’s hard enough caring what people you know think. Phooey if strangers think you’re stupid. I often think they’re stupid, especially the way they drive.

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    tamron  over 15 years ago

    Its good to see that Opal and Earl can share their thoughts with one another, and not jump to a divorce over it.

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    carmy  over 15 years ago

    I’m just glad that Earl’s pants aren’t sagging!

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  14. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    No kidding FishStix. But you don’t know what people will be like as they grow older. It’s a bleeep shoot that often leads to divorce.

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    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    Carmy, That’s what I thought. They don’t look half bad!

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    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    At my age, what other people think of me is none of my business.

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    johnnydoc5  over 15 years ago

    I never could get used to wearing sweat pants in public, I have to agree with Opal about looking like a slob and ejcapulet about looking heavier, but I think the thing that knocks the most points off a perceived IQ is dressing like the urban youth do, with the baggy cloths and what not.

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  18. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  over 15 years ago

    EarlWash said, about 2 hours ago

    At my age, what other people think of me is none of my business.


    Ha ha!!!! :) Well, my divorce wasn’t due to conversations like this… Otherwise, I’d be worrying about lots more things…

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    andymeijers  over 15 years ago

    Nobody else said it, so I will- women of Opal’s generation were raised to believe that how their husband and kids looked was a reflection on THEM, and their abilities as a caregiver.

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    Homeward Premium Member over 15 years ago

    What you say is true Andy, but that was decades ago and Opal should have evolved by now. Too often she simply comes across as an ungrateful (she could be a widow) shrew (picking on unimportant things) and typically her sense of humor is reserved for ridicule. She reminds my of my dear departed mother, whom I pray to never emulate.

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    Frankie5466  about 3 years ago

    I have no idea how Earl puts up with that woman! Over the last several days she has told him he’s a fat lazy classless stupid couch potato! If she finds him so worthless why does she stick around? I guess if it wasn’t a cartoon they would’ve divorced long ago

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