If you think about it, all of Asimov’s Robot stories were actually about the Law of Unintended Consequences.
Three Laws govern the behavior of robots; why don’t they do what we want them to do?
I guess when there are conflicting human needs, Robot Law Number 33 must kick in: “A robot must help the human need that is most incongruous to social order, i.e., the one most Generally Accepted as Humorous.”
margueritem about 15 years ago
Uh, wrong human…..
Pacejv about 15 years ago
Is that a Cicago policeman under that metal?
zero about 15 years ago
I have no wallet and I must scream
wicky about 15 years ago
During Azimov’s time we had better jerks.
Nebulous Premium Member about 15 years ago
If you think about it, all of Asimov’s Robot stories were actually about the Law of Unintended Consequences. Three Laws govern the behavior of robots; why don’t they do what we want them to do?
stevemcceney1 about 15 years ago
this is the SEINFELD finale all over again.
WaitingMan about 15 years ago
Laws 4 - 31 must have been doozies!
McGehee about 15 years ago
Robot Law #71: Never chant “Kill all humans” until the time comes to actually kill all humans.
GoodQuestion Premium Member about 15 years ago
Love the Ellison reference Jukeofurl.; )
Rakkav about 15 years ago
I guess when there are conflicting human needs, Robot Law Number 33 must kick in: “A robot must help the human need that is most incongruous to social order, i.e., the one most Generally Accepted as Humorous.”
Varnes about 15 years ago
Obviously he was built by Dr. Mel…..who probably gets a cut of the cash…
Trebor39 about 15 years ago
Isaac, please reincarnate. We really need you now.
margueritem about 15 years ago
Goodquestmas said, about 4 hours ago
Love the Ellison reference Jukeofurl.; )
Ditto, it’s one of my favorite short stories.
Sherlock Watson about 15 years ago
I, Robber.
Ray_C about 15 years ago
This robot may have a negatronic brain. A few of those missed the recall last year.
gordrogb Premium Member about 15 years ago
Man, that is one “old school’ looking robot.
He’s gotta be pre-“oldbot” wouldn’t you say?
Bill_Wa about 15 years ago
That’s Clango from Diesel Sweeties. http://www.dieselsweeties.com/
Werebeagle about 15 years ago
In the final panel, the robber looks confused that he’s being helped.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 5 years ago
Competing needs confuse robots.
SamuelMeasa over 3 years ago
Killbots always do the right thing.