Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for August 27, 2011
Brad: "Ok, I can tell you don't like my boss" Toni: "Is it my red eyes or my grinding teeth?" Brad: "This job's only temporary, Toni. The new city budget will be better and I'll be back firefighting in no time!" Brad: "Maybe at YOUR station!" Toni: "You're incredibly cute when you're impossibly optimistic"
Comicman424 over 13 years ago
Get real, Brad. It will be years from now before that even becomes possible.
JanLC over 13 years ago
Hold onto that thought Brad. Optimism never hurt anyone.
Catfeet Premium Member over 13 years ago
Brad must also believe in the Easter bunny.
revtry over 13 years ago
Just get MARRIED already!!!!!!
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
I can appreciate Brad’s optimistic attitude. When this drama at Weenie World is over. It would be natural that Brad would get called back to duty. I think this will happen sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
DaJellyBelly over 13 years ago
PS: If any of the posters here are in the path of Hurricane Irene. I hope that everything goes well for you!
SideshowStarlet over 13 years ago
It’s been a while since I checked in with “Luann,” since lately I’ve only been interested in what Brad, Toni, and TJ are up to. I see the WeenieWorld plot is starting to get more exciting. I still think they should introduce Ann to TJ. Not only would two manipulative minds get to meet, but also TJ might distract Ann from Brad… just a thought.
FatTonyBalducci over 13 years ago
Brad needs to work on the current emergency before thinking about going back to leather lungin’ it!
Amazing Grace over 13 years ago
What Kind of world would it be without
Buy her a weiner and send her on her way…..your on drive thru now man!!!!!!!
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Toni has pretty much summed it up for me. Thank goodness one of this couple is grounded in reality! Brad’s undying optimism puts him in a long line of fictional characters, but he’s living in an impenetrable self-delusion nonetheless.
Varnes over 13 years ago
Hey, he could be really depressed and acting like an angry jerk. I’ll take optimism anytime….
Dirty Dragon over 13 years ago
Brad should be at the top of the list when someone in the Pittsville FD retires. Unless the budget battle forces a strike, then Brad should be at the top of the list when they start asking for scabs.
DockoftheBay over 13 years ago
Brad may have a real shot at his firefighter job because firefighters do retire and some become disabled. It’s a dangerous and stressful job and attrition is ongoing.
JerryTheK over 13 years ago
Brad Has 2 strikes now one ball. It’ up to Greg!
kittylover2 over 13 years ago
The reason Ann E. put him on drive thrru is plain. He no longer will be in a position where people can just talk to him.He’ll be’ll be too busy for that. Way to go Ann.
3hourtour Premium Member over 13 years ago her tat…
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
“Dear Greg Evans. How about in Your NEXT book, you draw NOTHING but VERY HOT Looking WOMEN! (Signed) Your Pal Mordock999”.
Hey, Brad!? Howza ’bout THAT Coffee to GO???
Ottodesu over 13 years ago
Now I reckon both women are looking like cats. Ann knows where her prey is and can play with it any time ahead of devouring. Toni looks like a cat that encounters a puppy: harmless and cutely stupid. (I have always felt that the term “cute” is really a patronising way to say without any power.)
cynthia staples over 13 years ago
@ DaJellyBelly – Also thinking of our readers on the east coast in path of Irene….BTW, is anyone else intrigued with Toni’s tattoo? I can’t quite make it out.
fjcastel over 13 years ago
I actually think Brad is just playing it safe… i use the “dumb optimistic” one my self … that way i dont get in too much trouble and get to enjoy the catfight :)
cynthia staples over 13 years ago
@ Dave53: …and your point is?
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Pulled your fat out of the fire that time, Brad. It was starting to look like you planned to stay at WW a long time.
gas36 over 13 years ago
I believe that Toni’s tattoo is a firefighter’s emblem. She is one cool firefighter! Let’s hope that the “new budget” does not result in a Toni Daytona layoff. Can you imagine Toni working with Brad at WW?
cynthia staples over 13 years ago
@ Dave53 – Good point. I have been offline for a couple weeks. My daughter is with the fire department as a paramedic. Did not recognize the symbol, but it makes sense that Toni would have it. Thanks!
dre7861 over 13 years ago
If Brad thinks the new city budget will be better then he certainly hasn’t been watching the news of late. The way it’s going it will be jobs at Weenie World for most of Middle America soon!
ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago
Maybe they might need more fire fighters from the storm that is coming. Brad might get that call today LOL
ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago
Folks Brad is in a union and got laid off. First time some one retires he is first back. So can be any time that he could be called back. They have to take back in order they lay off in real life but in comic life any thing Greg wants can happen LOL
ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago
It is beautiful here in the North West thinking of all you on the eastcoast.
tegm over 13 years ago
why is it that women in powerful positions are always depicted as being evil? Is it so hard for people to imagine powerful women as being good?
ST Joe River Premium Member over 13 years ago
It is tegm LOL
Mr. Tinkles over 13 years ago
Has Brad been hanging out with Toni’s brother?
Rockabore over 13 years ago
A month? I think that’s more optimistic than Brad. It would take a lot longer since in Luann we switch storylines every week or so.
Rockabore over 13 years ago
Is it weird that Ann is just letting Brad sit on his behind all day long even though minutes ago she told him to start working with the headset. She was freaking out and overreacting when he took two minutes out of his day to say hello to Toni but today he’s been talking for what must have at least been a half hour and she’s just alright with it.
DanHills over 13 years ago
The significance of the last name Eiffel? Oh, come on!! An eye full. Here’s your sign.
Rockabore over 13 years ago
Also since Toni isn’t ordering anything and not even taking Ann’s offer of a meal, she’s showing that she’s NOT there to be a customer like she said she was. Her only reason for being there is to distract Brad. Maybe Ann has a point about her presence being bad for Brad’s work ethic. In any case today she gave Toni an opportunity to show that she’s a customer rather than a distraction to her workers but Toni blew it and gave Ann a reason to ban her.
clarke3060 Premium Member over 13 years ago
Dirk needs to re-enter the picture!
wiselad over 13 years ago
BTW, Brad lost the drive thru headphones from yesterday ;)
marvee over 13 years ago
My thoughts exactly. The economy can be whatever Greg wants it to be.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 13 years ago
Prediction: Ann will eventually pick the wrong enemy (if she hasn’t already), and it will cost her her job, which will go to – Brad..I can see why she went for Zane. She’s a control freak, and at least subconsciously she overestimates a paraplegic’s dependency on others. Obviously she never watched “Rear Window.”
lmross over 13 years ago
poor Brad. but it’s really a sign of the times, and the city budget will not get better.
Mitchtheone over 13 years ago
Well he is trying to make lemon aid out of the lemons he has been handed.. If Toni has a better idea for him to be mployed or can get him another job. Then it is time for to say something rather than bearing her claws at brads boss. JMO
Marc Eisen Premium Member over 13 years ago
The tattoo is crossed fire axes around a standard fire shield. Very common symbol among firefighters
werlecar over 13 years ago
Toni is going to get tired of Brad being naive, hopefully this turns around. Maybe Brad will save the police chief’s son from choking and save the day and get his old job back!
Fan o’ Lio. over 13 years ago
tegm said:why is it that women in powerful positions are always depicted as being evil? Is it so hard for people to imagine powerful women as being good?-—————————————————————I don’t exactly look upon the manager of a fast food joint as a powerful position.
mallardjusted over 13 years ago
No, we sure wouldn’t. Because we’d be a part of Nazi Germany since about 1944.
tracht47 over 13 years ago
Maybe there will be a grease fire in the kitchen and Brad and Toni put it out and become heroes!
Greg Johnston over 13 years ago
Brad finally says something to redeem himself with Toni a bit. He’s still lost in space when it comes to his prospects at this job, and maybe firefighting, but at least he’s telling Toni he wants to be with her.
Trainman over 13 years ago
Tiffany is the best girl in the strip and don’t blow it, Brad!