Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 16, 2011

  1. Josette   13 march 2016   c
    Bill Thompson  over 13 years ago

    So this is Hot Rize’s twin sister? Cousin? Lab-produced clone? Whatever she is, there’s nothing like a good flat-top out for revenge!

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  2. Jack noire comic
    LordDogmore  over 13 years ago

    “Rize” & “Crime” Tracy’ll have to get up awfully early to thwart these two. (Sorry I couldn’t help myself)

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  3. Jonah hex graphic
    jonahhex1  over 13 years ago

    Whoa….now THAT is an incredible twist…..can’t wait to see what this is all about since Hot Rize was supposed to be dead.

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    Can this possibly be “our” Hot Rize? Or, as BillThompson suggested, is it some relative (e.g., older sister, out for revenge)?

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  5. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 13 years ago

    Good morning all…Lotta’ action!

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    brinrik  over 13 years ago

    Looks like the whereabouts of Paula Dean Biscuits has been ratted out.

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    Ray_C  over 13 years ago

    Anyone care to bet that the “Muerte Vine” will play a role sometime soon? The guys have shown us Chekhov’s gun in the first act. It must soon be “fired.”

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  8. Tracy
    coratelli  over 13 years ago

    Hot Rize?? But…she is alive?

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  9. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 13 years ago

    This must be taking place in Chicago. Why? That’s where the dead come back to life! Usually at voting time!

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    Dkram  over 13 years ago

    Well, I tink youse guys got every ting clovered..\\//_

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    Asakura  over 13 years ago

    Muerte Vine? Isn’t that from way back when?- I’ve read some Tracy, but mostly just a collection of old serial endings.

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    petersandy  over 13 years ago

    No no scuttlebutt - this is good stuff, plot development, richer narratives. LOVE.

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  13. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 13 years ago

    Scuttlebutt, in the words of Dear Old Mattie, this is GENIUS stuff! There are more relatives in the woodwork than roaches in the kitchen! Handled competently (and Mike/Joe do that well), that makes an endless supply of baddies for Macy to mow down. The previous writer always made a half-*$$ed attempt at creating baddies and tripped on himself almost every time.

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    APersonOfInterest  over 13 years ago

    Overlapping stories … ? Reappearing characters … ? LOVE IT !!!

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    steveyorkdesigns  over 13 years ago

    Like Junior pointed out about another BB Eyes: the body was never recovered!

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    Det.DanDone  over 13 years ago

    This is good stuff !!! Great Job team !!!.Once again Scuttlebutt, you and I, must agree to DISAGREE!

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    TheDOCTOR  over 13 years ago

    The Muerte vine is Dangerous….“But DELICIOUS when floured and Deep-fried y’all” says Paula Bisquits. I bet Rize survived the Flour bath the same way people survive an Avalance, by moveing their extremities around to form an "airpocket’. Well SOMEONE had to empty that Hopper sometime.

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    kcredden  over 13 years ago

    Brilliant gentlemen! This strip has been a pleasure to read from the beginning!.The new twists and turns have been surprising and delightful. Can’t wait till it’s collected in a book. It’s not Gould, but you’ve done something important. You’ve made it /your strip/. Good work!

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  19. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Rize from the dead?

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  20. Daddy.06
    memo.from.daddy.warbucks  over 13 years ago

    dont no one stay dead on this toon

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    Blackthorne42  over 13 years ago

    What the.. how the.. huh?!?! If it is the revenge-seeking sister, it’s a clever nod to the Canhead/3-D Magee arc. If it is Hot Rize herself, I wanna see how she survived.

    By the way, Scuttlebutt, some of the arcs from the Gould and Collins eras were longer than the current ones, but not as long as the Locher arcs (Thank the stars!). So have faith in Mike Curtis. He hasn’t steered us wrong yet.

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    mumbles  over 13 years ago

    Hot must have found an aqualung. This is becoming very similar to the current Torchwood series where no one dies. I hope this Rize is a twin because suspension of disbelief, although valid, can only be taken so far

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    billdi Premium Member over 13 years ago

    there’s a bad moon on the rize

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    Can't Sleep  over 13 years ago

    Hot Rize? ’Rise’n from the dead?S’okay by me! She was a great – and visually very distinctive – villain whose story ended waaaay too soon!I love the cast of characters Mr. Crime is lining up, as well as these little interludes, developing another story while not taking away from the current one.And I’m really enjoying this one with Mina and Morning Gloria.BTW – Joe & Mike: after today’s teaser, you’ve GOT to show Hot Rize’s meeting with Flakey!

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    Ken in Ohio  over 13 years ago

    I agree with Jim Doherty and others who have said that a story’s length isn’t the issue, it’s what happens IN the story. Keep it interesting (which this certainly is) and we will keep reading. As has been pointed out before, some of Chester Gould’s best story arcs were quite long, but never boring.And this is following the tradition of having one story segue into another, a Dick Tracy feature of long standing.

    But, now there is the question of the demise of Hot Rize. Sam and Tracy used emergency medical equipment to try and revive her after the flour bin episode, and we were told that she was dead, weren’t we?

    The original “muerte vines” were carted off to the city’s botanical gardens, after Tracy and Sam busted up George Alpha’s evil empire.

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  26. Fearless 2
    thejensens  over 13 years ago

    this is what we have asked for – twist and turns and plot surprises -

    like the movie – wait until dark – audrey hepburn is blind and she knows the killer is coming, she smashes all the lightbulbs to fight on an even playing field – just when yoy think she has killed him – everyone in theatre relaxes – then the killer flies across the screen and everyone jumps.

    the new team is providing us with that suspense

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 13 years ago

    Stop, I’m getting a “Rize” out of these bad puns! LOL.

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    Malcolm Hall  over 13 years ago

    This has to be Hot Rize’s twin sister out for revenge. They found Hot Rize dead in the flour. She’s pushing daisies. Now we know why Flakey Biscuits went into witness protection — so she could be murdered later! But what about BB eyes?

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