I pay taxes. I have a pre-existing condition, so I can’t get private health insurance. I’m not eligible for government programs. No employer health care. I pay medical costs out of pocket, but it’s not enough.So I’m using the Republican/Tea Party/Fox News healthcare plan.I’m working until I’m too sick to work anymore, then I will die.
margueritem over 13 years ago
The same way we poor schmucks pay for everything else…
perceptor3 over 13 years ago
Well, the Killbots have more personality than most of the members of our government. . .
Nebulous Premium Member over 13 years ago
Ya know, there are times that the problem solving abilities of the Killbots are downright appealing.
Like during election season.
TechnoScotty over 13 years ago
All they have to do is kill Medicare and Social Security. Oh, wait…
Bilan over 13 years ago
Ummm.. if they kill all humans, a lot of Dirk Raider’s storm troopers will be out of a job.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Sounds like the Republican platforms on crime and health care.
Charles Brobst Premium Member over 13 years ago
Ron Paul says that too.
gfredrickson85 over 13 years ago
Sounds like the dems answer about the economy.
DavidMac over 13 years ago
Killbots: Obama’s solution to creating jobs (but only if they vote for him, pay triple taxes and join a union).
wicky over 13 years ago
Bravo MCQueen! Bravo!!!
Varnes over 13 years ago
At least they aren’t Teabots….
Digital Frog over 13 years ago
They’re going to get heat from DETH – Droids for the Ethical Treatment of Humans.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
wow! I just gotta listen to more Limbaugh or Fox and then I can go around quoting it as fact
Nighthawks Premium Member over 13 years ago
ah! the REAL ricky perry revealed , sans the phony flag waving and phony adoration of our ‘god-like’ founding fathers
corzak over 13 years ago
I pay taxes. I have a pre-existing condition, so I can’t get private health insurance. I’m not eligible for government programs. No employer health care. I pay medical costs out of pocket, but it’s not enough.So I’m using the Republican/Tea Party/Fox News healthcare plan.I’m working until I’m too sick to work anymore, then I will die.
Ray_C over 13 years ago
Now, now, boys and girls. This is supposed to be a fun strip. Save your nasty comments for Pibgorn and 9 Chickweed Lane..
tegm over 13 years ago
This comic is pure genius sometimes XD
4shadow over 13 years ago
Isn’t bipartisanship wonderful?
Sherlock Watson over 13 years ago
I’d vote for C-3PO; he’s a fine diplomat, and he has a good advisor in R2-D2.
Nebulous Premium Member over 13 years ago
Does nobody realize that the “Death Panels” have been around for years?
It’s just that up till now they have been called “Insurance Adjusters”, and “Accountants”.
WaitingMan over 13 years ago
“Rick Perry, how would you achieve peace on Earth?” “Kill all humans.”
deangup over 13 years ago
So on the mark. Brewster isn’t paying any attention to the candidates’ ideas, just aping the GOP party line.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’m voting for the incumbent, Bucky. I know where he stands. Over by that wall, next to the recycling bin.
ironflange over 13 years ago
At least Bender won’t have much trouble picking someone to vote for.
ironflange over 13 years ago
Oh, and you gotta admit, Killbot #1’s plan would free up a lot of jobs.
Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago
Um, I’m talking about Bucky the Robot, who is the current Galactic President as well as being a coatrack with a bucket on it.
Stop looking for partisan politics where they don’t exist.
alan.gurka over 13 years ago
It’s like I’ve been saying all along: both parties are out for the same thing: Kill the Middle Class!