Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for September 28, 2011

  1. Precious rich
    mahnster  over 13 years ago

    Have yet to find an evolutionist who can tell me how rats could ever evolve into bats and have webbed arms or whatever, can’t fly and can’t run fast, and yet still be the “fittest” of its kind. Sure sure, we are from bats, monkeys, and other animals totally unrelated to man.

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  2. Deviant avatar
    Orion-13  over 13 years ago

    sighs One doesn’t evolve into the other. They’re different branches from the same trunk. Start with a lump of clay – you can make a snake, or an elephant, yet they started from the same source. Yes, mice and bats share a common ancestor somewhat recently. Is it truly hard to look at a mouse and see longer limbs with skin connecting them? No? How about a squirrel and a flying squirrel?It’s an iterative and very slow process of incremental improvements, it’s not like one day a dozen mice woke up as bats and tried to figure out what to do.Orion

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  3. Bullwinkle1
    Montaholic  over 13 years ago

    So the evolutionary lineage is dog, bat, monkey, man, dolphin, cat, then squirrel and moose.

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  4. Missing large
    bahramthered  over 13 years ago

    It’s truly frightening when bucky actually isn’t over the top and actually sounds like someone in the media.

    Bucky is suppose to be crazy over the top and this one sounds like an creationist. Crazy but not over the top…

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  5. Missing large
    AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Still better than a teletabby!

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  6. Idano
    Ida No  over 13 years ago

    And we all know how Bucky feels about Canada…

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  7. Missing large
    jazzy5050  over 13 years ago

    Where does Fungo come in on the evolutionary scale?

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  8. Bucky1
    crobinson019  over 13 years ago

    One can see Bucky doens’t read comics-

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  9. Tiger
    sharklungs  over 13 years ago

    Bucky can stick out his tongue and go as a hemorrhoid.

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  10. Img02005 20110529 1932
    Ima Nodummy  over 13 years ago

    To everyone giving R Mahn a hard time…prove it.Show me the bones of this supposed ancestor. Where did the ancestor come from?Sure Bucky is stupid…but is it really logical to say you know for a fact that we all evolved from a common ancestor when no evidence for such an ancestor or even a link to said ancestor has ever been provided? Do you really have a valid reason to mock someone simply because they don’t believe in a theory (yes evolution is still a theory) so full of holes and so devoid of scientific evidence?

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  11. Threetoms
    catqueen  over 13 years ago

    To those tempted to give Ima Nodummy and R Mahn a hard time. Please remember that no amount of evidence will crack through the indoctrination. The wall around them is encased in rubber. My suggestion to everyone who insists evolution is “just a theory,” gravity is just a theory also, maybe you should attempt to disprove it.

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  12. Missing large
    Stina WP  over 13 years ago

    Full disclosure: I’m a biologist and I told myself I was going to stay out of this.

    But I would like to point out that when scientists use the word “theory”, they mean something different than when people use it casually in conversation. In science a “theory” is a collection of descriptions of observations and rules that explain them. For example, there’s the theory of relativity. That theory is what makes a GPS work. So if you want to regard scientific theories as still being “just theories”, you should probably stick to using maps to get directions.

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  13. Large dd2
    zero  over 13 years ago

    Are you reading this “G*d?!. . ..”Didn’t think so.

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  14. Missing large
    werally  over 13 years ago

    @ R Mahn and Ima Nodummy

    Google PubMed. Once there search evolution, evolutionary coservation, molecular evolution, human evolution,… basically anything related to evolution. You’ll find all the scientific articles you need.

    I’m not saying God doesn’t exist or that science and religion aren’t related/can’t exist together. But to say there’s no evidence for evolution is just naive and ingnorant. One can’t see what they won’t look at, right?

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  15. Bacon
    Zippy007  over 13 years ago

    @Orion-13“Sighs” right back at yah- the theory of evolution is nothing more than a fairy tale for adults. It is scientifically unsound and completely unproven. The only reason you believe in evolution is because you have not really studied it- its flaws are numerous and profound. The Answers in Genesis group has been using good, logical and sound science to prove this many times over.

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  16. Missing large
    cynical13  over 13 years ago

    No Ace the Bat Hound costume for Satchel?

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  17. Bacon
    Zippy007  over 13 years ago

    And btw, for all of you defenders of evolution- the “missing link” is still missing as of today, but your problem is much worse than you have allowed yourselves to be conned into believing. For evolution to be true you need to find millions of missing links, not just one. The fact that only fakes and phonies have been put forth after 150+ years of searching should more than concern you. Instead you have things like the Cambrian Explosion, polystratic (polystrate) fossils and the like which show us that dogs come from dogs, cats come from cats, ad infintitum . . .

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  18. Bacon
    Zippy007  over 13 years ago

    One final comment- I will not try to debate this in comments sections for comic strips. If you want to deal with facts and real science then visit the Answers in Genesis site and deal with some thinking for a change.

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  19. Ca411d48 e35e 4a21 b058 f79259484708
    Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML   over 13 years ago

    Dammit… dont make me get out my wings…..!!!!!(ref: Wizofoz)

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  20. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 13 years ago

    Wouldn’t it be funny if Satchel got a monkey costume and snuck up on Bucky? Wise, no…Dangerous, yes. But funny!

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  21. Img02005 20110529 1932
    Ima Nodummy  over 13 years ago

    Sigh…my intentions were to get people of of R Mahn’s back. I didn’t intend to spend the day butting heads in the comment section of one of my favorite comics. So…I will post this last reply and afterward I engage in only lighthearted comments for the rest of the day.To Catqueen and Nebulous: gravity is not just a theory. The Law of Gravity (proven by the scietific method) establishes that gravity does occur. The theory of gravity is an attempt to explain why. Also…I don’t watch televangelists.To werally: I read the articles you posted. While they contained interesting information they did not provide any conclusive evidence to show that evolution is indeed accurate. The research described is only speculatory in it’s relation to the theory of evolution as it is commonly accepted. Also, I am quite familiar with the opinion that religion and a belief in evolution can coexist. Considering that a person may believe whatever they want about God it is surely feasible for someone to be a religious evolutionist. However, a belief in the Bible would contradict the theory of evolution thus making it impossible to fully believe in both.I understand that evolutionists have done studies and research. My point is that no such progress has been made by evolutionary scientists as to prove their theory. Evolution is not so conclusive that anyone has a right to throw stones at those who do not believe it nor to question their intelligence. In fact, science itself provides evidence against the theory. Those who don’t believe in evolution are not ignorant. They simply have different ideas than you do about how we got here.Now…with all that said…Who thinks Satchel looks hilarious in that Batman costume?!

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  22. Missing large
    iantheevil  over 13 years ago

    Stina is correct. Evolution as origin of species is fact; the term “theory of evolution” refers to the body of knowledge surrounding it, such as specific mechanisms and details about how different species are related.

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  23. Missing large
    weezersmom  over 13 years ago

    Wow, some people really take the fun out of the “funnies”

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  24. Scrat
    hometownk Premium Member over 13 years ago

    And, yes, it is a comic strip designed to entertain. Get a grip.

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  25. Missing large
    iced tea  over 13 years ago

    Bats are actually just flying rats!

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  26. Chaos rides
    bryan42  over 13 years ago

    Unfortunately, Stina, those that cannot understand science, either from lack of capacity of because it interferes with their belief system, will never understand what you are saying.

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  27. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 13 years ago

    God or Darwin, either one is a matter of faith. (notice God got top billing).

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  28. Sketch 2011 08 28 03 31 23
    Wolf in Exile  over 13 years ago

    sigh…….if evalution were true, why dont we have thousands of tranistional fossils?….you say you have “mountains of evidence” but that amounts to fewer than 20 highly questionable fossils……if you look at the fossil record as a whole….you will find that “transitional stages” are practically non- existant…….Macroevalution never orccured….

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  29. Missing large
    Kathe  over 13 years ago

    Gosh…..I thought I was reading a comic strip and here I am in the middle of a debate on evolution!

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  30. Missing large
    NightOwl19  over 13 years ago

    Hello! This is an interesting thread! (And does sort of relate to the cartoon, so one could argue that the discussion belongs here.) I think people brought up interesting points! I did have a thought about the tone of the discussion. I think having a dialogue about any controversial topic is great, but these conversations are much more effective when people keep their tone civil – it is much easier to get the other side to listen to you and respect your viewpoints. In particular, scientists (I’m one too) have the responsibility to educate the general public in a way that is thought-provoking but not provocative in tone (I can’t imagine anyone wanting to listen to me when I’m in one of my snarky moods). We all sometimes use the internet to vent a little and behave a bit less politely than we do in real life, but internet forums can also be a place to have useful discussion, and venting can get in the way of that. Just a thought (sorry if I’m coming off as too Pollyanna, but we have such a divided society right now, that I think any attempt to heal that can only be good). Thanks!

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  31. Bedroom 002
    CindyWoo  over 13 years ago

    If I wanted to read the Bible I’d go to Crutch. This is a comic strip. isn’t it? Darby must be rolling on the floor in hysterics…..I know I am sick of the crap spouted here in the name of intelligentsia, just to see your comment read. Bleah, I’m going to my beanbag chair and meditate.

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  32. Missing large
    chevygirl67  over 13 years ago

    Has anyone even noticed that these animals are talking? That is what I call evolution! People, it’s a cartoon of a taking cat, dog and other animals. Stop taking this so seriously.

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  33. Img02005 20110529 1932
    Ima Nodummy  over 13 years ago

    Nice to see you jOhndrAkE!!I didn’t know you visited Get Fuzzy!

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  34. Img02005 20110529 1932
    Ima Nodummy  over 13 years ago

    Only in the same way that the fact that democrats argue with republicans makes them wrong.(The ambiguity is purposeful here as well.)

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  35. Missing large
    quickly24  over 13 years ago

    will susan sunshine please give us a poem?

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  36. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 13 years ago

    Wish I was able to give a funny poem or cute haiku. Not one of my talents. Would like to make a point. But – I won’t think of the right words until tomorrow. .Instead…. lets enjoy Bucky being Bucky. Bucky believes that he is top of the food chain. The king of the hill. The one and only No. 1 Cat. Which is why everything else (monkey, dolphin, tuna, squirrel, you name it) is food. Except of course the Pink Guy and Satchel.

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  37. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  over 13 years ago

    BTW – can those pages and pages of long single posts be shrunk to say….. 5-7 lines?

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  38. Missing large
    philjustphil  over 13 years ago

    It’s a COMIC STRIP, people!! Lighten up

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  39. Bullwinkle1
    Montaholic  over 13 years ago

    The top billing was just politeness to one’s inferiors. Besides, Rocky had a better agent.

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  40. Missing large
    talas antares  over 13 years ago

    its a comic strip. laugh. drop all the ridiculous bs please…

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  41. Img02005 20110529 1932
    Ima Nodummy  over 13 years ago

    Haha!! That’s awesome!

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