Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for October 02, 2011
Luann: "I had a dream about Quill last night. Made me wonder if he's "the one." How do you know when you're in love, mom?" Mom: "Love isn't an event. It's a process" Luann: "Ok. But how do you know who you want to spend your life with?" Mom: "Life isn't one journey. It's many trips" Luann: "Meaning?" Mom: "What works today might break tomorrow" Mom: "Life is like a pair of jeans. Some work forever, other seem perfect but never quite fit. Some are sturdy, others need a lot of care. Some get too small, go out of style or just lose their appeal. Some you get rid of then wish you hadn't, other you keep and wonder why" Luann: "Wow. You are just full of momisms today" Mom: "Yeah. They're a lot easier than actual answers"
barbarasbrute over 13 years ago
Boy, ain’t that the truth!!
FatTonyBalducci over 13 years ago
Yes, some women are like those jeans!
flashman.ace over 13 years ago
The funny part is Nancy and Frank had an arranged marriage. True story.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Nancy has been listening to too many self-help pablum-pushers pontificate on PBS fund-raising marathons…. Aphorisms are easy, it’s true. Maybe they’ll perk up Luann’s spirit nonetheless!
Mighty_Mouse over 13 years ago
Zen and the Art of Teenager Maintenance.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
You want love at first sight? It doesn’t exist as far as I know. That’s what Nancy’s answers were fairly correct. But you’ll never know if you unless you go ahead and give love a chance.
Chuck373 over 13 years ago
Interesting that Nancy didn’t ask about the details of the dream. Could give her an idea about what her dauhter might have in mind.
JerryTheK over 13 years ago
Sounds like Greg asked his wife for a little help.
Daniel Aplet over 13 years ago
she asked"How do you know when your in love"and mother just did not have a straight answer for that"The reply’s here seem to get off the subject or get nasty.
ereff over 13 years ago
48 years ago I asked my mom that same question. I honestly don’t remember what she said, but I think she was secretly wondering where that was going. She was probably thinking how young I was (18) and wondering if I’d finish college, I did. Yes, I’m still married to him. Yes there have been struggles. But we are both Christians and that helps us remember how to treat the other person. Luann and Pickles are my favorite strips.
Mordock999 over 13 years ago
Maybe, just MAYBE what Nancy was saying is that Luann should get all of the “pretty-boy” Pretenders like Quill, “OUT of her system” and then FINALLY realise that her TRUE Future is with the ‘guy’ she spent all last week talking to: Gunther.
Say, does anybody have any ‘Sweet ’n Low’??
tigre1 over 13 years ago
I read this one and sometimes I’m heart in mouth. For several years…many, actually…I had four step daughters in various stages…their father had gotten to be a problem, Mama had made a mis-tep or two,and Lone Ranger me hooked up and helped her get custody.Most adventurous time of my life, greatest learning curve…including the times with speedboats in the Keys and in Special Forces…very little violence although I spanked one young guy for DOD…disrespect of daughter. The marriage lasted less than ten years, but it made a man out of me. They’re all doing fine…they civilized me. Anybody who raises daughters has MY hat off, and my thanks.
doverdan over 13 years ago
Luann has had dreams of Quill before, recall the beach scene one early summer Sunday.…. There were some exotic Aaron dreams, too.Nancy does not ask the details of this new dream. She has, however, some idea of what may be involved.
ZacBSM over 13 years ago
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Some people are utterly devoid of accomplishments of their own, so they get off on destroying what other people have created. The constant reworking of the basic dynamics of the strip and insistance that half the characters are gay is inexcusable – not to mention tiresome and stupid. It’s not even marginally clever, it’s not original, nor is it creative – so once again, another total failure to add to what must be a life-long list.
georgiiii over 13 years ago
Luann is giving her mom a great opening for the honest talk about sex that kids should hear from their parents (boys too). It may be uncomfortable, but it wraps up the clues they should have been getting all along on the subject. It’s also a great way to start transitioning into the adult relationship you need to develop with your kids.
mikecronis over 13 years ago
Wow, a lot of negative answers from mom, actually. Discontent? Clever but…
docforbin over 13 years ago
Bottom line of this bunch of BS from Nancy—Don’t be too disappointed when Tiffany steals Quill away from you and Quill moves back from Australia, then you find out when you visit him when you win a trip to Australia that he’s got that “new Sheila” he warned you about, then don’t be surprised when your so-called friends Delta and Bernice tell you to once again shut up, grow up and move on when you whine and cry to them and Mrs. Horner tell you to let him and Aaron Hill go and you wind up in a miserable, loveless, unsatisfying marriage with Gunther,where the both of you wind up being fat and dumpy, you wind up with ugly kids who will become easy targets for school bullies and you’ll wind up having fruitless affairs on the side to get satisfaction, while Tiffany sneaks off to Hawaii, marries Aaron Hill, becomes a famous actor or model (or both) and has affairs on the side himself, so that when you and Aaron Hill meet during your class’ 20th anniversary reunion, you’ll both have fond memories of the times you were together, regret never getting together, and you’ll both shout out in unison “WE SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN TOGETHER WHEN WE HAD THE CHANCE!” :-(
Luann doesn’t have to put up with this. Aaron Hill is the only one who’s treated Luann with kindness and consideration. If Luann wants any happiness in her life, she should tell off Frank, Nancy, Brad, Delta, Bernice, Mr. Fogarty, Miss Phelps, Crystal, Knute, Gunther, Mrs. Horner and Quill, beat up Tiffany to a bloody pulp, run away to Hawaii IMMEDIATELY, beat up that Asian chick Aaron Hill’s been hanging around with, run away with him to Mexico and get married so they can have a bazillion kids and live happily ever after.
And God will strike down Tiffany with a thunderbolt hurled by His righteous right hand for her sins of arrogance just like He struck down Jezabel in the Bible by having her thrown out a window, run over by a chariot and eaten by dogs.
It’s Luann and Aaron Hill’s destiny to be together forever. Nothing more, nothing less.
Goblinopolis over 13 years ago
Life is like a bad simile.
flashman.ace over 13 years ago
Then it’s probably a toad – load.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Agreed. I think the whole concept of Gunther – a not agressively masculine nerd who designs and sews women’s fashions and costumes, yet is straight – is deliberate. It’s a strong lesson on not judging by stereotypes or superficial appearances. Since sex at Pitts is almost a rumor Greg definitely draws it mild regarding the whole topic, but if he did tackle sexual inclination I think he woldn’t be coy about it – and frankly, it would serve no purpose to closet anyone.
I just wish he’d return to some of the more in-depth topics he used to tackle like emotional abuse, Bernice’s love for an older man, etc. because I honestly can’t see anything in the past year that any teenager livig in this century could relate to – a Hollywood audiition? Elwood proposing? Not dating a boy who’s interested in you because he might have to leave? C’mon – seriously?
Greg should consider tackling bullying in school, which is * gasp * actually topical.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Oh yeah – and you’re right, I think Greg didn’t deny anything about the predatory Ann Eiffel. But since she ‘s an adult there isn’t quite the same freakout factor of her being bi that there is with a teenager. I also remember him showing a bunch of gay guys lining up to buy that fireman’s calendar that Brad posed for , so he certainly isn’t allergic to the topic in an adult forum.
Altho I think since Ann gets off on power plays it doesn’t matter to her what gender her “victim” is.TheDOCTOR over 13 years ago
Luann just walk up to Quill put your arms around him and Kiss him like New Years. Don’t be afraid.
lmross over 13 years ago
Luann’s mother looks good. but, has she collagen=ed her lips?
RinaFarina over 13 years ago; alas yes, altho I don’t know how many have noticed it, but to me it’s obvious that the current day is much more conservative than the 70’s. Not only politically but in every way.
To take one small example, I was enjoying being able to read every single letter of a four-letter word (yes, gasp!) But now they’re back to printing it they way they did in the 40’s and 50’s.
I had not realized that life is a cycle. I didn’t know what “What goes around comes around” means. Now I do.
RinaFarina over 13 years ago
Would anyone care to volunteer to answer Luann’s question themself? I’m sure I wouldn’t. And I remember asking my mother, and not getting any useful answer.
imbaldeagle over 13 years ago
OK, so tomorrow is the BIG confrontation. Greg said on 8/26/11 “Toni WILL have a serious, dramatic confrontation with Ann in about 5 weeks”. So BRING IT ON!
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Well, the “general media” is now on cable TV, so a lot of profanity and sex restrictions are lifted, so I disagree that things are more restrictive today than 40 years ago. Doubtful you would have seen the word “suck” in newsprint back then, either, unless it was referring to vacuum cleaners or babies!
When Lynn Johnston revealed Lawrence was gay in FBOFW in 1993, a lot of newspapers either ran replacement strips or cancelled the comic – no idea whether it was reinstated later on. When the late Johnny Hart would come out with a Christ-heavy message in B.C. around Easter some papers would substitute or black it out. Bigporn – I mean Pibgorn – is on the net because Brooke McEldowney loves to be coyly explicit.
I think the cartoonist, by the time he’s syndicated, knows what will fly and what won’t, and he can either trailblaze at his own risk or play it safe. Me, I think there’s more than enough Family Circus reruns out there to satisfy the bluenoses, so I’m for progress.
mojitobaby over 13 years ago
Ditto – I do agree the PC aspect (which actually started with Mao, so I gotta laugh at how it’s used now) has made everyone a lot more aware as to how people and lifestyles that aren’t in the majority are portrayed. I do think people are a lot less tolerant now of bigotry – or at least, what they perceive of as bigotry . Everyone has the right to express an opinion, but people who are bigoted and want to curtail the rights of others seem to think that the First Amendment somehow also guarantees them immunity from criticism (which is of course someone else’s 1st Amendment right), which of course it doesn’t.
I also think Greg is pitching these days to a 30+ crowd rather than actual teenagers – none of his kids are that age any more, after all, so I do think he’s really lost touch with a lot of the anxieties and crises that kids go through that are nothing to an older crowd. As has been said, Luann and Quill are acting like middle aged candidates for he Rotary Club – Greg needs to read “Twilight” and factor out the Mormon abstinence angle to get an idea of what fascinates high schoolers today, because I fear he’s really out of touch.