Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for December 23, 2011
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling So... You've been Indefinitely Detained! An information sheet for U.S. citizens from your United States of America government Welcome to the Barack H. Obama Indefinite Detention Center! You're here because someone in the U.S. government determined that you work for al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Or that you substantially supported them, or an associated group, or whatever and whatnot. You might be wondering who determined this, and on what basis. Suspicious activities You have no right to this information, which is why you've been given this sheet instead. You will find in your cell a toothbrush, a Koran, and your schedule of interrogation sessions. Please be assured, interrogation techniques will not cross the threshold of "torture-ish." Frequently Asked Questions, Which You'll Have Plenty of Time to Contemplate: Q. Doesn't America have a Bill of Rights? A. Yes, and upon request, we can replace your Koran with a copy of the U.S. Constitution as your sole reading material. Q. Have I been disappeared? A. People aren't "disappeared" in America! Only in lawless dictatorships can intransitive verbs be used to make passive verb forms. Q. Isn't this very wrong? A. That's just the kind of thing an Enemy of America would say. What are your relatives' addresses Never mind. We know. Q. I was grabbed at a T.G.I.F.'s and put in the back of a van. Were the fried mozzarella sticks I was eating paid for? A. This is a nation of laws, not men! T.G.I.F.'s has been fully compensated, and your waitstaff tipped 18.5%. But here's the good news: The U.S. can only hold you until the end of "hostilities"! So the minute the Prime Minister of al-Qaeda signs a peace treaty, and no bad guys do or plan anything under its name ever again, YOU'LL BE EITHER TRIED OR RELEASED! Please read our next informational brochure for U.S. Citizens: "So Your Website Has Been Permanently Eradicated Without Explanation by a Shadowy Government Agent Under SOPA."
Nebulous Premium Member about 13 years ago
See, that’s the type of wishy-washy, namby-pamby, liberal, socialist, good-will-to-all-men carp that REAL Conservatives can’t stand.When are they going to get TOUGH on those Enemies of the States? 18.5% tips are Un-American!!(I couldn’t find the Sarcasm Font.)
rhbrandon about 13 years ago
It’s Sarcastic mood, not Sarcastic font, but don’t worry; it’s not detainable. Yet. Merry Christmas! (“Happy Holidays” is SO terroristic.)
V-Beast about 13 years ago
Whoops, I thought I was holding down the Sarcasm key, but it was ironic instead.
William Pellegrini Premium Member about 13 years ago
This would be funny if it wasn’t true…….,
Gokie5 about 13 years ago
Pathetic. (Hope this doesn’t get me on their list.)
Malcolm Hall about 13 years ago
Where’s Irony Man now that we need him?
hablano about 13 years ago
… or whatever.
3hourtour Premium Member about 13 years ago
..kinda dated isn’t this?..
snugharborman-catalog about 13 years ago
Good old SOPA. Hey, it works for China, so why don’t we do it, too? As an editorial in Fortune magazine stated, “This is just another case of Congress doing the bidding of powerful lobbyists—in this case, Hollywood and the music industry, among others.”
Robert T Pittman Jr Premium Member about 13 years ago
I was horrified when Congress was stampeded into passing the (un)-Patriot Act in 2001 during national hysteria, but I assumed that all that would change when we exalted Obama to the Oval Office. I assumed wrong, the sham and shame just gets uglier as our government continues to institutionalize the demise of the Bill of Rights. If this happened in some countries, I am pretty sure there would be riots in the streets. Not here, we have become so passive that we have allowed our rights to be stripped away with barely a whimper. My New Year’s wish for all of my friends is that you not be dragged off in the middle of the night and labeled “Enemy Combatant.” So whatever you do, don’t piss off anyone in power.
TheDOCTOR about 13 years ago
cub about 13 years ago
and that is why the hottest gift this xmas will be a copy of GULAG.
Grover Premium Member about 13 years ago
expression on his face in first panel is perfect! Sort of wistful, hopeful, wondering, loyal, and patriotic.
underwriter about 13 years ago
@Robert PittmanWhere were you when Occupy was in the streets?