Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 08, 2012
Joe: What are you guys watching? Flo: Oh... just some reality show. Joe: So what's the premise of this one? Eddie: We'ah still tryin' to figyah that out. Flo: Near as I can tell a group of people who are deperate fah attention are put togethah in a contest of who can be the most outrageously delusional. Eddie: *urp* Joe: Ah, yes... then we all feel normal by comparison. Sounds like every other so-called reality show. Flo: Ah-yeh, pretty much... Television: Welcome back to the candidates debate... Flo: ...only this one's a lot more scary. Joe: Oh. Eddie: I wondah if I can get on this show.
doc white about 13 years ago
Try the cake DEddie,its not stale.
wilb44 about 13 years ago
I’d have to drink a lot of Captain Morgan before I could watch Captain Eddie in a debate. Thank god they all have left Iowa…the pigs were getting upset.
palos about 13 years ago
I wonder whether the architects of the debate structure have had second thoughts.
rayannina about 13 years ago
No, Eddie, you can’t. You don’t have enough money.
Peabody-Martini about 13 years ago
I think Eddie could not pass the crazy test. He’s not crazy enough.
Yontrop about 13 years ago
I know a woman who says she wants Obama out of office too. Says she doesn’t trust him. She can’t give a reason for that — proud to say she doesn’t need to know why. It doesn’t bother her that she doesn’t know why she doesn’t trust him. She seems to have fallen for all the propaganda. I’m afraid there are a lot of people like her… and they are allowed to vote.
Ida No about 13 years ago
I’d vote for Cap’n Eddie. Put Paulie on the same ticket and I’d even start campaigning for the both of them. Not sure I want the mouse under his hat in the House, though…
loudmouthbass about 13 years ago
@saywhatwhat – while others on the other side of the political spectrum will vote obama “because” and likewise have fallen for all the propaganda. And I’m afraid there are a lot more of people of this same ilk….and they too are allowed to vote.
up2trixx about 13 years ago
…And then ther are those poor, deluded souls who think that either party is any better than (or any different from) the other, and who will vote against the current president not only because of the actions of the president that was in power before him, but because that previous presiden’t’s party, the one largely responsible for the current mess and who now controls congress has done nothing but block the current president’s efforts to do anything, then sits back and criticizes the president for not getting anything done. The fact that there are scores of people stupid enough to fall for that AND think they’ll end up with something different, and that they’re allowed to vote… that’s what scares me…
Varnes about 13 years ago
OK, even though I saw that one coming right down Michigan Avenue, I still laughed. That’s the beauty of Wiley. His artwork and comic timing always make it an enjoyable ride, even when you’re in on the joke.
Varnes about 13 years ago
Oh, the show they’re watching? A bunch of bat poop crazy people chasing an empty suit. Cue the Benny Hill music…..
vwdualnomand about 13 years ago
new hampshire should ban all those politicians’ signs on the road, and no campaigning in those coffee shops/diners. most people just want to eat their meal,, drink their coffee, and drive to where ever they are going without having their roads covered in candidates’ signs. so, a robot, anal guy, a crazy, a liar, a bore, and an idiot are the choices for the gop. if this is what the gop offers, then i don’t want any part of it.
brick10 about 13 years ago
The cat always has Cap’n Eddie’s back. Someone has to….
psychlady about 13 years ago
I’ve had it with debates! They accomplish nothing!!! They all are liars – they’ll say anything just to get elected!!
Sandfan about 13 years ago
How long, O Lord, how long?. Ten more months. God help us all.
radconPU83 about 13 years ago
Eddie has less chance getting on it than them letting Mr. Colbert and Cesar host one.
ZorkArg about 13 years ago
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
The human race needs mature adult supervision….
walruscarver2000 about 13 years ago
When watching the debates it is probably a good idea to remember that the primary purpose of TV is entertainment. This series when compared with The Kardasians, The Bachelor, and Real Housewives of Podunk measures up quite well.
bransom about 13 years ago
Come on Wiley, I knew in the first frame where this joke was going. Where’s the funny?
bransom about 13 years ago
@Just4Kixx: do you listen to yourself? You wrote that there is no difference between the parties, and then blamed the Republicans for everything! haha!
mikie136 about 13 years ago
i’m glad this is not a political cartoon
billbo67 about 13 years ago
you dont need money Eddie you just have to get somebody to give you money to be a polition
georgiiii about 13 years ago
A certain party needs to stop grandstanding and do what’s best for the country. When I was in school (many years ago), I was taught that governing is the art of compromise. That certainly seems to be the case and it appears to have been forgotten. (And remember, refusing to act IS an action).
tcolkett about 13 years ago
You probably think that you’re being very clever here, but you only reveal your own childishness (and profound racism). President Obama has been a positive force for the past three years and will continue to be so for the next five. This is especially easy to predict when one listens to the batpoop crazy nonsense pouring out the mouths of the clowns with which the republicans are proposing to challenge him. My suggestion to you is: go back to grade school, complete your elementary education, stop watching Fox “news”, read a book and get some psychiatric help, because you need it real bad.
CogentModality about 13 years ago
Has your freedom improved after ANY election? Are you any less regulated? You’re all delusional!
dabugger about 13 years ago
sorry ed not far out enough…
drsconti about 13 years ago
It really doesn’t matter which candidate, Democrat or Republican, wins. They get their marching orders from the plutocrats who put them there. One way out may be to support this effort:
kathrynismerry about 13 years ago
Change merely for the sake of change is not necessarily a good change.
kathrynismerry about 13 years ago
‘course in the same vein, it’s not necessarily a bad change either.
kathrynismerry about 13 years ago
Politically speaking, I believe the old adage, the more things change the more they stay the same.
dougdash about 13 years ago
“Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.”
Our 2-party system is so broken, that we will never get out of this economic quicksand with either in charge.
And please, dear God, anyone except Obama, or Ron Paul.
#6: What has Obama done to enhance our dismal economy? Back to The Village for you.
Wizard4168 about 13 years ago
Laugh about, shout about it, when you have to choose,Anyway you look at it you lose
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
I would watch Capt Eddie in a political debate With Paulie on his shoulder.It could prove veerrry interesting..
I just spent half an hour searching for a YouTube video for this strip. It would fit better here rather than with Doonesbury. Did I find it? No such luck. It is a 4-5 minute snippet by two comedians from Vancouver BC who (tongue in cheek) want the American public to accept another candidate for the American presidency. Canada. .Please help me find it. Your funny bone will be amused.
pam Miner about 13 years ago
If only it was just another game, but since there is a possibility one of these guys might end up running this once great nation, that makes it terribly scary.
All of them want to protect their precious super rich.Not a one has any idea what it’s like to be on food stamps, homeless, or be from a race They scorn. Black, Hispanic and Arabic alike have much to fear from all of them. And now our government can take away any citizen, put him in jail without a lawyer, and make them disappear for great lengths of time. Plus are planning to make it easy to strip one of their citizenship. A real reason to be very afraid.
pawpawbear about 13 years ago
With due respect to both sides I would like to say a word or two.
Republicans——-I was once way left of center, and hated anything that was presented by your party. Ronald Reagon taught me a lot and I started my journey to the right. Then for a number of reasons I don’t reaslly understand, except to call them manifestations of greed, our jobs started going overseas. This start didn’t happen under Bush, the most recent one, rather the elder Bush. While those of us still working did well under Clinton, we watched in awe as textiles and clothing began to be dominated by asian markets. Big manufactoring was said to be “safe”. After “Newt” and his crowd took over Congress, the bleeding began again. Now, I’m an ex furniture worker since 2004.
Democrats——-I started at voting age, to be way left of center. I was 18 in 1969. My heroes were the Kennedy brothers, and still are. Well, not Ted, he was a drunken blowhard riding on their legacy. After the USMC, I had to put up with Nixon and Ford. Jimmy Carter was a breath of fresh air. What a dissapointment. Not only was he ubable to work with Congress he had no backbone for international relations. Yes, he did try to rescue the hostages in Iran, but botched it. Reagan actually did some good for the USA. I almost went back to Democrat until I realized what a disservice Clinton had done to all of us by signing China as a Most Favored Nation for trade. I watched as the trickle of jobs going overseas became a flood. NAFTA wasn’t the problem. China trade was.
Now I am a centrist. Our country has become so populace and diverse that it is time to rethink a lot of things. We need to balance stewardship of the land with stewardship of our people. Because of our large population we have more people that cannot help themselves. This is due to aging and disability. Whatever the disability, drugs, mental, physical or whatever, we as a Nation must help one another. On the other hand, free enterprise and non-government held businesses are absolutely necessary for our survival. These businesses must bring jobs back to our country in order for people who can work to work. Schools must be put back in the busness of teaching skills necessary for working. And truly bad and neglectful parenting must be rooted out and punished. Schools are for skill teaching, not morality. And finally, we need truly affordable heaslth care. Not the stpid free market junk the GOP wants and not the mess Pelosi and her thugs shoved down our throats. I cannot afford insurance for my bride and I cannot foresee that changing in 2014.
I hope you all will see that I do not want you to think this is a hateful comment. I hope it is more hopeful than most. Have a good day all.
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
Found!YouTube video is about 1-2 minutes.. “The Canada Party – 2012 Election” and hopefully this is the right address: … have a laugh. And remember . its satire, meant to be funny, tongue in cheek.
Can't Sleep about 13 years ago
Painfully true.It’s too bad Cap’n Eddie coouldn’t join in; he would be the smartest one up there – and the most honest.
up2trixx about 13 years ago
@Brian Ransom: I merely blamed republicans for the current mess because, well, they are to blame for it. Bank bailouts, automaker bailouts, millions of foreclosures, millions of lost jobs, etc – this all started during Bush’s watch. And the republicans have thrown up every roadblock available to them to prevent the current president for doing anything about it. And they only do so so that come election time they can say “Look at the mess we’re in, and he didn’t do anything about it”. The “They’re all the same” comment came not from current affairs, though, but from past ones. Four years ago Bush found himself in the same situation, GOP president with DEM controlled house, and similarly, he could get nothing done. Which, in the case of Bush was probably a good thing. My point was that it all comes to the same thing:GOP controlled congress blocks every bill that passes before it because “it goes too far”. Example: “We cannot support stricter controls on banks because the proposed controls are too strict, so we’ll oppose any controls at all until we get our way”.DEM controlled ccongress blocks every bill that passes before it because “it doesn’t go far enough”. Example: “We cannot support a bill reducing pollution because it doesn’t reduce pollution enough, so we’ll oppose any reductions at all until we get our way”. These, of course, are examples I pulled out of my @$$ for illustrative purposes, but the net result is the same: Come election day the opposing party sits back and says “Look, this was the president’s responsibility, and he didn’t fix it”.And the funny thing is I’m not even American, but we went through several years of this same crap here in Canada when we had several back-to-back minority governments (but reverse, cons were in power, libs were opposition). The governing party could get nothing done because opposition blocked every bill, then an election would be forced and the opposition would say the current gov’t hasn’t done anything. And the sole purpose for any of it is to get their own @$$es elected, screw the people. Thankfully Canadians finally had enough and voted in a majority and roundly punished the party responsible for the several years of nothing getting done (not to mention several unneccesary elections)…
tigre1 about 13 years ago
It IS perception, after all. Or, ‘guided’ and influenced perception. So for the rulers, money IS speech.
abaffuto about 13 years ago
The comics are exceptionally good today!
Joseph Krois about 13 years ago
Nice comments but really, pick an avatar…
Joseph Krois about 13 years ago
So here’s the debate…A chance to spew hate…Against those you are with…And those you would split…
That the state of the nation…Needs an explanation…Why the rich are much more…And the rest, so much poor…
So the man we now need…Must act with all speed…To fix the world in a day…So that Jesus can say…
“I’m back now my children…So fear not the day when…You can’t pay your rent…And your savings are spent…
Because I have annointed the few…To be the shepherds for you…And they will lead you to peace…And for any doubt to cease…
So that you may die off..Without a fatal cough…But from lack of any hope…That your next President won’t be a dope…"