Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for February 07, 2012

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    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    Lol. I do believe Gunther will smack Knox with that book.

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  2. Alfred e neuman
    FatTonyBalducci  about 13 years ago

    krav maga??ā€¦ā€¦..more like doofus beaten upus!

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  3. Zster
    Z Blair Premium Member about 13 years ago

    wonder why Knuteā€™s shirt says #2! in the first panel and ?! in the last panel??

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    ZacBSM  about 13 years ago

    And how interesting that Greg changes pictures on Knuteā€™s front shirt. #2! then ?? Are those references to a #2 in the book and the ?? a puzzlement to what #2 is aboutā€¦.Or what? Lol.

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  5. Zster
    Z Blair Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I bet Rosa knows Krav Maga.

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  6. Mo o
    lance96816  about 13 years ago

    Gotta get that boom boom boom!

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  7. Username catfeet
    Catfeet Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Gunth knowsā€¦words, especially the printed ones, are more powerful than a fist!

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  8. 7b1
    SackofRabidWeasels  about 13 years ago

    Kicking people in the nuts is the only chance Gunther has of winning a fight.

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  9. Glider sunset
    seyleigh  about 13 years ago

    Gunther, Sweetheart, I realize that hormones have dropped your IQ by a few points, butā€¦ Dude I canā€™t think of anything to say besides Gunther is giving a bad name to nerds.

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  10. Dementors suck
    slug_queen  about 13 years ago

    Iā€™ve been waiting for someone to pick up on thatā€¦ Iā€™m pretty sure that name was chosen quite deliberately.

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    ComicLaff  about 13 years ago

    Krav maga is a real self-defense.

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    ComicLaff  about 13 years ago

    I wonder if Greg Evans was meaning for Gunther to be Jewish being that Krav Maga is an Israeli self-defense?

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    JerryTheK  about 13 years ago

    White Dragon Martial Arts in San Diego. Voted Best Martial School in San Diego. Drop the Book go to the School.

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    Tinyman  about 13 years ago

    To Dfowensby and Sjs(from yesterdayā€™s strip):Ok I do have a real life situation in which I did deal with a school bully and didnt get into trouble for it either. Hrer is what happened:OK when I was growing up I was smaller than usual. I was picked on because of that and I had to take it and like Gunther it was always on my shoulders to explian what happened. I got through that chapter with the usual bruises(sp? i forgot) and bumps. As I went through my teen years I did have a growth spurt as well as a weight spurt (I did wind up overweight but I did have the streghnth to handle the weight pretty well). OK fast forward to 11th grade Gym class where the gym teacher (who happened to be the football coach and the high school wrestling coach) was teaching us college wrestling. We were matched up according to weight and Me being the heaviest in the class was matched up with the next heaviest guy in the class not to mention I outweighed him by 80-85 pounds. During the week we were taught the moves and on Friday the teacher wanted to grade us on what we learned. Ok It was my turn with the guy that was picking on us and we did the moves and we had about 10 minutes left and he told us to do freestyle. NOw with the girls gym class watching us I d di freestyle to the point where he was giving up (almost crying). The bully guy ( I cant remember his name) said he was going to tell the prinipal and I said go ahead the gym teacher told me to do freestyle so I did. I was declared the winner of the match and what eventually happened was that the bully guy never bothered anyone again. The following week the gym teacher asked me if I wanted to try out for the wrestling team and I declined because I never was any good at any sports. He said I looked pretty good with that one in the class. I said that was because I knew how to play rough and I also had the stregnth to throw my weight around. He was dissapointed but he said OK its your choice. WHat eventually happened was the bully guy never bothered anyone again and when he did try my name was brought up and I was told his face turned white at the sound of my name. For a few weeks I was told he never did anything again. So sorry for this long message and I will be quiet now. :D Enjoy.

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  15. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 13 years ago

    Krav maga?! Thatā€™s serious stuff, and definitely not ā€œfor dummiesā€! Looks like Gunther intends to put a permanent hurt on Leslie Knox (assuming, of course, that he learns the aggressive krav maga in practice and not just in theory)!

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  16. Art1c 2
    dre7861  about 13 years ago

    Isnā€™t Krav Maga that Indian book with all the different ahem positions? :)

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  17. Cm1
    Mordock999  about 13 years ago

    Oh geez, Gunth has to learn his skills from a book.

    Oh well, Heā€™d better PRACTICE extentsively FIRST on the DUMMY, er I MEAN, Knute thereā€¦..,

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  18. Hatcat
    wiselad  about 13 years ago

    Krav Maga might sound aggressive, but it is not about ā€œhurting as much as possibleā€ your opponentā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ is about finishing the fight as soon as possible

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    mike0993  about 13 years ago

    Krav Maga ā€˜for Dummiesā€™? I would hope not. It is an intense martial art, far more intense than any Japanese, French or Brazilian martial art. It works your body to the max and an experienced practitioner can seriously injure an attacker.

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  20. Michael thorton
    Michael Thorton  about 13 years ago

    Lethality is just death. FATALITY, as proved by Mortal Kombat, is gloriously over-the-top death.

    And Krav Maga is FATAL. Just play Splinter Cell: Conviction if you donā€™t believe me.

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  21. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  about 13 years ago

    Got this on Google: Also, world-wide training center in Pompano Beach, Florida: For more, check it on Google.

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  22. Smokey stover
    sjsczurek  about 13 years ago

    Amd there is a ā€œKrav Maga for Beginners.ā€ Go toā€¦/1569756619. Excelsior!

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    Kydex29  about 13 years ago

    Careful, Leslie! Gunther knows Krav Maga ā€“ and a few other Hebrew words!

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    unique_ness26  about 13 years ago

    Did anyone else notice that in the first panel, Knute had a ā€œ#ā€ on his shirt but in the last panel it disappeared? And the ā€œ2ā€ became a ā€œ?ā€

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    Chuck373  about 13 years ago

    So first he talks to the guidance councellor and the he decides to stand and fight. Good choice. Might even be better if Gunther saught him out to call his bluff. I think a true bully would fall to that pressure. But being the agressor is not Gunthers style. And Leslie, in the current world situation, has learnd how terrorism works. All you have to do is threaten and wait.

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    eocene82  about 13 years ago

    I figured he would just sneak up behind the guy and without warning shove him again when the guy wasnā€™t looking, and then pretend it was all an accident instead of telling him what his problem was, and then hope a teacher intervenes again so he wouldnā€™t have to say or do anything else. You know, because Guntherā€™s so brave and all.

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  27. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  about 13 years ago

    Fighting isnā€™t the best answer, but if you have to, just remember to keep your fists up.

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  28. D11s01ep00 wal 01 matt smith
    Doctor11  about 13 years ago

    And go in low so that when you defend and fight back, youā€™ll have more strength in your punches and kicks.

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    webgrunt  about 13 years ago

    zblair: You have a good eye for detail.

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    kenwarnerfordictator  about 13 years ago

    Am I the only one that would love to see Dirk come just in time to rescue Gunther?

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    kenwarnerfordictator  about 13 years ago

    Really! Making Dirk the good guy would complicate EVERYTHING! And in any storyline, that is a good thing!

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    punslinger  about 13 years ago

    Watch out, leslie. Thereā€™s more to Gunther than what you can SEE!

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  33. New hair
    Cimmorene  about 13 years ago

    Best way Gunther can win a fight with Les Knox, either, A) avoid him (difficult at best). B) hope a teacher is around when Les decides to descend on him (unlikely) or C) learn some self-defense techniques (time consuming but much more likely to succeed). As far as Iā€™ve noticed, kicking any male in the groin is more likely to make things worse rather than better. Honestly, @Fat Tony Balducci, if some nerd walked up and kicked you in the groin, wouldnā€™t you want to find some secluded spot to beat the pulp out of him? (Of course you would) Survival, in Guntherā€™s case, means thinking his way through and, eventually, out of the situation.

    Nevertheless, you know Greg is going to save him, somehow. Gunther is way to popular a character to allow someone like Les Knox to beat the stuffinā€™s out of him.

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    primalcoach  about 13 years ago

    ZacBSM ā€” I sport a second-degree black belt in Shotokan kara-te, brown in Chung-do-kwan taekwondo, and a brown in aikido; itā€™s obvious to me you have never had a class. There are many ā€œnatural weaponsā€ in a femaleā€™s arsenal against male attackers. The eyes, throat and diaphragm are all good targets when you know how to use them. And, yes, some men are able to withstand tremendous assault to the groin, while others (like me) are extremely susceptible. Not only that, but numerous leverage techniques can thwart an opponent, sometimes much more easily than strikes or kicks. I know this is only a cartoon, but your message here sends the wrong one to any female that might be monitoring these posts.

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    assemblor  about 13 years ago

    like anything in rl, he needs to practice and not in a single day like in Kung Fu Panda. if you are inexperienced, you can actually break your fist when you punch the guyā€™s face. which will be really embarassing.

    on the other hand, i applaud guntherā€™s effort on being pro-active. if he has at least a few weeks to prepare, he might stand a chance. but he needs to hit the gym and gain some muscle mass like brad.

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    cjswan232482  about 13 years ago

    Krav Maga is essentially dirty fighting and itā€™s no joke if properly applied. It would be both funny and scary if Gunther can immediately apply this from a book and put a hurt on Leslie. It will also make for an awesome commercial for Krav Maga.

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  37. Thinker1
    Fan oā€™ Lio.  about 13 years ago

    Want to see a bully get whatā€™s coming to him?

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  38. Popeyesforearm image
    Popeyesforearm  about 13 years ago

    Wasnā€™t he at Helmā€™s Deep?

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  39. Bill watson1b
    BillWa  about 13 years ago

    Krav Maga is an Isreali form of martial art. It has no defensive moves it is pure attack. At this point though Gunther is ahead on points, Knox will be seen as picking on the little guy, a little guy that the entire school sees as the nerdy mild mannered guy, while Knox, an apparent new comer is the thug.

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    If Leslie menaces him, Gunther should give him a copy of the criminal penalties for assault, introduce Knute as his witness, and ask Leslie if he is ready to risk a little time in a holding cell where very big & ugly guys might smile at him and call him ā€œfresh meatā€ or Suzie.

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  41. But eo
    Rakkav  about 13 years ago

    I hate to rain on the parade of some of the martial artists here (I am NOT one so I make no special claims), but according to the sources I have Krav Maga DOES have defensive moves. Itā€™s a hybrid form with a philosophy emphasizing threat neutralization, simultaneous defensive and offensive maneuvers (note that), and aggression. But the basic idea is to get you out of a dangerous situation by whatever means necessary as quickly as possible. Just what Gunther would find useful, if he could actually pull off a useful defense.

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    j-squared  about 13 years ago

    I donā€™t understand the fascination and love affair of Krav Maga people have. It was created by Imi Lichterfeld for the Israeli defense force and commandos. Not for civilian hand to hand or street survival.

    Basically, if your rifle fails, and your handgun fails, and your knife fails, then you only need to know enough hand to hand (Krav Maga) to survive until your buddy shoots the bad guy. It was never really designed as a comprehensive fighting art.

    But in some circles it has good marketing, there are some unscrupulous trainers that let you take a couple weekends of Krav Maga training, and you will be certified to teach it in your own dojo.

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    Spode  about 13 years ago

    Notice the technique illustrated in panel 2 ā€“ the elbow strike. Elbows and knees are good weapons, bigger and harder than fists and feet and less likely to break. Looking at that elbow strike, I can see Gunther taking out Leslieā€™s nose.

    If they end up in an actual fight, itā€™s not going to be to-the-death. I assume Evans got copyright permission from the ā€œfor Dummiesā€ publisher, and that neither Krav Maga nor book-learned martial arts is going to come off badly in this story.

    While it is true that in real life, a lot of regular training is necessary for proficient martial arts, in the Luanniverse I think itā€™s plausible that Gunther could break Leslieā€™s nose (and remember, Leslie may be taller than Gunther but he is skinny, and his nose is an inviting target).

    And then, having tasted blood, Gunther finds that he likes it and enrolls in a local mixed martial arts gym and goes on to a career in the cage, his dreams of becoming a fashion designer cast off without a glimmer of remorse . . .

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    Airman  about 13 years ago

    The best defense is a good attorney. Or maybe the New York Giants. Come on folks, itā€™s a cartoon strip, whereā€™s your creativity?

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    Kathe  about 13 years ago

    Perhaps Gunther would probably bumble his way through some of the maneuvers at least enough to knock the Lester character on his butt and cause him to think twice about any further threats to the Gunth.

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    Tinyman  about 13 years ago

    @Activist1234:You welcome. I had fun doing it too. That was long time ago in the school year 1977-78 in 11th grade. I finally graduated in June 1979. I never really did lose the weight. I dont remember what my weight was at the time but I am pretty sure it was not as much as it is now. NOt by much but a little more now.

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    Vegasgirl  about 13 years ago

    Scenario: Gunther leaps up to do a high kick, his shoe flies off and knocks Leslie in the head knocking him out. Mad Magazine circa: 197(?).

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    tigre1  about 13 years ago

    I have kicked maybe a thousand guys in the nuts. If you want to test, you can be next. Just look me up.And it ainā€™t quite the ā€˜finisherā€™ that you may be deluded in believing.

    Krav Mag is pretty good, BUT it takes time and training, like all fighting. Itā€™s not the system, once you get past the basics.Itā€™s just like any specialized form of knowledge>>>Time ON Task is where itā€™s at.

    Rosa will probably kick Leslieā€™s behind for Gunth, BUT he stood up for her, which is proof of his caring for herā€¦he can LEARN to protect her.

    My name IS Leslie: and I wouldnā€™t have HAD to learn to fight if my name had been Bob or John orā€¦.but the time in the Green Berets was pretty good, and Iā€™m finally catching up with my lit and music, thanks.

    And yes, I knowā€¦from BOTH ends of the experienceā€¦about the famous ā€˜kick in the nutsā€™ā€¦lots of fools and foolishness being blowharded out there. Caveat Emptor, and donā€™t mess with me or my girlā€¦

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  49. Peter cooke   hood
    Ottodesu  about 13 years ago

    There is a well known case of an Australian sportsman called Peter Crimmins who was flicked by a wet towel in the testes. Contracted cancer shortly afterwards and died. While the ā€œjury is outā€ regarding a causal link between trauma and cancer, it is considered plausible.Testicular cancer is real and is not prostrate cancer.

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  50. 08 6
    tegm  about 13 years ago

    haha, good one! XD

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