I hadn’t realized until now. That was the start of that obnoxious Internet thing of list of ten things. And Moses found the list in a hot spot. It all makes sense now. It all started with the Ten Suggestions Not To Be Taken Too Seriously.
This is still a common problem of today. People are too concerned with the newest and shiniest of things and the little g’s of this world. Instead they should pay more attention to the lasting and living words of the creator of all things.
PICTO almost 13 years ago
How about apps?
LingeeWhiz almost 13 years ago
Hey, you could’ve went and picked up what you wanted! Oh, never mind…no you couldn’t.
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 13 years ago
I hadn’t realized until now. That was the start of that obnoxious Internet thing of list of ten things. And Moses found the list in a hot spot. It all makes sense now. It all started with the Ten Suggestions Not To Be Taken Too Seriously.
Nighthawks Premium Member almost 13 years ago
apparently, old Mo was up there for a LOOONG time
kaecispopX almost 13 years ago
This is still a common problem of today. People are too concerned with the newest and shiniest of things and the little g’s of this world. Instead they should pay more attention to the lasting and living words of the creator of all things.
Captain Fish almost 13 years ago
georgelcsmith almost 13 years ago
If people lived by what is on those tablets, we would have a much better world.
iced tea almost 13 years ago
Those tablet were written by the hand of God.
Wackodude almost 13 years ago
Now I get why “tablet” computers are such a success- biblical subliminal messaging.
Yer Huckleberry almost 13 years ago