Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for July 03, 2012
Rat: Hey, Goat, what are you doing? Goat: Just drinking some wine and listening to a podcast of Terry Gross' 'Fresh Air'... It's terrific. Rat: Ah, more N.P.R... I'd like to listen, but I'm not as special as you. Goat: Oh, will you get off all this 'elitist' crap? N.P.R.'s a great station that covers everything... Everything. Rat: Monster truck rallies? Goat: Okay, there are limits. Rat: Have a beer. We commoners enjoy it.
Orion-13 over 12 years ago
Or firearms. Or NASCAR. Or freedom…State Radio – here to give you what the State determines that YOU need.
May your chains lie light upon you and may history forget that you were descended from free men.
Sherlock Watson over 12 years ago
Considering Rat’s contempt for everyone other than himself, his claiming to be one of the “commoners” makes him almost hypocritical enough to get a job with Faux News Channel. Is his first name Glenn, by any chance?
margueritem over 12 years ago
Righteous Rat…
Peabody-Martini over 12 years ago
Rat claims to hate stupid people yet at the same time speaks the anti-intellectual clap trap that infests so much of the American landscape.
chireef over 12 years ago
so people don’t like the idea that NPR is funded by the government… okay i can respect that … what do they think of radio free Europe? also funded by the US government, maybe a bunch of communist sympathizers?
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 12 years ago
Shouldn’t that be a white wine? I guess a rosé is close enough!
tomielm over 12 years ago
You’re = contraction for “you are.” But then when one begins foaming at the mouth, the niceties of grammar just fly out the window I guess.
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
If NPR is government-funded, why the endless fundraisers?
Woody157 over 12 years ago
@CitizenThom: I posted this on PBS (Pearls Before Swine ~not Public Broadcast System) late yesterday so I thought I would post it for you again today.
I listen to NPR sometimes. There are some good blues and jazz programs and Praraie Home Companion is pretty good also.
@Citizen Thom, I have looked on, and Borders before they closed up shop. Nowhere have I been able to find books about Dick and Jane now that they are grown up and are into adult activities.
Hillbillyman over 12 years ago
Actually, I think Rats persona is more like Neal Boortz who has a great disdain for…commoners.
knight1192a over 12 years ago
Rat will now go home and hang himself. He accidentally admitted he’s common and not superior to everyone else as he constantly tries claiming. He’s more elitist than goat.
cdward over 12 years ago
By the way, NPR has covered monster truck rallies and demolition derbies. And roller derby. Does that make something legitimate?
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
People (or goats) who sit at a bar and listen to podcasts while sipping wine are just begging for some rat to strike up a conversation and bait them a bit! And it works!
brobbin over 12 years ago
Monster Truck Rally YES on NPR.
GalleyOar over 12 years ago
Whoa! Somebody skip their meds today?
eddie6192 over 12 years ago
Who but Rat, would want to listen to Monster Truck Rallies on the radio?
Varnes over 12 years ago
The grammar discussion was great!
HeidiTentee over 12 years ago
Every time a rat mentions freedom, a liberal wets their diaper.
brine Premium Member over 12 years ago
Rat tells it like it is!!!
meowgirl over 12 years ago
@Ray Cov: No Sherlock is NOT that clever. The liberals have come up with the name “faux news”…..just because Fox News actually informs Americans about what is really going on. But I guess he must be one of the 41% of the people who didn’t even know the SCOTUS ruled on Thursday about Obama-Tax. I am sure Rat knew about this.
businessgypsy over 12 years ago
I’m a former generous supporter of NPR – and hope to be again. When they return to reporting news instead of telling me how to interpret news, my wallet will reopen. Keeping yourself informed these days is like mining: gotta sort through a lot of slag to find a little ore.
cork over 12 years ago
All history is revisionist.
businessgypsy over 12 years ago
@Quasimodo – twits calling each other names isn’t funny? Grab a beer and enjoy the show! First round’s on me.
barryj35967 over 12 years ago
You go, Rat! Just like his predecessor, Archie Bunker, his liberal writers unwittingly put pearls of wisdom in his mouth.
meowgirl over 12 years ago
@Quasimodo: You are RIGHT. I hate when I get caught up in the name calling………. I mean let’s face it…we are ALL HERE BECAUSE WE LOVE THE STRIP! :)I think I’ll join you and Businessgypsy for a beer! Hey that would make 3 of us…does that qualify for an official “Beer Summit”??? lol
oblio88 over 12 years ago
Apparently, NPR does include monster truck rallies…
corzak over 12 years ago
I honestly believe it’s a problem in the U.S. Many people (and I’m related to some of them!) continuously absorbing a constant stream of Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Beck, Levin . . .The stuff I hear coming out of these listener-friends of mine . . . is mind-boggling . . .
codedaddy over 12 years ago
The commoners I know look down on the monster truck bunch, so they might be in a class of their own, along with WWE Smackdown fans (why was that left off the list?).
route66paul over 12 years ago
Firearms might suck, but the government control in the US of firearms sucks worse. Assault weapons are automatic by definition, but the powers that be have made many ordinary hunting rifles into “assault weapons” purely based on looks.
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
For a rundown fy NPR of where it gets its funding, see pie graph. Of course, some may say that NPR is lying about itself. Over 1 1/2 years ago, Fox reported this:, NPR by no means gets ALL of its funding from government entities.
lshim671 over 12 years ago
Picture of Obama drinking PepsiNPR: Obama enjoys a Pepsi.MSN: Obama wins big points with Pepsi supporters.FOX: Obama declares war on Coke.
(Stolen from some internet meme, but appropriate I think)
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
My grammar flew out the window – and nobody has seen her since.
Number Three over 12 years ago
Excellent strip.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
I think that Goat’s only mistake was going on the defensive..My personal point of view — and what Goat should have said — is: “I have good taste, and high standards. I like what I like, and if you have a problem with that, it’s your problem, not mine.”.If that defines an elitist, I’m okay with that too.
richbenj over 12 years ago
Good to see the Libs getting so upset about a comic strip! You guys should learn how to laugh at yourself, everyone else does!
tigre1 over 12 years ago
Well, I guess I have common tastes. I like PBS and PBS, not so much because they’re perfect…they’re pretty good…but because they don’t have stupid yellers and very crass lowest-denomination commercials.
I did a little radio, and I don’t like jerks much. And I have a better right hook than Rat ever dreamed of. He’ll NEVER sucker-punch me. I’m an OLD-FASHIONED out-of-datelib dem, kind of like Roosevelt…Teddy. He was one of the original importers of jiu jitsu to this country, too. And he could box good.
Today we have anonymous internet. All you tighty-righty dummies are better off that way.
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
Curse you, Rat. Now William Shatner’s version of “Common People” has invaded my brain.“I wanna live like common people.I wanna do whatever common people do.”
peabodyboy over 12 years ago
I’m guessing that Brian Griffin likes NPR. So does that mean that Stephan secretly wants to sucker punch Seth McFarlane?
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
everyone kiss my rats ass
tomielm over 12 years ago
@Night-Gaunt49: Yes, Yoda, attacking the attacker I was — sort of like what you’re doing in your post. Here, I’ll hold the mirror….
Drewdove over 12 years ago
Drat, an arument I don’t like but I’m not clever enough to retort. Aah HAH, a TYPO! Mwa ha ha ha!
Those who can retort, those who can’t nick pick.
Reenie89 over 12 years ago
My first post here. I love Pearls. I also listen to NPR a lot. Some of it drives me crazy but Terry Gross does terrific interviews with a broad range of guests. Her interview with Gene Simmons is classic. (I am from Philly where the show is produced.)
Peter_B over 12 years ago
Just for the record, Goat (for once) is wrong… NPR HAS covered monster truck rallies!
Fentroll over 12 years ago
pabsfx-comics over 12 years ago
@Stephan PastisNPR segment on Monster Trucks: above)NPR segment on firearms: segment on NASCAR: state & local governments contribute about 4.6% to NPR’s expenses.
@ Ray CovThe problem with Fox News is that it does present news in such a way to support their editorials, rather than keeping their editorials and news separate. An interesting article here discusses their “Fair & Balanced” reporting:
To all: Look at any day of NPR programming, the wide variety of subjects and try to find similar diversity in any Fox broadcast day.
Ncc17018472 over 12 years ago
I love npr. Long live eliteist!!!
magipants about 11 years ago
HE SAID CRAP, WHAAAAAAAT?? %^*$, the world is ending
comicsnerd74 almost 10 years ago
Actually, they did do a story on monster truck rallies once.
One Navy Seal about 5 years ago
Goat is leet.
Bye Bye Jeffy almost 4 years ago
you know, it actually did cover a monster truck rally
*real* Guard Duck over 3 years ago
gasp goat said cra with a p!