Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for June 30, 2012

  1. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  over 12 years ago

    tennis can be difficult if you are uncoordinated, not athletic, couch potato who only way of running is pressing x. it can be also expensive with the gear. better tennis shoes, rackets, apparel, equipment ie ball launcher, lessons, balls, court time on different surfaces ie grass, clay, hard. diet, etc.. not too mention the opportunity costs of playing tennis and not doing other tasks

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    bransom  over 12 years ago

    You got a problem with tennis, or geeks?

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  3. White tiger swimming
    cabalonrye  over 12 years ago

    @Prof: or could come from the French l’heure (the hour) if you accept the theory that they first kept the score on the court clock. 0 (the hour), 15, 30, 40 mn
 Which in turn came from the way the game of paume was played (the ancestor of tennis).

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    K M  over 12 years ago

    And why does she look so good in a tennis outfit and so dumpy in her regular clothes?

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  5. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 12 years ago

    It’s not that she hasn’t learned the rules- it’s that she only knows them in theory. This is the first opportunity to put them into practice.

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  6. Menew
    Thomas Scott Roberts creator over 12 years ago

    That’s the story I’ve heard. The term “Mayday” also comes from the French. More to the point, it comes from an English speaker’s mishearing of French. The original phrase is ’M’aidez!’ meaning ‘Help me!’ To an English speaker, this sounds like the words ‘may day.’ A French speaker could also say "aidez moi,’ which doesn’t sound like anything in English. If your plane is spinning, though, you probably want to say what’s quickest.

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  7. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 12 years ago

    My main issue with Tennis was playing outdoors in the hot sun. Raquetball in an air conditioned court works better for me, and I get a better workout.

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    beyondnow777  over 12 years ago

    With raquetball, you don’t have to spend any time chasing the ball out of the court.

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