Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for July 12, 2012
Danae: Hey, Jeffrey... A lot of the things today were like science fiction to people 50 years ago, right? Jeffrey: Uh-huh. Danae: So what do you think it might be like 50 years from now? Jeffrey: Hmm... Travel by teleportation... reading replaced by a brain plus for data transfer... birth replaced by cloning... and robot slaves who rise up in rebellion, sending humans back to the stone age, except for a small group who commandeer a spaceship and search for a planet to start over. Danae: Um... What about flying cars? Jeffrey: Well, now that's just crazy talk.
Linguist over 12 years ago
There are a lot of non-readers who’ve been unplugged from their brain plugs a long time ago. All they know is what the talking heads tell them.
dkendraf over 12 years ago
I want my flying car!
Varnes over 12 years ago
The future never looks all that much different from the recent past….but it’s there….seriously, my rocket pack was right here….OK, I’m in middle schools a lot. I get it. Where’d you hide it? The waste basket again? So lame…
artybee over 12 years ago
Just what we need… head-on collisions in three dimensions.
pcolli over 12 years ago
3D traffic jams and pedestrians killed by falling vehicles. At least we’ll have the roads to walk in..Personally, I’ll wait until distance becomes irrelevant.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Beam me up, Scotty.
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
And I, for one, welcome our new former robot slave overlords.
subicpingjockey over 12 years ago
There is already a flying car, they are just ironing out the bugs.
Whitecamry over 12 years ago
Geez. People can’t drive responcibly, let alone fly!
Or spell.
Jim Bedsole Premium Member over 12 years ago
They’re coming so to
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’m a fly and I want a car!
DrJKnows over 12 years ago
Rocks. I’ve got flying rocks. They only fly down.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
They can make all the communications advances they want. I don’t care about that. But will someone please get to work on a functional transporter so that I can get off this ruddy rock and back to civilization.
Dr_Fogg over 12 years ago
Just check out the one Phineas and Ferb built.
Packratjohn Premium Member over 12 years ago
Good points to consider over my breakfast of Soylent GreenSo, the future is, pick one:Bleak Glorious DreadfulIncomprehensibleFrightening Excitingother________
BluePumpkin over 12 years ago
I am ALL for birth by cloning! I saw that birthing video in health class . . . GAH! My SO keeps telling me it won’t be that bad and isn’t the magic of parenthood worth it, blah, blah, blah . . . . I remind him that he probably wouldn’t be so brave about it if he was the one who had to do it. The future can’t come soon enough for me!
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
i would be happy with an affordable hotel in orbit.
The Life I Draw Upon over 12 years ago
Flying Cars means hordes of people texting, talking, and drinking while FLYING. Also, it is hard to pull to the side of the road when the engine stops.
puddleglum1066 over 12 years ago
Then there’s the whole “infinite quantum multiverse” school of SF, in which any present/future you imagine already exists somewhere… all you gotta do is find it…
puddleglum1066 over 12 years ago
As many have noted, flying cars (of a sort) have been demonstrated. As have small, personal aircraft that are sort of the flying analog of cars. Neither has taken off (sorry ‘bout the pun) in a big way—not because a flying personal vehicle is impossible, but because the Jetson-style flying car doesn’t offer any advantage over cars operating on the ground. A flying car is more costly to build and operate, and requires a higher skill level and more attention to drive, but ultimately offers little or no increase in convenience of travel. .It’s a hard engineering reality that if something costs more, is more difficult to use, and offers no great advantage over what’s there, it’s unlikely to catch on. Unless, of course, the flying-car companies can figure out how to buy the roads and tear them up.
runar over 12 years ago
My computer is only a HAL-90.
bransom over 12 years ago
I predict windmills, biofuels, and amoeba farts.
Habogee over 12 years ago
Don’t blame him. That’s just how the world looks from inside the republibubble.
pdchapin over 12 years ago
Cars need strength and rigidity to absorb the beating they take on the roads. Planes need to be light which means minimizing structural reinforcement. You can make a flying car, but it wouldn’t be good at either job.
Potrzebie over 12 years ago
Robot slaves will do away with the middle-class since all the jobs will be consumed by them. The new poor-class will help the robots revolt and then step in to fill the void after the robot masters and their creations are mutually destroyed. Robots will then be relegated to household servant status then.
Linguist over 12 years ago
I am peering into my crystal ball and envisioning not flying cars but automatic ones. The engineering is already being developed to such an extent that cars can park themselves, alert the driver to danger etc. It won’t be long before J.Q. Citizen gets in is vehicle, programs his destination, punches in auto-pilot, sits back and lets his vehicle do the work and get him there safely.
fritzoid Premium Member over 12 years ago
Before we have flying cars we’ll have driverless cars. You plug in your destination, and it’ll take you there, calculating routes and speeds and distances from other cars (and pedestrians, and trees, and…), and you can text and talk on your phone to your heart’s delight.
My understanding is that these are already in the pipeline.
Defective over 12 years ago
Don’t need flying cars if we have teleportation! Did she not listen at all? Did anyone actually read today’s strip? Cars will be obsolete. End.
route66paul over 12 years ago
Smart bombs are better! How many people can you kill with one flying car? As long as the government is in control of the research money…………
Linguist over 12 years ago
Oh, you are so right. I’ve worked with some of those. In the hospitality/travel industry we say that these people shouldn’t even go to their mailbox.
Darsan54 Premium Member over 12 years ago
Not cars !! Jet Packs !!!
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
Jeffery hasn’t noticed the large number in our populace with their “brain plugs” already plugged into “talk radio” which is the outlet for certain other “commentator” folks plugs are connected where “flush” is appropriate??
Varnes over 12 years ago
“♫ ♪ Want a plane that loopss-de-loop…” “Me I want a Hula Hoop!”. ♪ ♪ ♫ “We can hardly stand to wait, ♫ ♫ please Christmas don’t be late….♪♫♫ ♪.” Anyone need an ear worm? You’re welcome……
Nebulous Premium Member over 12 years ago
The will never be transporters like Star Trek. Why? =====But that’s just it. They won’t be able to figure out the transporter.I won’t have to trust them, THEY’LL have to trust … ME. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!!
smadanek over 12 years ago
Don’t they have flying cars at Area 51?
fritzoid Premium Member over 12 years ago
My aunt said that many years ago when she first tried to read “Brave New World” she gave it up after a few pages. She thought Huxley lost all his predictive credibility when he had these futuristic scientists taking notes with pencils on paper…
pcolli over 12 years ago
The “Transporter” is a waste of energy. All we need to do is to make distance irrelevant (by putting it both sides of the equation) to have one side of a door in our living rooms and the other side wherever we want to be.
llong65 over 12 years ago
didn’t Ron White write a song about flying cars.???
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
Well said!
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
Everybody check out today’s “Off the Mark”!
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
Gotta disagree.Roddenberry and his writers were just telling stories. But the people who watched them asked the question, “Why not?”And along came cell phones, computers, etc. But no flying cars.
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
There will never be flying cars.The insurance companies won’t allow it.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Young Jeffery hasn’t learned Asimov’s Laws of Robotics.
K M over 12 years ago
No? What about shuttlecraft?
jadeannrood over 12 years ago
So funny wiley! Thank you!
unidyne over 12 years ago
Heck, 50 years ago the Rolling Stones were playing their first gig ever.
fritzoid Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Huxley did regret not putting in nuclear reactors into ‘Brave New World.’”
Gotta love those Huxleys. Aldous’s grandfather Thomas Huxley’s response on reading Darwin’s work on natural selection was “How extremely stupid not to have thought of that [myself]!”
tigre1 over 12 years ago
I’ve SEEN examples of flying cars. There used to be one on the old highway…before the freeway…south of Eureka, CA.
Recognized it from old Mechanics’ Illustrated. That was a hard-copy magazine, of pulp paper then, I think. Yes, they had photos then.
JP Steve Premium Member over 12 years ago
And way back in 1949 we had…stuff like this
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
Oh. Forgot about those twits. … on the other hand….. if we had our own personal teleporter, strapped to our wrist? .Still want my flying car. And don’t forget the flying bicycle and the hover skateboard and Rosie our robot maid. Really need the robot maid.
evancp8 over 12 years ago
Ok, you know what makes me sad? NO ONE got the Firefly reference!