Now, what I was going to say – Mornin’ Vista Bill, margueritem, Tarry, etc.!I’m betting Themesong is going to make a complaint about Phishface’s dummy site ripping off her fans. Wonder if they’ll get help from a cybercrime specialist. Love it!
Themesong appears to have something to say; but I’m still not sure what it is. Why is Shoulders being introduced into this storyline? Will he turn out to be somehow connected to the Phishface phishing scam?
At this point in the current team’s tenure w/ the excessive cameos & character drop-in’s (Frizzletop anyone?), I wonder if it was in Joe Staton’s contract to draw EVERY Gould character? Or if it’s a Tribune stipulation to keep all the strip’s “properties” in the public eye following the Beatty legal battle?
Lest I be pegged as troll and/or hater—I am digging the Phishface character & enjoy the more contemporary computer crime angle. Good stuff there!
Shoulders is not only merely dead, he is most sincerely dead. He will not be playing any part in the current storyline. His reference only provides some back story on Themesong for those who do not remember the duo.
is it just ME or does themesong in this strip look COMPLETELY different from teh one that appeared in teh strip with honeymoon and aster? she looks like a “little person” here and in the other she looked like Jem and the Hologram’s missing member. By the way… #19 today! stilldaman, not only are you top FIVE but youre top THREE!! quite a feat! congrats! lol!
Yeah I think you could call the monitor “artistic license.” as a longtime fan, I don’t have a problem with it at all. It wouldn’t directly benefit the new team or the syndicate but I wonder if the current strip and all of the cameos/resurrections have helped the sales of the Tracy books.
For those who may not know the story – Shoulders was killed in his second encounter with Dick Tracy. He was standing at the top of a ladder in the home of Miss Varnish (an antiques dealer who restored funiture) trying to retrieve a gun, and Tracy ordered him down off the ladder. When Shoulders did not move, Tracy kicked the ladder out from under him just as he pulled the gun, and he shot himself in the head.
Themesong has been stunted in her growth? She appears to be twelve, which dosn’t make sense, even in comic strip,time! Make her look almost twentysomething!
MoonlitKnight Premium Member over 12 years ago
Top ten at least. Morning everyone.
MoonlitKnight Premium Member over 12 years ago
Tracy’s still wrapped up. Wonder when it’ll occur to ‘em to check out Fritz’s work on his shoulder.
David53 over 12 years ago
The huge variety of story lines is great! I like it.
marmar4 over 12 years ago
Who’z on the tube?
mrbribery over 12 years ago
voice-activated video cam?
SCOTTtheBADGER over 12 years ago
Liz is a hottie with the new hairstyle! Themesong grew up to be a cutie, too.
Morrow Cummings over 12 years ago
In Lizz’ off-time, she is a pole dancer. (not Polish folk dancing, Nancy!)
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
Any way we can kill this video of yours?If you don’t like the story, fine, but please, spare the rest of us, huh?
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
Now, what I was going to say – Mornin’ Vista Bill, margueritem, Tarry, etc.!I’m betting Themesong is going to make a complaint about Phishface’s dummy site ripping off her fans. Wonder if they’ll get help from a cybercrime specialist. Love it!
johnrussco over 12 years ago
she’s cute too
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Themesong appears to have something to say; but I’m still not sure what it is. Why is Shoulders being introduced into this storyline? Will he turn out to be somehow connected to the Phishface phishing scam?
tconstantine900 over 12 years ago
At this point in the current team’s tenure w/ the excessive cameos & character drop-in’s (Frizzletop anyone?), I wonder if it was in Joe Staton’s contract to draw EVERY Gould character? Or if it’s a Tribune stipulation to keep all the strip’s “properties” in the public eye following the Beatty legal battle?
Lest I be pegged as troll and/or hater—I am digging the Phishface character & enjoy the more contemporary computer crime angle. Good stuff there!
Happy long holiday weekend all!
PSTone over 12 years ago
tsull2121 over 12 years ago
is it just ME or does themesong in this strip look COMPLETELY different from teh one that appeared in teh strip with honeymoon and aster? she looks like a “little person” here and in the other she looked like Jem and the Hologram’s missing member. By the way… #19 today! stilldaman, not only are you top FIVE but youre top THREE!! quite a feat! congrats! lol!
tsull2121 over 12 years ago
moonlitknight, congrats on being number one ;)
Mdstudio over 12 years ago
Yeah I think you could call the monitor “artistic license.” as a longtime fan, I don’t have a problem with it at all. It wouldn’t directly benefit the new team or the syndicate but I wonder if the current strip and all of the cameos/resurrections have helped the sales of the Tracy books.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 12 years ago
Good morning fellow DT fans…
Ken in Ohio over 12 years ago
For those who may not know the story – Shoulders was killed in his second encounter with Dick Tracy. He was standing at the top of a ladder in the home of Miss Varnish (an antiques dealer who restored funiture) trying to retrieve a gun, and Tracy ordered him down off the ladder. When Shoulders did not move, Tracy kicked the ladder out from under him just as he pulled the gun, and he shot himself in the head.
FFosdick over 12 years ago
Ya know, I like the pacing in this strip now. i remember when Tracy was in that granery with Dr. Mordred for two and a half months.
Ashmael over 12 years ago
Themesong has been stunted in her growth? She appears to be twelve, which dosn’t make sense, even in comic strip,time! Make her look almost twentysomething!
Ashmael over 12 years ago
I meant at least twentisomething! Is poor Pat the only person who ages? Are a sign that the Authors plan to pension him?
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
I guess you haven’t notice that Themesong bares an almost striking likeness to “Melody”, the air-headed drummer of pop group Josie & The Pussycats.
hablano over 12 years ago
Phishface Kills the Aquarium Manager – with a cast of thousands.
comicnut4636 over 12 years ago
…And your post is not???
rdennetteiii over 12 years ago
Chuckie be a Huntard…bet he can’t wait to whack up on some Pandas…