Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 11, 2012
Kate: So in your report... Danae: Memoir Kate: Whatever... You claim to have thwarted and invasion of space monkeys? Danae: Yep! Kate: Ok, let's do a little fact-checking... First, there's no evidence that space monkeys exist... Danae: Well, duh... That's 'cuz I stopped their invasion. Since you don't see them around, it's proof that my story is factual. Kate: My brain just jack-knifed on your highway of logic. Danae: The fast lane of genius isn't for the meek, so keep up or get out.
The Old Wolf over 12 years ago
Is one of those space monkeys called Xenu?
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
That would be SEMI logic.
Linguist over 12 years ago
My God ! She should get a job at Faux Noise !( Actually, Danae’s a lot brighter than the talking heads at Fox. )
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
I’ve kept the flying elephants from trampling my house for years, too. I’m no Dumbo.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
All those thanking her yesterday may now repeat the process. Great forward thinking!!!
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Genius, no ingenious, yes.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story ! That’s always been my motto.
oldpine52 over 12 years ago
She has a bright future ahead of her as a politician.
Downundergirl over 12 years ago
I love that girl!
The Nihilist over 12 years ago
Danae has been listening to Captain Eddy
Can't Sleep over 12 years ago
I see a nomination for vice-president in that girl’s future…
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
President Bubba served from 1993-2000..I still don’t see the big deal abotu Mitt’s tax returns. Nobody has evidence that he failed to file the tax returns he was required to file, or that the IRS failed to catch something fishy in any returns he’s not required to file. The IRS is especially scrutinous over business income, since that’s where a lot o fthe money is.
rogue53 over 12 years ago
Seriously people? More politics here? How about just a little humor. Save it for the political blogs, ok? Some of the comments here are funny, but some of you are ruining the humor of this comic. Give it a rest.
38lowell over 12 years ago
Instead of Flint giving a mil for Mitt’s tax records, he should be
giving the same for BO’s school records and birth certs!
Savvo over 12 years ago
Love that girl! In the real world, she would go far!
psychlady over 12 years ago
Danae is ready for the political scene! Smarter than most people in office already!
roctor over 12 years ago
Thanks all for yesterdays help.Laugh today for those who can’t.
I'll fly away over 12 years ago
She could be a professor at Berkley, Yale or another of our leftist universities as a history revisionist.
puddleglum1066 over 12 years ago
“Mitt” is actually his middle name. His first name is “Willard,” which in the US is associated with either a cuddly (but ancient) TV weather guy or a movie character who was on a first-name basis with rats. You can sorta see why he chooses to go by his middle name…
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I don’t think I can handle the truth. If the truth is out there, let it stay out there.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Yet another reason why you’ll always stay on Santa’s “Naughty List” Danae.
Beleck3 over 12 years ago
Danae is the height of political, lol. without Danae type thinking, the Republicans would be humans.
in the fast lane of genius. sounds like a Republican meme.Wiley hits gold once again.
ah Danae, the leader of teh Faith Based Republican mythology. stops a space monkey invasion!. gosh how much more Republican can you get. Forrest Gump type thinking. dumb and dumber to infinity
Beleck3 over 12 years ago
Jack knifed on the road. such imagery. Wiley is awesome
StCleve72 over 12 years ago
Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!
wdgnas over 12 years ago
the absence of evidence does not mean there is an evidence of absence.
lcdrlar over 12 years ago
Or Obama’s college transcrips.
Ernest Lemmingway over 12 years ago
@EveryonePolitics? Or polemics? The two seem to be synonymous since the beginning.
.Danae, some people can spin a good yarn. Then there’s you. At least Cap’n Eddie is entertaining in his stories.
bagbalm over 12 years ago
We saved or created 400,000 space monkeys. And I challenge you to prove otherwise.
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
rugeirn over 12 years ago
Substitute “voter fraud” for “flying monkeys” in this strip and you get a very appropriate observation.
rugeirn over 12 years ago
@dukedogLet’s see, you guys call redheads “Blue” and people named Sharon become “Shaz” and you have a problem with “Mitt” for Milton? (His father’s cousin was Milton Romney, known as “Mitt.” Romney’s actual full name is Willard Mitt Romney.
Linguist over 12 years ago
The brilliance of art ( of any kind ) is that the reader, viewer or listener can interpret it any way they choose. Today’s strip is a perfect example of the commentators choosing to read into it whatever they choose. I am fairly certain, that Wiley had no overt political agenda in drawing it, but the genius of his subtle humor is, that it allows us to laugh at the characters, and ourselves, and infer whatever we like. Keep up the great work, Wiley !
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
morosemoose said, With Romney, it is the fact that every presidential candidate since 1968, starting with Romney’s father, has released their returns.
And Mitt released just as many as Obama, Bush, and Clinton. Whats the problem?
alan.gurka over 12 years ago
The opening for political discussion is clearly in the 2nd panel, where she mentions “fact-checking.” Obviously a lead-in for political analyses and diatribes—all Wiley’s fault!!!
Varnes over 12 years ago
Kate must be sleepy or something, she’s usually quicker than this…..Ya gotta bring your A game if you’re going to go up against Danea…..
TheAuldWan over 12 years ago
Danae’s sheer “jeanyus” amazes me!
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
“The fast lane of genius isn’t for the meek, so keep up or get out.” Wow! That belongs on a T-shirt, Wiley.
Wiley creator over 12 years ago
For those of you who insist on making political comments here, somehow believing that anyone cares what you think, may I suggest…
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Should those of us who insist on replying be silent as well? Sorry, public forums bring us out. Yeah, we are likely talking to ether walls.
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
In so many ways; a world needing more people in the fast lane, finds most on the off ramp to “Monkeyville”. Most jack-knifed trucks are the result of some simple-minded moron pulling in front of them and hitting their brakes, btw.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Oh, and it also has nothing to do with your storyline. this time. : )
corjo2 over 12 years ago
Think of it as a variation of “Matt”. He probably prefers it to “Willard”.
Varnes over 12 years ago
Speaking of Buzz Aldrin, I’ve always thought the he should get the ultimate “Been There Done That!” award….Think about it. Neil baby was the first man to walk on the moon, but ol’ Buzz was the first man to leave the moon! Hey, a first is a first…
Speaking of the moon, there are too many commentators named Alice today….
dabugger over 12 years ago
Poor Kate, she seems not to realize that not everybody—in fact —very few persons use logic. Such as a sister who is engaging in bul…..
pcolli over 12 years ago
What about “Chips” Rafferty? That’s a strange name too.
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
Poli-Sci for Danae.
AKHenderson Premium Member over 12 years ago
Comparing Danae to any political group is idiotic. Why? The operative word is “group.” People involved weith political groups are social beings. Danae’s antisocial behavior bears little resemblance to even the worst of our politicians. She is (intentionally or not) a parody of third-world dictators. .Although dictators (and scarcely anyone else) shares her fetish for inventing weird ideas/stories and weirder twists of logic to “support” them just for the sake of bullying others. Ideology is what motivates almost all logic-twisting. Danae isn’t an ideologue. Just an industrial-strength conceit. Fortunately her lack of social skills prevents her from becoming a cult leader..Is Danae the anti-Ekert?
roctor over 12 years ago
Did someone say frying monkey?
stanwal over 12 years ago
Your way late, we already had a president “Bubba”; Bill Clinton, whom I voted for twice.
Varnes over 12 years ago
Wiley, just got around to watching that You Tube thing..Ha! Nice….So Danae really is your alter ego! I knew it.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
I prefer “They’re coming to take me away, haha.”
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
Is this where we just put pedal to metal and floor it? Just grab that highway run over any and all naysayers?…… That could be fun….. yeah.
RetroJenny over 12 years ago
Danae will be a perfect CEO.
steelersneo about 12 years ago
This must be the same logic that says that man evolved from monkeys even though monkeys still exist.