Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 12, 2012
Kate: Danae... You can't just make up stuff and call it a memoir. Danae: But it's the way I remember things... sort of... Kate; Well, in the publishing world, they have another term for this sort of thing... Danae, oh... Best-selling memoir? Kate: I was thinking fiction, but now that you mention it...
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
Death by Oprah is the current terminology.
mrbribery over 12 years ago
if Chuck Barris can do it, so can Danae…
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
Someone needs to vett your manuscript, Danae.
alcors3 over 12 years ago
Audacity of Danae
psychlady over 12 years ago
Knowing Danae, I think everyone will figure it out.
roctor over 12 years ago
Zen and the art of summer vacation.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Who tracks all these book sales?
lcdrlar over 12 years ago
Because most people are clueless, unless it is reported by main stream media. And we ALL know how impartial THEY are.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Aren’t most memoirs fiction ?
dabugger over 12 years ago
Yes, of course, into the world of fantasy!
Cofyjunky over 12 years ago
LOL! Kate certainly isn’t off on that. But, yah, Oprah would’ve raked Danae over the coals. She certainly would Jeff of Doonesbury. (Red Rascal)
TexTech over 12 years ago
I once read an autobiography of Julius “Groucho” Marx. He made very clear in the introduction that since he was writing it, things happened the way he said they did becaushe that is how he remembered them.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
It’s all fiction, people!
puddleglum1066 over 12 years ago
hippogriff over 12 years ago
Nightshade: And most of those will be returned unsold after the fad is over or put in the remainders dump – or sold to mail order places like Amazon or actual used book stores like Half Price Books. Authors do not get royalties on these. (former bookstore owner – back in the days of free enterprise before the capitalists controlled all communication.)
Linguist over 12 years ago
Anyone remember Konrad Kujau and " The Hitler Diaries" ? That was an international scandal when it was discovered they were clever forgeries.Or what about Clifford Irving’s " Autobiography of Howard Hughes " ? Irvin confessed he’d never, ever, even met Hughes !Danae’s got a bright future ahead.
Neat '33 over 12 years ago
Methinks that SOME DAY like Ralph always threatened Alice in the ol’ Honeymooners show, Danae is gonna be sent to the moon via some kind of uppercut !
joe vignone over 12 years ago
Wow, does this mean than Ryan can run a marathon in under 3 hours? Or balance the federal budget with a tax cut to the rich?
Varnes over 12 years ago
I’d like to compliment most of the posters, it really is best to ignore ignorance..
Ignorance is the enemy,And it wields a mighty sword.It can cut you down in a blaze of glory,Or nail you to a board……..Rodney Crowell
TMO1 Premium Member over 12 years ago
If Oprah were half as clever as she thinks she is, she never would have been fooled by “A Million Little Pieces.” I read an excerpt of it, and it was pretty obvious the writer was either lying or exaggerating like crazy.
Hunter7 over 12 years ago
Like it. Just title the book “My Memoirs – The Way I Remembered How Things Really Happened” A little long, but should take care of most fact finders.