I’d definitely vote for the candidate who wants to prohibit campaign signs within the right-of-way. (Public speech, my a**. The courts have upheld “time, place, and manner” restrictions on signage as long as it advances a public purpose. As long as you don’t restrict content, you can say that nobody other than the government authority is allowed to post signs in the public right-of-way, period. The only signs in the ROW should be those which deal with public safety, rules of the road, parking regulations, etc. The plethora of campaign signs in the ROW are not only unsightly, but they’re potentially dangerous – they’re distracting and make it more difficult to see and/or process the actual street signs.)
dph28 over 12 years ago
yes! I am.
kenneth6 over 12 years ago
Well, now I am.
finale over 12 years ago
Whatever it is; I’m against it!
PICTO over 12 years ago
I’m voting for the candidate who wants to limit how close you can come to the sidewalk with no shirt on.
fishbulb239 over 12 years ago
I’d definitely vote for the candidate who wants to prohibit campaign signs within the right-of-way. (Public speech, my a**. The courts have upheld “time, place, and manner” restrictions on signage as long as it advances a public purpose. As long as you don’t restrict content, you can say that nobody other than the government authority is allowed to post signs in the public right-of-way, period. The only signs in the ROW should be those which deal with public safety, rules of the road, parking regulations, etc. The plethora of campaign signs in the ROW are not only unsightly, but they’re potentially dangerous – they’re distracting and make it more difficult to see and/or process the actual street signs.)