When my niece was about 3, I grew a mustache and beard for the first time as a No Shave November thing with a friend who had cancer (he’s cured, thank goodness). I had just enough of a round face that I slightly resembled some of the Santa’s you see in movies. We went to my brother’s for Thanksgiving (it was the first time most of my family saw my facial hair), and my daughter told my niece that I was Santa Claus. The look on her face was priceless.
I sense genuine fear in Alice’s voice, that a first hand witness to all her tantrums is reporting to Santa. I’d keep that in my back pocket if I were you, Dill.
When I was in first grade i was already nutty about horses. There was one kid in my class who was a real wise-acre. My family was fairly serious so I believed everything people said. One day this w-a kid told me he had his own pony that he kept in his garage. I was dubious but went over to his house to see. He of course had a huge laugh out of it. I was more disappointed at no horse than I was upset about the, um, horse-laugh, if you will.
C 12 days ago
Better be good or Santa will hear about it
mccollunsky 12 days ago
He’s helping Santa keep tabs on his brothers.
Izzy Moreno 12 days ago
You have to know the right people.
The Duke 12 days ago
Let’s see his work permit!
johndifool 12 days ago
Santos L. Halper.
markkahler52 12 days ago
That’s the ticket!!
Huckleberry Hiroshima 12 days ago
Some weirdos are cute.
rhpii 11 days ago
Why did poking with a broom handle come to mind?
uniquename 11 days ago
When my niece was about 3, I grew a mustache and beard for the first time as a No Shave November thing with a friend who had cancer (he’s cured, thank goodness). I had just enough of a round face that I slightly resembled some of the Santa’s you see in movies. We went to my brother’s for Thanksgiving (it was the first time most of my family saw my facial hair), and my daughter told my niece that I was Santa Claus. The look on her face was priceless.
timinwsac Premium Member 11 days ago
And in a few months he’ll be the Easter bunny’s little helper.
bobtoledo Premium Member 11 days ago
Anger to amazement to full buy-in. This girls mind changes instantly.
bobbyferrel 11 days ago
Not an elf on a shelf. It’s a snot in a slot.
Publius10608218 11 days ago
I believe it is a self appointed role
6turtle9 11 days ago
I sense genuine fear in Alice’s voice, that a first hand witness to all her tantrums is reporting to Santa. I’d keep that in my back pocket if I were you, Dill.
dogday Premium Member 10 days ago
When I was in first grade i was already nutty about horses. There was one kid in my class who was a real wise-acre. My family was fairly serious so I believed everything people said. One day this w-a kid told me he had his own pony that he kept in his garage. I was dubious but went over to his house to see. He of course had a huge laugh out of it. I was more disappointed at no horse than I was upset about the, um, horse-laugh, if you will.