Endtown by Aaron Neathery for September 05, 2022

  1. Tamandua walkies
    crookedwolf Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Cracked Cat, or Carbon Copy..?

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    Diat60  over 2 years ago

    Wally!!!! At last!!!!

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    Vet Premium Member over 2 years ago

    What I find disturbing is Marx’s comment that he’s tried to stop Duffy before and it always end the same. This suggests the realities are caught in a continuous loop. A broken record so to say stuck on repeat.Even finding Wally may not stop what is happening. It just returns to square one and repeats. Marx even says…there are some things that can’t be altered. Terrence still hasn’t said much….after all his studying back at the lab maybe he might see a solution…….

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    Robert Nowall Premium Member over 2 years ago

    That must be Duffy’s brother, shooting out of that chimney.

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 2 years ago

    And where oh where is the anti-Molly (or maybe the ante-Molly)? She’s a mouse with an explosive sense of humor…

    And she really loves to BANG! Cracked Cat! 8^)

    I do wonder how Marx is going to pull off a character swap here. Catch Cracked Cat when he has been knocked out by a blast? It will probably be entertaining,,, or grim.

    The brother that Duffy is looking for is not here. The character he finds already has a brother here, so why should he leave with our Duffy? Someone’s heart will break…

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Is that a doghouse in Cracked Cat’s back yard?

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    Baslim the Beggar Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Since I couldn’t remember Amesworth’s name, I “time traveled” back two years… and that was when all heck broke out in the Pharos…

    4 years ago, the story cycle of the cannibals ended.

    6 years ago Wally had forced the computer of the Edmund Fitzgerald to reveal itself.

    8 years ago, Sarah had just betrayed Jim

    10 years ago, Flask was telling Marx about her falling in love…

    12 years ago, Al was waking up in the detention center in Endtown, after the trip with Gustine…

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  8. Idano
    Ida No  over 2 years ago

    Ok, we now know what “traveling parallel to time” means. Marx is reading the comic without turning the pages.

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    boydpercy Premium Member over 2 years ago

    It’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight!

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  10. Darkstripe headshot
    darkstripe  over 2 years ago

    Marx is stuck on repeat like a broken record? Just call him reMarx.

    I first encountered the Yiddish expression about cupping a corpse years ago, likely in one of Leo Rosten’s books. Strange to think that cupping had a bit of a moment not too long ago.

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  11. Gocomic 2c
    RickD Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I am very curious to see how Marx gets Cracky out of that reality (which is “frozen” from the Marx group’s perspective) and into their same relativity AND how he gets Wally into that body if Cracky is still in it. Same issue with Duffy and Skeeter. Skeeter will also be “frozen” to Duffy, and will not be the same person as Benny. Duffy will probably find Skeeter, and will also find Skeeter’s brother- Tuffy. I thought Duffy might see how happy they are together and leave them be. Except for the pending nova that will destroy them. I very interested to see how this will work out.

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  12. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 2 years ago

    In this world everything is actually frozen in time. Nothing is moving. We are just seeing things in a sort of a state of suspended animation.

    Marx and his crew are the only things that seem to be animated.

    I imagine you can just carry off one of the other characters as if they were mannequins. Remember that scene way back when things were ending on the side where the lizard lady and chic were still at home with a blade of grass? (sorry my memory and names)

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    Baarorso  over 2 years ago

    I was wondering how Marx was going to go about convincing Cracked Cat to take Wally’s place in the group (zany devil-may-care cartoon character as opposed to Wally’s world-weary saltiness) but today it occurred to me that he may not have to. Marx will simply use his power to transfer Wally’s essence (which he has in a totchke he carries with him) into Cracked Cat’s body. What say you guys about this?

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    Cheapskate0  over 2 years ago

    Okay. Now, someone explain the toothbrushes in the lighthouse!

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    CelticKnot33  over 2 years ago

    It’s always weird to see Yiddish written in the Latin alphabet. I know it’s been standard practice for years in some media, but still.

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  16. Wolf
    Mediatech  over 2 years ago

    Interviewer: “How did you leave your job at the fireworks factory?” Applicant: “Through the roof.”

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    KenDHoward1  over 2 years ago

    I watched Tim Burton’s “Planet of the Apes” with Mark Wahlberg. I know it was panned, despite the awesome makeup, and the action, but, the point I wanted to make is that in the film, the time-traveling space man, Capt. Leo Davidson, had, after some considerable effort, managed to create in the future Earth of Apes and Man a paradox. The war was fought, and both sides came to an understanding, and peace would reign. After all that, Davidson decides to travel back to his own time, back through the vortex, and landing back on Earth, but not his earth. He screwed it up. He should have stayed in the future Earth realm in the budding peace that he had helped bring about, but, NO! He goes back, only to find that his worst enemy from the future is memorialized as the Abraham Lincoln of an Earth under intelligent Ape kind.

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    GravShire  over 2 years ago

    I always thought that Endtown’s dimensional heterodyning via “weird bombs” needed explaining. “Let’s use a cross-dimensional explosion to open a portal to the inside of a pants-full of exploding cartoon dynamite, and call it a warhead.” was not something that I had expected back then.

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  19. Stressedout
    Erwin Schwartz  over 2 years ago

    I don’t know if any comment was made about Aaron and Fiancé testing positive for Covid. They are positive, I do not know if it will delay the next post from him.

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  20. Idano
    Ida No  over 2 years ago

    Yeah, just got a short “status report” from Aaron. He says he’s still working on the strip, and the symptoms are “cold like,” but it is slowing him down.

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  21. Bits2
    Diat60  over 2 years ago

    Any news? Three weeks now.

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