My cats do both. We get these huge, flying roaches called Palmetto Bugs down here in South Florida. Every now and then one makes it inside the house and my cats have a fun time batting it around to each other like a soccer ball, they like to put it in their mouths and toss it, then eventually they get around to eating it or killing it (sometimes they don’t eat it). As far as cat food is concerned, they devour that on site!
A funny observation, but its could have been set up better by better writing. The second question could have read: “Or is their food what they play with?” which sets up the gag more efficiently.
A woman I know has a cat who is frequently at the vet becsaue of eating string and yarn. I suspect vet’s offices have a lot of cats who have “eaten what they play with.”
cholomanaba almost 6 years ago
well, well, there is something to think about…. mmmmhh….
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 6 years ago
This would seem to be a false dilemma.
sandpiper almost 6 years ago
As if the kid hasn’t enough to worry about
M2MM almost 6 years ago
Cats are goofy creatures. :)
rekam Premium Member almost 6 years ago
Our cat loved to play with a large, empty thread spool.
whahoppened almost 6 years ago
If you don’t smell/look like a rodent, you’re safe
asrialfeeple almost 6 years ago
Cats think it’s very unwise to eat the person who feeds you.
Doctor Toon almost 6 years ago
One of our cats sings when she plays with milk jug rings
It’s a very unique cry, she’s having fun but it sounds like she’s in pain
jpayne4040 almost 6 years ago
Way to make her feel better, Frazz!
rugeirn almost 6 years ago
Actually, you don’t have to worry about your cats or dogs eating you until you’ve been dead and no one’s found you for about 24 hours.
Teto85 Premium Member almost 6 years ago
The only difference between your cat and a tiger is a few hundred pounds.
ktrabbit33 almost 6 years ago
Bread bag closure tabs. When we got a new fridge and moved the old one, we found over 100 of the things underneath!
Nicole ♫ ⊱✿ ◕‿◕✿⊰♫ Premium Member almost 6 years ago
My cats do both. We get these huge, flying roaches called Palmetto Bugs down here in South Florida. Every now and then one makes it inside the house and my cats have a fun time batting it around to each other like a soccer ball, they like to put it in their mouths and toss it, then eventually they get around to eating it or killing it (sometimes they don’t eat it). As far as cat food is concerned, they devour that on site!
bobdingus almost 6 years ago
Feral cats DO NOT play with their food, because they had a mother who showed them how to kill it instantly so it doesn’t escape.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 6 years ago
A funny observation, but its could have been set up better by better writing. The second question could have read: “Or is their food what they play with?” which sets up the gag more efficiently.
whelan_jj almost 6 years ago
A woman I know has a cat who is frequently at the vet becsaue of eating string and yarn. I suspect vet’s offices have a lot of cats who have “eaten what they play with.”
Concretionist almost 6 years ago
Huh. My cat has never had a milk jug ring to play with. She does like those thick rubber-bands that you get around produce though.
Warhaft almost 6 years ago
Very true, that.
cabalonrye almost 6 years ago
Cats only seem to play with their food. They are in fact knocking it around to stun it, that’s the best way not to get hurt.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
PostsFrazz12 hrs ·
Whatever the order of priority — play, devour, devour, play — it’s pretty clear that the two are intertwined.
At least, I’m sure enough that the logo on Frazz’s t-shirt is for a food company called Skratch.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 6 years ago
For animals it is a question of survival. When they play they are preparing to take down prey. And they must keep in shape.