Frazz by Jef Mallett for May 11, 2019

  1. Missing large
    asrialfeeple  over 5 years ago

    At least he won’t get wet socks.

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  2. Grandpa hef
    Jeff0811  over 5 years ago

    Of course there’s a lot to be said for the ‘Watch sports on TV while eating chips and drinking juice’ (on a diet) mindset.

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  3. Swallowed a hockey stick
    Ceeg22 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    At least it’s not snow

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    Geophyzz  over 5 years ago

    But in the summer, a ride in the rain is pure joy.

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  5. Ted4th
    seismic-2 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    And of course running indoors on a treadmill won’t do, because it doesn’t give you enough of a feeling of superiority to everyone else.

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    cervelo  over 5 years ago

    There are no contradictions here. I own a pro-tour bicycle, a television and a sofa.

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  7. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  over 5 years ago

    At my age, rain would just get me wet and maybe bring on a cold, but running would kill me. I’ll take the sofa, the coffee, and a good book. The TV would just have to fend for itself.

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    Richard S Russell Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Man, what does Frazz use to spike his hair so that it doesn’t get all matted down in the rain?

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  9. Ultaman les paul
    jvn  over 5 years ago

    So, what kind of “massage” are we talking here? No matter what kind, I’m sure it’ll have a happier ending than running in the cold rain.

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    mauser7  over 5 years ago

    Or you could join a gym, and avoid hyperthermia and pneumonia.

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  11. Bluedog
    Bilan  over 5 years ago

    The advantage of bicycling in the rain is better wipeouts.

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  12. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 5 years ago

    Hot Jacuzzi time.

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  13. Tumblr mbbz3vrusj1qdlmheo1 250
    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  over 5 years ago

    Blog PostsFrazz20 hrs ·

    Expensive endurance sports are great for the character, saving us all from a life of iniquity and depravity. Even if that life is only in our imaginations, and only to rationalize the purchase of toys.

    “Well,” we say as we fondle a new pair of shoes, “they’re about the same as a night at the bar, and I’m not doing that.” Of course, we go to bed at 8 and have no more idea how much a night at the bar costs than Rain Man had of how much a Hershey bar or a car cost. “Well,” we say as we throw a new tire next to the cash register, “that’s about as much as a carton of Marlboros,” as if we had ever been the slightest bit tempted to touch one cigarette, let alone price out a carton. “Well,” we say as we consider a destination race we figure must cost as much as an evening in a minor-league brothel on the outskirts of Winnemucca … actually, I don’t know anyone who’s proffered that equivalence, so I must be the first. How embarrassing.

    That’s all. Move along. Nothing to see here.

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