My parents grew up in a very small town in northern Michigan during the 1920’s and 30’s. The main road through town was flat in the central half dozen or so blocks, but went sharply up 50 feet or so at each end. Every Thursday in the winter time the fire department would hose down the street from the top of the south hill to the top of the north hill. Every Saturday, the whole town turned out to go sledding on the ice. One person sleds didn’t get very far, but eight person sleighs could go all the way to the top of the north hill.
I’ve never lived where putting water on snow causes anything but (muddy) water. But I’ve heard it can be a lot of fun, given sufficient clothing and equipment.
If there is fresh snow, I’m not sure what Frazz is going to do with the water? I don’t think he could carry enough (especially uphill) to throw on a sledding run to make much difference.
Rhetorical_Question about 11 hours ago
Frazz! Be responsible!
GreasyOldTam about 10 hours ago
My parents grew up in a very small town in northern Michigan during the 1920’s and 30’s. The main road through town was flat in the central half dozen or so blocks, but went sharply up 50 feet or so at each end. Every Thursday in the winter time the fire department would hose down the street from the top of the south hill to the top of the north hill. Every Saturday, the whole town turned out to go sledding on the ice. One person sleds didn’t get very far, but eight person sleighs could go all the way to the top of the north hill.
Concretionist about 10 hours ago
I’ve never lived where putting water on snow causes anything but (muddy) water. But I’ve heard it can be a lot of fun, given sufficient clothing and equipment.
Cactus-Pete about 9 hours ago
He’s almost always not-so-bright.
sandpiper about 4 hours ago
Should be an interesting arc. Might bring in some other characters.
fuzzbucket Premium Member about 4 hours ago
It’s -3f here this morning, so that would freeze quickly.
jessegooddoggy about 4 hours ago
Sun/snowglasses desperately needed.
goboboyd about 3 hours ago
The sledding scene in Christmas Vacation comes to mind.
BJDucer about 3 hours ago
If there is fresh snow, I’m not sure what Frazz is going to do with the water? I don’t think he could carry enough (especially uphill) to throw on a sledding run to make much difference.
sundogusa about 3 hours ago
Absolutely a bad influence! I like that guy!!
DaBump Premium Member about 1 hour ago
Some of the things that are the most fun aren’t so bright, but if you get away with it, it’s a moot point.